i like to look at collage guys

Normal_Guy1 said:
If we are going to be hardcore on spelling, what about diction? Is it Due or Do?
Oh, I couln't resist this one either... "due or do" is not an issue of diction, but once again of spelling. Some simple typographical errors are acceptable and understandable; gross misspellings and punctuation errors range from confusing to amusing to annoying. If not knowing the correct spelling of a word changes the entire meaning of the statement, it does deserve correction (although I'm hoping that this post does not become another of the many grammer end speling dibates.)

Don't get me wrong, though. I would love to meet a few collage guys, too - with Bill's face, Jim's body, and Rick's cock.
Everyone be on your best behavior. Remember, Santa's watching and it's crunch time.
RideRocket said:
While we're berating his spelling and grammar:

[FONT=&quot]i was going to make mention of that but, i thought it would be 'pushing the envelope'. [/FONT]
Matthew said:
Everyone be on your best behavior. Remember, Santa's watching and it's crunch time.
I quite agree, Matthew.
Nothing like a little crotch time on these cold Winter nights!;)