How would you feel if a guy locked eyes and winked at you in public?

Cos not every scenario has to be sexualised. For one, I just go about my business and don't bother us, and in kind don't expect to be bothered. Not every situation must have a sexual element to it, and it's intrusive on their part.
Never intrusive on anyone’s part.. if it’s just a wink as walk by then so be it.. but if does it several times he is trying to g to get your attention for that reason ..
Never intrusive on anyone’s part.. if it’s just a wink as walk by then so be it.. but if does it several times he is trying to g to get your attention for that reason ..
I would find it intrusive. I'm not out and about for sexual desire. Not every situation has to be sexualised. That's just me and my own view. and said person can realise, if he had a brain or any social sense about him, that others may not welcome his advances. It's the same if a man winked at a woman. A simple wink is intrusive, and i don't want it.
So you NEVER EVER approach anyone you may be interested in? If so, is that not intrusive? Why do you not leave them alone and mind your own business and let them go along with theirs
There is a time and place to approach people, but generally no, i do not. Your point makes no sense. I do leave people alone and let them do their business. You're the one justifying being intrusive, and not accounting for it. There are also good and bad ways to show interest in others., and some are more or less intrusive than others. Your point is jumbled. I'm stating my view, as to what works for me. I don't like people of any gender or sex winking at me in public. if others do, good for them, that's what works for them. it doesn't work for me. i don't go out in public to be sexualised or hit on.

It's a bit comical, since it seems you're nose is out of joint because somebody might not respond to your advances. SHOULD they respond?
There is a time and place to approach people, but generally no, i do not. Your point makes no sense. I do leave people alone and let them do their business. You're the one justifying being intrusive, and not accounting for it. There are also good and bad ways to show interest in others., and some are more or less intrusive than others. Your point is jumbled. I'm stating my view, as to what works for me. I don't like people of any gender or sex winking at me in public. if others do, good for them, that's what works for them. it doesn't work for me. i don't go out in public to be sexualised or hit on.

It's a bit comical, since it seems you're nose is out of joint because somebody might not respond to your advances. SHOULD they respond?
So you do at times. What makes you think that your timing and method is not intrusive to them, or that they want to be approached or that they like your particular approach and they do not find it intrusive?
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So you do at times. What makes you think that your timing and method is not intrusive to them, or that they want to be approached or that they like your particular approach and they do not find it intrusive?
You’re waffling. I’m genuinely amused my view triggers you. It’s humanity. People respond to stuff differently. People won’t respond to your behaviour necessarily in ways you want. Foresight isn’t offensive; it’s human. Intrusiveness does depend on context but don’t tell me something I already know. I personally would find it weird for a random man to wink at me. That’s just me but I don’t and won’t dictate how others do stuff.
You’re waffling. I’m genuinely amused my view triggers you. It’s humanity. People respond to stuff differently. People won’t respond to your behaviour necessarily in ways you want. Foresight isn’t offensive; it’s human. Intrusiveness does depend on context but don’t tell me something I already know. I personally would find it weird for a random man to wink at me. That’s just me but I don’t and won’t dictate how others do stuff.
Exactly. What waffling/triggering? People will respond as they do. Has nothing to do with anything else. Does not mean it is inappropriate to approach/take initiative. You are ridiculous.
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Exactly. What waffling/triggering? People will respond as they do. Has nothing to do with anything else. Does not mean it is inappropriate to approach/take initiative. You are ridiculous.
With respect, is English your first language? Since your points neither follow nor correspond with mine, or even with things you yourself stated.
Yes, I find winking intrusive. Not all cases of gaining attention from others are as equally intrusive. I usually go about my business without bothering others and I wouldn't welcome somebody I didn't know winking at me. that's just my own personal preference and it's baffling and comical why that bothers you. Aren't people entitled to preferences? Isn't human behaviour somewhat relative, based on our personalities, experiences, cultural upbringings, etc? It's further amusing that you are so uptight about this. But then I stand by my point - that if you wink at people, it might not be taken up in the best way. And? People are different.

Since you're waffling over, frankly, nothing and you are so uptight over a different view merely since it undermines what YOU think SHOULD be normal, then I'll leave you to it. Maybe one day, you'll learn to be an adult/man and be able to handle a different perspective. But you'll mostly likely twist this into being that I'm saying nobody should ever wink at others. Do as you please. As I will do as I please, and say it's not for me and blindly accepting it as a compliment is cringe. Fucking baby.
With respect, is English your first language? Since your points neither follow nor correspond with mine, or even with things you yourself stated.
Yes, I find winking intrusive. Not all cases of gaining attention from others are as equally intrusive. I usually go about my business without bothering others and I wouldn't welcome somebody I didn't know winking at me. that's just my own personal preference and it's baffling and comical why that bothers you. Aren't people entitled to preferences? Isn't human behaviour somewhat relative, based on our personalities, experiences, cultural upbringings, etc? It's further amusing that you are so uptight about this. But then I stand by my point - that if you wink at people, it might not be taken up in the best way. And? People are different.

Since you're waffling over, frankly, nothing and you are so uptight over a different view merely since it undermines what YOU think SHOULD be normal, then I'll leave you to it. Maybe one day, you'll learn to be an adult/man and be able to handle a different perspective. But you'll mostly likely twist this into being that I'm saying nobody should ever wink at others. Do as you please. As I will do as I please, and say it's not for me and blindly accepting it as a compliment is cringe. Fucking baby.
I wonder if yours is, as you show you cannot follow logic. No one is questioning preferences. Are you that stupid? You may smile or wave and many may find that intrusive. That does not mean it was excessively intrusive for you to do so. How dense can you be? No one is questioning preferences and nobody is uptight about anything. Read the original post and see if you can comprehend it.
I've never had anyone respond negatively or felt threatened by my doing it. If they've engaged, it's always been with a shy smile clearly appreciating my approval of their attractiveness.

Also I do it in motion, while I'm wending my way, never stopped to look someone in the eyes with the sole purpose of winking. I'd find that threatening and awkward 😄

I'm not French, but I know winking is very common in France. Not to strangers, but to friends and work colleagues. There I found it a bit excessive, because winking for me is a way to tell someone I find them attractive. In France usually it's a way to be cool, agree and say we're on the same page.
It’s not bad social reading

If someone winks smiles and acts interest in you as he thinks you’re sexy then don’t get mad about it.. feel flattered he winked at you .. you can always tell him not interested if he comes up to you.. just tell him you’re flattered but not interested .. or tell him cool.. while inside your mind you are thinking he is sexy as well
it's funny why you're so keen to drive home a point. just move on.