I.Q. vs. Bigger Cock


Cherished Member
Jul 30, 2003
memphis, tennessee
90% Gay, 10% Straight
While waiting for a hair cut this afternoon, I picked up the March edition of "Redbook", flipped over to page 104 and read the results of a survey taken from questions asked of husbands. One of the questions was "Had you rather have a 20 point higher I.Q. or a bigger penis".

66% chose higher I.Q./34% chose a bigger penis. I thought it odd that since they gave the additional points for I.Q. they didn't give the number of inches for dick size increase. One husband's comment was "if I were any bigger, I would hurt my wife"!

LPSG is probably the wrong place to ask, but I wonder if there is a husband among us who would not have chosen the higher I.Q.? Please tell us your choice and the reason why. :eek:
If you ask me, the respondents to that Redbook survey need the additional I.Q. ;)


Oh yeah? If you're so smart, why can't I understand you?
mindseye: [quote author=RoysToy link=board=pe;num=1077318028;start=0#0 date=02/20/04 at 14:51:28][. . .] but I wonder if there is a husband among us who would not have chosen the higher I.Q.? Please tell us your choice and the reason why. :eek:[/quote]

There are things I'd choose over either of them -- better eyesight, a million dollars, faster reflexes, having my hair back ;) -- but if the choice were down to just those two, I'd choose the bigger dick.
gigantikok: So I'm guessing your IQ is already pretty damn high then...
[quote author=gigantikok link=board=pe;num=1077318028;start=0#3 date=02/21/04 at 09:34:50]

"So I'm guessing your IQ is already pretty damn high then..."


I'm convinced that it would HAVE to be.

Just look at all that mindseye does around here behind the scenes with the technical aspect of this website!

What a guy! ;)
mindseye: I'm not claiming to have an exceptional IQ -- I suspect it's fairly high, since I do well on other standardized tests -- but it wasn't my claim.

But I don't find myself wondering what it would be like to be even smarter. I often wonder what it'd be like to have some more length.
gushiggins: I would choose the bigger penis; one's I.Q. only tells how well someone does on an I.Q. test.

Now, if it were something like the perfect penis to any woman (adjusting to the woman to be exactly what she wants) v. being the best in one's field of work, I would definitely choose the field of work. However, such opportunities don't even occur in my dreams.

I have some pretty scary dreams.

[quote author=mindseye link=board=pe;num=1077318028;start=0#5 date=02/21/04 at 13:29:43]
. . . But I don't find myself wondering what it would be like to be even smarter.  I often wonder what it'd be like to have some more length. [/quote]
Such a good thought and reason, mindseye. Your wondering indicates that you made the right choice. Now, thanks to your statement, for the first time in my life, I realize I have much more often wondered how it would be to have more inches on my cock than how it would be to be genius or above.

Thanks, mindseye,

Well, if my IQ were low enough that I'd reify IQ like this, then yes, I would want a higher one. LOL
swimguy_14: take the higher iq, then geneticly engineer yurself to be bigger
Actually, there was a guy in Rolling Stone back in 1989 who claimed, and I quote, "It's a tradeoff: More brain or more penis. You can't have both." Did I mention he offered absolutely no evidence for this? Naturally, certain stereotypes figured prominently into his thoeries.
[quote author=swimguy_14 link=board=pe;num=1077318028;start=0#11 date=02/22/04 at 13:07:12]take the higher iq, then geneticly engineer yurself to be bigger[/quote]
To come up with that solution, you must already have the I.Q., swimguy_14! If the 14 stands for what I suspect, it seems you must already have both. ::)
Captin_hung: last time i took an IQ test i got like 146 but i dont really think the test was all that accurate but i would like to be smarter
Duo187: [quote author=RoysToy link=board=pe;num=1077318028;start=0#10 date=02/21/04 at 21:14:02]Then you are KING OF THE HILL, Duo187.  Set your price. :)[/quote]

Well, I cant be bought :p
Vigilante: I'm a fairly intelligent guy, my I.Q. is up above the 140's somewhere, it could be 170 and I wouldn't know, but I think you can have both, I have a large enough penis and enough intelligence to be a Green Beret (which I am), in fact I believe larger intelligence can help to increase penis size during adolescent years because intelligent people are more likely to meditate and do things that lower blood pressure, which is a contributor to penis blood flow. As you can guess the more blood flow the more the penis is allowed to expand. Another reason is smart people are more likely to eat well
novacth: I'll take the bigger penis.

I'm already intelligent enough that your average person nearly infuriates me to the point of homicide. I can't imagine that getting any worse.
[quote author=Vigilante link=board=pe;num=1077318028;start=0#16 date=02/23/04 at 14:19:08]     in fact I believe larger intelligence can help to increase penis size during adolescent years because intelligent people are more likely to meditate and do things that lower blood pressure, which is a contributor to penis blood flow. As you can guess the more blood flow the more the penis is allowed to expand. [/quote]
Awesome thinking, Vigilante! I've never before encountered this possibility, but it does seem logical. I learn more different ideas from LPSG! ::)

mindseye: [quote author=Vigilante link=board=pe;num=1077318028;start=0#16 date=02/23/04 at 14:19:08]in fact I believe larger intelligence can help to increase penis size during adolescent years because intelligent people are more likely to meditate and do things that lower blood pressure, which is a contributor to penis blood flow. [/quote]

Hmm, if there's a correlation at all, I'd suppose it's not because of meditation. I don't know that many teenagers who are seriously into that.

On the other hand, smart teenagers are likely to let their curiosity get them into trouble -- and nothing gets blood flowing faster than running away from the cops! ;)

This I know from all too many personal experiences...