With respect, is English your first language? Since your points neither follow nor correspond with mine, or even with things you yourself stated.
Yes, I find winking intrusive. Not all cases of gaining attention from others are as equally intrusive. I usually go about my business without bothering others and I wouldn't welcome somebody I didn't know winking at me. that's just my own personal preference and it's baffling and comical why that bothers you. Aren't people entitled to preferences? Isn't human behaviour somewhat relative, based on our personalities, experiences, cultural upbringings, etc? It's further amusing that you are so uptight about this. But then I stand by my point - that if you wink at people, it might not be taken up in the best way. And? People are different.
Since you're waffling over, frankly, nothing and you are so uptight over a different view merely since it undermines what YOU think SHOULD be normal, then I'll leave you to it. Maybe one day, you'll learn to be an adult/man and be able to handle a different perspective. But you'll mostly likely twist this into being that I'm saying nobody should ever wink at others. Do as you please. As I will do as I please, and say it's not for me and blindly accepting it as a compliment is cringe. Fucking baby.