Huge muscles a turn on or turn off?

When I was competing I maintained an extremely low body fat ratio typical of most bodybuilders. Now that I no longer compete I am softer and less defined, but all of my sex partners prefer my current look to my competition look - without exception. Most of them say that they like muscles, but don't like the vascular, ripped look required for competition.


I understand the pre-competion wasting to get shredded.
It is awesome to see someone drop body fat and display all their hard work.
But, and it is a big but, to get to the point where their skin is so fine and thin that their vascularity (spl?) and every tiny muscle striation is standing out in stark relief can only be sustained for short periods of time.

I like muscular men.
I like body builders who aren't afraid to put on that little extra body fat between competitions at the risk of being perceived as soft.
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Muscles are sexy. Huge muscles, not so much... I actually kind of hate it when it looks like their skin is about to pop. I think a good size for a muscle guy is about the size of Riddick in Pitch Black. I really like his shoulders and upper arms. I also like a leaner look... and dare I say it, on some guys a small amount of belly pudge. Some men seem be naturally larger through out their upper body and carry really nice muscles in their upper arms, back, chest, yet still have a little stomach which is still very sexy to me.

I understand the pre-competion wasting to get shredded.
It is awesome to see someone drop body fat and display all their hard work.
But, and it is a big but, to get to the point where their skin is so fine and thin that their vascularity (spl?) and every tiny muscle striation is standing out in stark relief can only be sustained for short periods of time.

I like muscular men.
I like body builders who aren't afraid to put on that little extra body fat between competitions at the risk of being perceived as soft.

This. I can understand a dude getting ripped for a specific event, but in day-to-day life, it's really not probably necessary. High protein diet? Sure. But if I make dinner and he's yelling "NO I CAN'T EAT THAT IT'S FULL OF SODIUM AND FAT AND CARBS", then I'm going to walk away, poste-haste.

That said, my man's currently well below 7% body fat - because he doesn't have time to eat. I'm working on it!
i want my body to be cut and muscular, but i wouldn't use roids to get my body to look like that

seriously whats the point to have big arms when you have little raisin nuts and a dick that don't work lol

$200,000 dollar payday?
Toned/lean/lanky body types on a male are my preference. Tons of muscle bulk everywhere, hardly any body fat, and veins popped out everywhere? No thank you. Quite unattractive to me.

I've dated and/or fucked chubby, average, toned, and fairly built individuals... I'd rather a guy was on the overweight/chubby side, than "ripped". A nicely toned man with a bit of muscle can be quite delectable however.
I have only been attracted to a couple of very built guys. One was a stunt man and body double for some notable actors, he was muscular but not too bulky. The other had very puffy muscles and when I finally saw him without a shirt he did not do much for me also it was so obvious he had a small cock
I have only been attracted to a couple of very built guys. One was a stunt man and body double for some notable actors, he was muscular but not too bulky. The other had very puffy muscles and when I finally saw him without a shirt he did not do much for me also it was so obvious he had a small cock

how was it obvious?
I like muscular guys.
I get a bit worried when I see a muscular guy who constantly has a very low body fat percentage.
Maintaining that state on a permanent basis is really bad for their health.

depends on what you mean by low
are you talking about like competition style low? yah no kidding
sometimes they are practically near collapse heh that sucks
but you can have visable abs safely

I understand the pre-competion wasting to get shredded.
It is awesome to see someone drop body fat and display all their hard work.
But, and it is a big but, to get to the point where their skin is so fine and thin that their vascularity (spl?) and every tiny muscle striation is standing out in stark relief can only be sustained for short periods of time.

I like muscular men.
I like body builders who aren't afraid to put on that little extra body fat between competitions at the risk of being perceived as soft.

ti's nice to know that even tho you don't like my personality a girl as hot as you likes my build at least
I like muscular guys.
I get a bit worried when I see a muscular guy who constantly has a very low body fat percentage.
Maintaining that state on a permanent basis is really bad for their health.

Sometimes that's a natural state, especially in a person who eats low amounts of saturated fats.
I like men to be muscular but I hate steroid muscles. (although Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" - who has now left WWE - is hot!).

Muscular men who look/used to look great to me?

  • Sly Stallone (looked really good in Judge Dredd)
  • Arnie Scwarzenegger (after he stopped seriously pumping - although I thought he looked great in Commando, especially in the teeny tiny swim trunks)
  • Jean Claude Van-Damme - yowza! Who can forget those buns of steel in Universal Soldier?
  • Hugh Jackman - ditto (loved him as Wolverine!)
I strayed a bit but my point is I like men to look muscular and fit and not like they are made out of balloons or something.

Ummm... those ARE steroid muscles :rolleyes:
Personally, I'm with dragon and boat here. Be as big as you want to be. I think most women get that "too much" feeling from the super low body fat % Vascularity and major striations are what make it look really freakish. When you start dipping below 10-12% it starts to get a little weird, especially post workout. I'm just not sure everyone really understands the difference. I think that a lot of people think that "big" and "shredded" are the same.
I personally prefer healthy, strong, defined - dense - natural muscle. Where the expression of one's dna makeup shines in strength and beauty. I know that probably sounds cheezey but it's what it inspires within me, be it tactile or visual. To take it even a step further, a body that has been sculpted not only through strength but through 360 degree movement. Stability, agility, flexibility and strength, the four pillars of a truly functional body.

I so enjoy feeling tiny in a man's arms.... I love when my man can pick me up and move me around as though gravity were non-existent... and it is such a pleasure to caress well defined muscles, following their lines and beholding the power they are capable of......
I personally prefer healthy, strong, defined - dense - natural muscle. Where the expression of one's dna makeup shines in strength and beauty. I know that probably sounds cheezey but it's what it inspires within me, be it tactile or visual. To take it even a step further, a body that has been sculpted not only through strength but through 360 degree movement. Stability, agility, flexibility and strength, the four pillars of a truly functional body.

I so enjoy feeling tiny in a man's arms.... I love when my man can pick me up and move me around as though gravity were non-existent... and it is such a pleasure to caress well defined muscles, following their lines and beholding the power they are capable of......

kindred spirits, you and I. :wink: