Hung brazilian daddy gilberto ribeiro

how much do politicians make in brazil? usually civil servants arent making that much money in most countries in the world...
Oh, you have no idea... This country is an anomaly of corruption and bad practices. In theory, a
parliamentarian should earn around 35k/month. But there are TONS of benefits (created and voted by by the same politicians, stupid shit like "suit-aid"), so they can net around 50k/month already, legally. There is also the corruption stuff, sell of votes for law approvals, etc... A common scam is to use the cabinet budget (around 110k) to hire up to 25 parliamentary secretaries and force then to "share" part of their salary to the polictician. I wouldn't be surprised if a really dirty politician could gain millions/month doing all the bad stuff on the business.

Anyway, if the guy is an upstanding citizen, I would say at least 50k/month. And that is a BIG if.... it's certainly a rarity in this country.
Oh, you have no idea... This country is an anomaly of corruption and bad practices. In theory, a
parliamentarian should earn around 35k/month. But there are TONS of benefits (created and voted by by the same politicians, stupid shit like "suit-aid"), so they can net around 50k/month already, legally. There is also the corruption stuff, sell of votes for law approvals, etc... A common scam is to use the cabinet budget (around 110k) to hire up to 25 parliamentary secretaries and force then to "share" part of their salary to the polictician. I wouldn't be surprised if a really dirty politician could gain millions/month doing all the bad stuff on the business.

Anyway, if the guy is an upstanding citizen, I would say at least 50k/month. And that is a BIG if.... it's certainly a rarity in this country.
wow, this is a shock but i appreciate you sharing.
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