How to pump without Petechiae?


Superior Member
Jan 7, 2012
California City, CA, USA
100% Straight, 0% Gay
hey all any tips on pumping and NOT getting tiny blood splotches? i have pale sensitive skin so it happens pretty easy for me.

but it seems that if i prep and warm up with some jelquing its not so bad.

do hot showers help? anything else i can do? thanks!
Water pumping solves the vast majority of skin damage, bruising and petechiae. Dry pumping can cause cell apoptosis which can manifest itself in all sorts of ways.

Yes water pumping is a little weird… you sort of lose a mind connection to the penis since the water insulates and provides counter pressure.

BUT… cell apoptosis ceases immediately with water pumping and higher pressures can be used more safely… not a crap ton of more pressure but you can crank it up a little, like maybe 25% more pressure.

Visual feedback is also curtailed and you have to stand up to let the water recede from the penis to actually see where you are at as far as packing the tube.

Oh and water pumping only works while seated or lying down which sort of sucks for those who like to walk around the house and pump.

You’ll also need a fluid reservoir and another tube… all of that comes with the Mity Vac deluxe kit but you can get them separately.

I’ve switched to 100% water pumping and I’m personally never going back to dry pumping.
Just don't pump too hard with too much pressure or you'll injure your penis, and it can be bad. Water pumping creates more damage than a lot of people know. Bathmates don't have pressure gauges. ALWAYS pump with a pressure gauge and be safe, not sorry!! Blisters are easier to get from water pumping too. I've pumped for years and years now and I've only air pumped and I never, ever get any adverse effects because I pump at lower pressures and I pace myself and try hard to be safe. Never a bruise, never a blister, never anything like that.

The red spots are avoidable, but honestly sometimes they appear even when I've warmed up very well. Warming up for at least 10 minutes helps a lot, and at least a couple hundred jelqs, light ones not death grip ones, help prevent the red spots too. Its edema you should worry about. Edema or a "donut" comes on more easily with water pumping so I've heard from countless men online over the last 10 years. Just go slow, low pressures to start with at the beginning of your pump routine, and you will reduce the spots. Be safe!
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Just don't pump too hard with too much pressure or you'll injure your penis, and it can be bad. Water pumping creates more damage than a lot of people know. Bathmates don't have pressure gauges. ALWAYS pump with a pressure gauge and be safe, not sorry!! Blisters are easier to get from water pumping too. I've pumped for years and years now and I've only air pumped and I never, ever get any adverse effects because I pump at lower pressures and I pace myself and try hard to be safe. Never a bruise, never a blister, never anything like that.

The red spots are avoidable, but honestly sometimes they appear even when I've warmed up very well. Warming up for at least 10 minutes helps a lot, and at least a couple hundred jelqs, light ones not death grip ones, help prevent the red spots too. Its edema you should worry about. Edema or a "donut" comes on more easily with water pumping so I've heard from countless men online over the last 10 years. Just go slow, low pressures to start with at the beginning of your pump routine, and you will reduce the spots. Be safe!
i agree. i've had that experience with bathmate too. i've also gotten them too with light pressure.

also, light pressure doesn't really feel like you're doing anything.

if you're white and have sensitive skin, it's hard and tricky to pull off.
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I pump between 3-4hg mostly and it really feels like something is happening. I go up to 5hg but only for pulse pumping or a few seconds, maybe up to 30 seconds but only if I've been pumping like 2 times a week at a minimum and for about a month. Anything over 5hg or up to 7hg especially and it feels like my cock is going to explode and something horrible is about to happen, so I stay below 5hg if I can help it!!

I swell up real good between 3-4hg. Anything under 3 and yes it feels like almost nothing and its hard to maintain a seal. White skin will show the red spots, but darker skin doesn't mean the spots aren't happening/capillaries aren't bursting, it still happens regardless of skin color. Just harder to see or notice. I get red spots sometimes within just one minute of my first 3 minute warm up at the beginning of a pump routine. Sometimes after a collective 30 minutes in the cylinder I get no spots at all. I think it mainly depends on hydration levels at the time of day the pumping occurs. That's just a guess I have nothing to back any of this up ;)
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I pump between 3-4hg mostly and it really feels like something is happening. I go up to 5hg but only for pulse pumping or a few seconds, maybe up to 30 seconds but only if I've been pumping like 2 times a week at a minimum and for about a month. Anything over 5hg or up to 7hg especially and it feels like my cock is going to explode and something horrible is about to happen, so I stay below 5hg if I can help it!!

I swell up real good between 3-4hg. Anything under 3 and yes it feels like almost nothing and its hard to maintain a seal. White skin will show the red spots, but darker skin doesn't mean the spots aren't happening/capillaries aren't bursting, it still happens regardless of skin color. Just harder to see or notice. I get red spots sometimes within just one minute of my first 3 minute warm up at the beginning of a pump routine. Sometimes after a collective 30 minutes in the cylinder I get no spots at all. I think it mainly depends on hydration levels at the time of day the pumping occurs. That's just a guess I have nothing to back any of this up ;)
well its very difficult for me. because i enjoy the process and i get huge.

but when i finish the red spots look like i have sores and to the unwitting eye bears explaining. if i have a date that night it can be precarious. i have to take a few days off for the spots to clear.

there's no point in having a huge cock if you have to explain red spots on it. you know?
When I was pumping for length in the early 80s, I warmed up with a warm, damp towel for 5 minutes, pumped with under 5 hg vacuum for 15 minutes, working up to 30+ minutes, jelqed with 25 jelqs, working up to 200+ jelqs, then vacuum pumped for 10-15 mins more. I learned the splotching and swelling of the foreskin occurred when I vacuum pumped at over 5hg vacuum.
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When I was pumping for length in the early 80s, I warmed up with a warm, damp towel for 5 minutes, pumped with under 5 hg vacuum for 15 minutes, working up to 30+ minutes, jelqed with 25 jelqs, working up to 200+ jelqs, then vacuum pumped for 10-15 mins more. I learned the splotching and swelling of the foreskin occurred when I vacuum pumped at over 5hg vacuum.
thanks. seems like some good ideas here. ill try this...
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