@almost6sd awwww. So desperately trying to convince yourself that you've got a big cock when, let's face it, it's kind of short and pretty thin. No guy or girl ever gasped at that, or took a second just to compose themselves when they got it out. Once they were on it I doubt they could feel a thing. Cute vein tho.
@Stevenar Look at you, you are another 'Mr Almost'. Your semi is almost 20 cm, and you convince yourself that it can actually reach the famous 20 cm mark. Nobody belives that, except for a few gullible colleagues who see your bulge at work, with your carefully selected pants.
@Stevenar Look at you, you are another 'Mr Almost'. Your semi is almost 20 cm, and you convince yourself that it can actually reach the famous 20 cm mark. Nobody belives that, except for a few gullible colleagues who see your bulge at work, with your carefully selected pants.
@Luudwig 'carefully selected pants' love it
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you look like you got a inflatable cock that needs cock rings to keep any air in im surprised you posted it to be honest that's so brave for a bitch with a bitch cock
what a cute little cock you have. its so long and so thin. i cant believe how disproportionate it is. that cock couldnt be much more pale either. dont get me started on thise tiny balls either.