I Love Being Asked Questions

How come The Professor could make radios, lie detectors and power generator stations from just bamboo and coconuts, but couldn't make a raft or fix the hole in the fucking boat?
How come The Professor could make radios, lie detectors and power generator stations from just bamboo and coconuts, but couldn't make a raft or fix the hole in the fucking boat?

...and more importantly do you think that Ginger and Mary Anne shaved or waxed? Were the Howell's into the MMF scene? Why were these themes never explored? It had to be the man on the grassy knoll who wrote these scripts and story lines.
Who's bones were really in the bag that Raymond Reddington went to great lengths to acquire? Does Lizzy secretly hope that Red is not Red because she has a thing for middle age heavy set balding white guys? Does Katrina have penis envy?