In the authors defense, I as a straight guy having experienced similar encounters from the other side, believe a certain degree of forwardness and presumption of acquiescence is a prerequisite for such cross orientation encounters and would and have suggested that gay or bi guys need to simply go for it without seeking explicit consent for one simple reason. While most guys are on some level either curious or desperate enough to potentially allow you to, say, fondle, and or blow them, they are likely to deny an explicit request for consent out of fear you will demand some form of reciprocation, seek to fuck them or have them fuck you, or that allowing something to happen will somehow become common knowledge in the community where deep stigma still keeps most of us from wanting any such association with these activities. Thus the boundaries will be lower if you are outside of his circle and community, only seek unreciprocated interaction, keep your clothes on and dick put away, and heed repeated or strident denials as he then is obviously serious about them, but if you first ask, he is likely to say no out of hand, but if you can encounter him with it out, he responds by boning to your sight and touch and you can quickly move to sucking him, even while he may be stunned to speechlessness by the directness and immediacy of your action, i think once the original hurdle is surmounted and you are actively pleasuring him he will find it much more compelling and harder to deny you than if you were to ask first. Yeah , he may still utter a wait, no, what are you doing, stop etc initially and you must judge by his tone etc the degree to which he is insistent, and possibly push through one or two of these before he acquiesces and decides to allow and enjoy the experience, but i think without this approach it would almost never happen. If he continues to persist or becomes angry or threatening you should desist and apologize and perhaps apologize anyway when its over, but I believe once he is reassured that it doesn’t imply that you will insist upon further things or reciprocation and that you really were just trying to give him a gift of sorts and this ice is broken he will very likely take to it with enthusiasm in the future and even seek repeat encounters. Also in this instance there was a degree of tacit consent in taking it out for you when asked. He had to have had some sense of why you would ask and has some complicity in the outcome by engaging in this way. I myself am open to being admired and worshipped and nothing more, and therefore once i know that is the extent of what will be pursued, can relax in comfort and enjoy the experience for the most part in most instances. Moments of awkwardness can and do still arise, but knowing that you are so desired as to inspire this sort of seeming insistent need can also be very alluring and my body always responds enthusiastically even where my head harbors doubts. It is your job to ultimately allay them and provide an experience compelling enough to overcome them.