I Hate This, As Much As I Hate Job Interviews


Admired Member
May 1, 2021
Ukrainets (Kherson Oblast, Ukraine)
Hello everybody.
I can't talk much about myself and can just give some general details.

I am very famous worldwide,
I work, let's just say, successfully in the showbiz.
My career started years ago and I have become increasingly famous and rich.
I won't bore you with my possessions, my cars, my lifestyle.
You will wonder what I am doing on here.
Well, long ago I started to take all the stuff above for granted. So my curiosity pushed me to interact with ordinary, average people, probably facing economic difficulties to explore an unknown environment.
thank for understanding

Tom C.
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Hello everybody. I am very famous worldwide...successfully in the showbiz. You will wonder what I am doing on here...my curiosity pushed me to interact with ordinary, average people, probably facing economic difficulties to explore an unknown environment..thank for understanding
Tom C.

Take your time, explore the site & interact with our members Robbie2781. lpsg is a discussion forum for both women and men. You can get, and give, relationship advice, discuss politics, music, comedies, movies, books, etc., and find companionship too. As you requested: You may interact with persons facing economic woes here: https://www.lpsg.com/threads/over-50-and-now-unemployed.3563601/
Welcome to lpsg!:sun::D:sun:
If you’re so famous worldwide, you don’t have to do job interviews, the jobs come to you
Welcome jester
You didn't really believe that I'm famous worldwide did you?
If you do, I can easily reply: I wasn't born famous. Before all the money and glory, I remember I had to go through interviews and many casting, many many years ago, of course.
nice to meet you Jester
So, what would you say is your greatest weakness?

Sorry, I couldn't resist. You got the job, and welcome.
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