Idle College Afternoons Part 1

Richard Cock

Legendary Member
Sep 30, 2023
80% Straight, 20% Gay
This story is set well before the days of the internet and mobile phone, from a time when young guys often learnt about girls from illicitly obtained “men’s magazines” or even found ones, often with the pages stuck together.

I had left school earlier in the summer having not achieved the A level grades I needed to go to university. So, it was back to college to do retakes. Unlike school the students were treated as adults, I was heading to nineteen in a few months, so older than some there.

I’d had a tough few years. My father had been ill for a while and then he died, just at an age when I was taking an interest in more male activities, such as helping maintain or repair the car, household repairs or girls. I had grown tall, athletic – although not particularly muscular, I did cycle, I wasn’t much into sport but did like circuit training in the gym, stuff like that. I had what would be called dark blond hair, quite long in the style of the time, it curled or waved a bit which I hated, I wanted straight hair like most guys seemed to have. I guessed I was OK looking, blue eyes suited my hair colouring.

I had by then lots of experience of masturbation but none of sex. Not even feeling tits or much proper kissing even and definitely never had a hand job from a girl. I think I had missed my father at a key point in my growing up.

There were obviously lots of new girls at college, already I had seen several I fancied, but I had no real clue as how to even approach them, I was actually quite shy as well.

I did like it when my mum would chat with our neighbours, our back doors were opposite and we would often see them, I might be asked about how I was getting on, the usual stuff. Ray and Linda were a young couple, they must have been married for a while but had moved in when the houses were new, as we had, about a year ago. Ray worked in a builder’s merchant, in the office, manager or something, Linda worked part time as a secretary in a local company, can’t remember where.

I guess they were a reasonably looking couple, Ray, like me tall, bit lanky, not so chatty as his wife, about 27 I think I had heard. Now Linda, I think 23 or so, was quite nice, friendly, liked to chat with my mum even though my mum was probably twice her age, but I liked her as she was a girl, well woman, she looked OK, I had only seen her made up once or twice as they were going out, usually she didn’t bother, still she looked fine I thought. I had wanked about her a few times. I wanked about most girls or women of a reasonable age.

It was now the third week of the new term, September, my timetable allowed me three afternoons off each week so I was able to go home at lunchtime. It made a change, having the house to myself for so long, usually other family members, my mother and younger sister, would be around. Never one to miss an opportunity for a wank, hey I was eighteen, I would get home, nip to the bathroom to wash my cock, then back down to get some food. After that I would then strip off in my bedroom and spend a good half hour with my cock hard in my hand before bringing myself off and watching my spunk shoot over my belly and maybe chest.

Then I might do some college work, not much yet as it was so early in the courses. So, by about three it would be time for another orgasm. I had long found a really great way to ejaculate, nearest thing to proper sex that I had come to anyway, or so I assumed. Details? Oh, OK then.

I would get my jeans off, fold a pillow in half and stuff it into the jeans so the opening of the folded pillow faced the fly. Then a freezer bag, slight cuts at the sides from the opening to allow some fold back, that would be slid in the fold of the pillow followed by a squirt of my mother’s hand cream. My second pillow would be stuffed into a jumper and other lighter sweaters into the upper legs of the jeans. A torso to fuck.

Naked, I would climb on top and push my cock head though the fly and into the now slippery freezer bag. Now that felt good, really good. Slowly I would let myself sink down until I could feel my balls touched the bottom of my jean’s zip. My weight seemed to press the pillow so there was more resistance inside to my cock.

I would then start to fuck. My skinny bum would be bouncing on the body of whatever girl I was infatuated with at the time. The earlier wank was essential, experience soon showed I would last much longer having shot my load earlier and I did like the fucking and the incredible orgasms it gave me. They were so good in fact that I could hardly keep up the thrusting as I ejaculated and I sometimes missed out on the exquisite sensations as my bell end slid in the bag and into my own semen pool.

Once finished, I would extract the plastic bag and hold it up to the light to see how much I had made, often squeezing the creamy, streaky fluid around for a time.

It may be apparent as I stated earlier, that as yet I was very much a virgin, I was desperate for a girlfriend. After all, I now could fuck for quite a long time, provided I had recently masturbated – now the girl might well have done that for me.

I wanked a lot. The main problem I had at the time was disposal of the product of masturbation. I would wank before going to sleep most nights, often in the morning, especially at the weekends. The spunk could mount up, I could hardly get up and go to the family bathroom, flop my cock in the basin and wash my handful of sperm away.

I had begun by letting it soak into the carpet between my bed and the small unit besides my bed. I was mostly out of sight and the synthetic foam backed carpet seemed to absorb my semen without showing.

I was around this time that I became interested in taking photographs and was given a camera one Christmas. The 35mm film I used then came in small aluminium cans with a plastic seal lid. I did not take me long to realise that I could just about get most of my cock head, when swollen, into the nice rounded opening of the film container. I wouldn’t go all in, I was too big for that (very pleased about that too) but it did allow me to hold it firmly in place and masturbate with my right hand until I deposited my white stuff in the can. The lid would be clipped on and under my pillow it went.

Quite often I would top up the contents in the morning before discretely taking it into the bathroom with me. Perfect.

That was of course until I much later learnt that swallowing was an even less risky procedure.

So that’s where I was then. Pushing nineteen, no hands on experience with a girl and a full time wanker. I hadn’t even noticed that I made pre cum, another discovery that would end in my mouth.

Tuesday was a half day for me. the sun was shining and it was still pretty warm out. Arriving home around 12.30 I did my usual thing, bathroom, zip down, jeans down, briefs down, cock flopped over the edge of the basin, foreskin pulled back and the whole thing soaped up and “thoroughly” washed. Washed so well that by the time it was rinsed off it would not curl back over my balls but had to stand upright as I fastened my jeans. Cocks, eh?

Back down in the kitchen I grabbed a bite to eat with the usual plan of going back upstairs to have a pleasant session with my hand and penis and a girl called Elaine who I had seen at college. She was to be my fantasy wank girl, not for the first time. She had become something of a regular and would by now have had so much of my spunk up her fanny (pussy was not a common term in those days) that it must have run down her legs by now.

The thing was, I had seen photos of naked women in those men’s magazines that other lads had acquired somehow, but all there was to see would be a mass of hair between the women’s legs. Pretty scary, if I was honest. It didn’t help improve my knowledge of what was there at all, just hair and often lots of it. I knew girls had a slit there from growing up with a sister.

I sometimes wondered what girls who had never had a boyfriend or brother, though about what us guys had between our legs and how it worked. I often imagined I was showing a girl my cock for the first time and seeing her reaction as I got hard, watching her face as I pulled my foreskin back and revealed by shiny bell end. Maybe I would let her feel my balls too, roll them round in her fingers. But most of all, was to show her how to wank me off and that great gush of spunk as I came in her hand.

Anyway, lunch over, I though a quick look in the garden before my wank as I had been told to mow the lawn with all the time I now had.

Going outside, we lived in a new semi-detached house, I noticed our neighbour’s legs. Ok, nice day and she, it was Linda, who only worked in the mornings, was making the most of the sunshine. As I moved further away from the door I then saw she was in what I assumed was a swimsuit on one of those folding loungers.

My mother had told us, that’s me and my sister, after talking to Linda one day that Ray had moved out and was now living with his 19 year old secretary. Now I thought then that he was pretty stupid, after all Linda was, well, nice.

The boundary between our houses was still a bit basic, a simple green link wire net about four feet high, as installed by the builders. As I moved a bit further I looked again, TITS!

Linda was sunbathing topless. She was unaware of my presence as she had a magazine that she seemed engrossed in. Hanging back, she could not see me looking, I just stared at her tits. Not huge but, well, perfect. I had a view mostly in profile, bit could see her nipples clearly, they seemed to stand out quite well.

As I watched, Linda reached up with her left hand and seemed to stoke or flick her left tit, the one nearest me. Maybe a fly was troubling her.

Then she did it again. Then to her right tit too. Then to her left one again, only for longer this time, like she had an itch.

I don’t have to tell you about what was occurring between my legs.

So, what could I see of Linda from my vantage point? Well, mostly it was her left side, she had on white bikini briefs, that’s all. Her belly was pretty flat and her legs looked good, she was about 5’7”, so reasonable height for a girl. Her mid-brown hair was cut in the current fashion, that is shortish but with longer strands. Her face was quite pretty, round overall with a hint of freckles that made her still look quite girlish. Dark brown eyes – I loved her eyes.

It was her tits though I really looked at now. No sag, they looked firm on her chest, my guess was a nice handful size, the sort I could cup in my hand with fingers wrapped around it. Her nipples, well her left one anyway, were darker, obviously and in my non-expert opinion, were in a perfect proportion to the over size of the tit the were on.

I could even make out the small bumps that nipples have around the actual tip. Ah, the tip. Linda kept touching herself there even as I was assessing her, she must find that well, nice. Curiosity made me reach up inside my own shirt and touch my right nipple, flicking it with my finger tip and nail. It felt OK, I guess, maybe women have more sensitive ones than men.

Her nipple tips were much larger than mine of course, in fact Linda’s seemed prominent, like some of the girls I had seen in the porno mags. Perhaps the magazine was sexy and turning her on.

Linda then touched her left nipple again, this time taking her time, letting her fingers linger, hard to see exactly, but she was flicking the tip I think.

Then – fuck! She slid her hand down her belly and between her legs, it was only brief but she did it, she touched her fanny, OK pussy, let’s get up to date.

I was so hard now I really need to wank off. Elaine had vanished from my thoughts, Linda would be my wank off girl from now on, at least this afternoon.

I started to feel my cock, jeans bulging at the front of course. Looking down I looked good, the outline of my penis quite clear as jeans in those days were quite tight cut around that area.

“Hello Paul.”
I looked up. Panic. Linda had stood up and was coming towards me, the magazine held to her chest.

“You caught me sunbathing, last chance probably. Anyway, not expecting anyone to be here as you see.”

“Err yeah, sorry, not watching you, I mean, I could see you of course, but…..” I stammered, hoping Linda was not looking between my legs.

“You home in the afternoons now?”

“Err yeah, some days, no classes then in the afternoons.”

“Ah, that must be a change from school. Anyway I hope I’ve not corrupted you, sunbathing topless like that.” she said laughing now.

“No, ‘course not.” I responded as casually as I could manage. My boner had subsided thankfully, so I could relax now, at least until I was alone.

“You heard that Ray has moved out? Gone off with his secretary. Nineteen she is, nineteen. Big tits, that’s what it’s about. She has big tits and Ray loves tits.”

“You have nice ti, I mean breasts… as in I’ve seen you in tee shirts….”

“Paul, you’ve just seen me topless.”

“Err, well, just a bit. Just one side, honest.”

Linda then lowered the magazine she had been holding to her chest and exposed both breasts to me for about five seconds, grinning as she did. I just stared before regaining my senses and looked back up to her face.

“Ray must be stupid, you’re really nice.” Was all I could think of saying.

Linda laughed too, then said

“I got up to make some tea, fancy a cup? Makes a change to have someone to talk to. I have had to go full time with my job as I need the money but don’t start until October so just here on my own in the afternoons for now.”

“You sure? Well, OK.” I replied not believing what was happening. So, I went around to her back door and followed Linda into her kitchen.

With one hand still holding the magazine to her chest she filled the kettle and set it going.

“Ah, I forgot to get my bikini top, not expecting to catch you at home.”

“I can get it.” I offered and went back into her garden to retrieve her top.

Back inside Linda had put the magazine down to get the tea mugs, milk and tea bags. She was topless.

“Ah!” I exclaimed seeing tits on show again.

“Paul, you’ve seen me already, it’s just breasts.”

With that comment Linda seemed inadvertently to brush her right breast with her hand, like she had been in the garden a few minutes earlier.

I handed the bikini top to Linda but she just put it on the kitchen unit and carried on making the tea. My cock was now responding again. Rapidly. I kept trying not to look at the nipples as they moved around with Linda’s body. Impossible.

As she poured the water Linda resumed conversation.

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Not right now. I know some girls, of course, but not a regular, well, girlfriend.”

“Good looking young man like you should have no problems with getting girls.”

“Well, maybe but not that lucky so far.” I managed as some lame sort of comment.

“You’ve had sex though?”

“Not yet.” I mumbled with my eyes down.

“But you must have, you know, played with a girl, had her play with you?”


“Oh Paul, there’s plenty of time and loads of girls out there.”

So far Linda had been mostly the other side of the small kitchen table, the kitchens in our houses were the same layout and a bit tight on size. Now she came around the table holding the mug of tea for me, I could smell her body.

My cock surged harder. I was worried she would look down and see the front of my jeans.

I took the tea from her. Linda looked down.

“Men.” she said.


Linda laughed.

“Hardly surprising,” I said, “and anyway, I can’t help it.”

“I know, I’ve had a few boyfriends, horny lot, all of them. Couldn’t wait to feel me and have me feel them back and that’s before they started getting their cocks out.”

Now, this really surprised me. I always had Linda down as a nice girl, quiet, reasonably attractive. Not what you might call sexy in the dirty sense of the word.

Then she put her cup down and stroked one tit. Then the other.

I stared.

“Women and girls get turned on too, you know,” she said, “the magazine article I was reading was about sex and was quite explicit in places.”

“I saw you touch your, err tit, I mean chest, breast….”

“Sometimes, I can’t help it and it just happens, mine are very sensitive now and the lightest brush makes me tingle, not just there but lower down too.”

My eyes just seemed to drop down as Linda said that.

“Paul!” Then she laughed again.

“Ray used to be quite, well, not rough, but he certainly played with my nipples a lot, I mean a lot. They never used to be that sensitive but they just became more and more so. At least his new bimbo will have her tits sorted by him, I bet he even gets his cock off between them.”

My mouth was open. I was not expecting anything like this. I assumed Linda was quite upset by Ray leaving her just for some girl with larger breasts. I sipped my hot tea.

“Would you like to touch them?”

I spluttered hot tea.

“Go on, I want you too, makes a change from me doing it.”

I froze. Linda took the mug from my right hand and put it on the table, then took my hand, which was quite warm from the tea, and bought it to her left breast.

I was feeling a woman’s tits. It took me a few seconds to come to terms with that fact, a few more before my fingers began to properly touch the cool skin. I began with the part nearest to where Linda had placed my hand, the underside, its perfect curves and softness. Much softer than I had imagined as I let my fingers stroke her.

“That’s nice, Paul. You won’t tell anyone about this will you? You are an adult anyway. What time do the rest of your family get home on a Tuesday?”


“Err, no, ‘course not. Be about half four, Jackie first from school,” I just about managed as 99% of my brain was trying to process a tit.

Linda was watching me now, looking at my face as my fingers explored her breast. I had cupped the underside now and could feel the full weight of her, quite heavy for a modest size I though.

Soft moans from Linda. “That’s nice, Paul, don’t stop just yet.”

I gathered courage and let my fingers release the tit and move to it’s quite prominent darker hued nipple. The bumpy surface of her areola was pleasing to the touch and my light strokes elicited more moans from Linda. The tip of her nipple invited me. Do I stroke it, flick it, squeeze it?

I stroked it. It felt hard, ridged is probably a better description, much more than I expected as it first yielded to my finger tip then resumed its position, pointing straight out of its breast.

Linda cupped her own right breast and her thumb and forefinger took hold of that breast’s nipple, pulling it outwards slightly. I then copied her, at first it slipped from my light touch but my second attempt with a firmer hold succeeded in drawing her teat out as she was doing.

Linda had her eyes closed now, mouth slightly open, soft sounds of pleasure as we both worked on her nipples. My own cock was straining in my jeans, I was torn about her seeing me like that, shy as she is a neighbour but so turned on by what was happening right now. Then I though, she’s a married woman, had boyfriends, she knows what happens to lads when they get excited like this, she would probably be disappointed if I wasn’t hard.

“Am I doing it right?” I asked as I did my best copying her nipple pulling.

“Yes, Yes, don’t stop, I’m wetting myself so much I can feel it.”

That confused me. Wetting herself? Not peeing her pants surely, it can’t make her do that, can it?

Linda suddenly stopped and let go of her nipple, I did the same and withdrew my hand from her tit.

She just looked at me, standing there topless and in those white bikini briefs.

Then her hands reached up and started to unbutton my shirt, moving rapidly from one button to the next until she had to tug the tails of my shirt from my waistband. Then I felt her hands on my chest. It was like electric shocks. No girl had ever done that to me at that time. I felt both my nipples being flicked now, it felt nice, way better than my own explorations lying in bed at night before I masturbated. Then her fingers slowly slid down and soon had reached my belly, at that age I had yet to get much body hair on my lower belly, just a neat patch of curls above and around my cock with some hair too over my scrotum, the sort that traced the curves of my sac rather than stuck out like it had been shocked.

And there her fingers stopped. Linda was still looking at me directly, our eyes almost locked. Then she dropped her eyes slowly, taking in my chest, belly and, well, my bulge. Her eyes lingering there gave way to a sigh. I was a bit confused now. Was that her way of voicing disappointment at my arousal or maybe even the size of my bulge?

The answer soon came.

Linda’s fingers continued their travel south with her right hand and its extended fingers beginning to trace the obvious outline in my jeans.

“You’re as hard as I’m wet,” came softly spoken words as her fingers closed around by crotch and testicles, “is it OK for me to do this?”

I just nodded, I didn’t know what to do or say next.

“I expect you’ll be getting wet too, love that, so slippery and sweet.”

Now I was confused. I definitely had not cum in my pants, I had at times noticed my foreskin was a bit wet and shiny when I initially peeled it back but never really thought much about it. I sort of got the slippery bit, but sweet?”

Linda’s fingers continued to move around between my legs, feeling as much of me as she could, the outline of my cock…the end of my cock, which she sort of flicked with her finger nail, using the fine lines of the fabric to transmit the sensations through to me. She was stroking the end of my cock through my jeans! Even with my foreskin still in place over my knob it felt, well, fantastic. Better than I had ever felt touching myself there, but maybe that’s because I was always too keen to get wanking properly rather that slowly stimulate myself.

It stopped. I felt my balls being lifted as her fingers returned to lower down.

“I didn’t mean for you to wet yourself,” I managed “sorry.”
“Paul, it’s not that sort of wet. It’s the sort a boy or man will cause if he turns a woman on enough, it’s her body getting her ready for sex. Just normal, like you getting hard like you are now.”

Her fingers returned to the bulge in my jeans.

“I was a bit wet just reading earlier but having you touch me really has soaked my bikini bottoms.”

As she said it Linda took a couple of steps back, relinquishing her touch on my erection.


I followed her gaze as it went down to her bikini bottoms. There was a slightly darker area, I assumed damp, in the centre of the part that was covering her fann… pussy.

I took that as an invitation to touch her there.


I pulled back instantly, I had gone too far.

“Sorry, didn’t think. Sorry.”

“It’s OK, really, I was a bit surprised you did that, that’s all. Look, here, have a proper feel.” With that Linda took hold of my hand again and guided it between her legs and onto the damp patch of her briefs.

I didn’t know what to expect as my fingers made contact. I could detect she was damp there, the cool fabric told my fingers that much, but what surprised me was how soft it felt there, kind of springy, not firm like my bulge was. The thickness of her briefs stopped any real sense of what was beneath I guessed. My mind flashed back to the magazine images of those naked women, legs open and that mass of hair there, obscuring all the vital details I needed to know about. It was the hair that really scared me. The unknown lay beneath.

“How does it feel?”

“I can feel it’s a bit wet there.”

“It’s more than a bit Paul, I feel soaked inside there.”

With that comment I felt my wrist taken hold of and moved away from her pussy area. That it then I thought? My first feel over already.

I was not ready for what happened next. No way.

Linda held my wrist and guided my fingers inside the front of her bikini bottoms, drawing in her belly as she did to allow my fingers to gain entry.

“Go on, see how wet I really am.”

I could detect hairs at my fingertips, quite a lot I thought and the hair seemed to thicken the further my hand went down. Linda was dry so far as I could tell, then I felt Linda move slightly to one side of me, I think that was to allow me to get my hand further down her bikini bottoms without the awkward angle. It certainly helped as my fingertips moved over a slight mound, still hairy but getting warmer to the feel, at that point Linda made sounds that suggested she liked how it felt.

She did start to feel damper now as my four fingers slid over pubic hair and curled slightly to take in the form of her body and what would be her pussy area. Her body felt warm, almost hot down there.

I could feel my cock regularly pulse in my jeans as my erection fought the constraints of my clothing, I was soon to acknowledge that I made a thing call pre cum.

I don’t know how what happened next occurred but very pleased it did.

As my fingers cupped Linda’s hairy area between her legs my middle finger must have pressed inwards slightly. There appeared to be no resistance as my finger just seemed to have parted the slit that girls and women have there and entered the hole that goes inside her. In any even Linda gasped and did not try to stop me as I kept my finger there, still pressed lightly into her.

I wanted to do more but what? My forefinger had now curled up inside this very warm and slippery opening so I moved my finger back and forth as it was hard to do anything else with my hand in her tight bikini briefs.

I then looked up, Linda had her eyes closed and she looked like she was concentrating on something. I wriggled my finger inside her more and she responded with her expression clearly saying she liked what I was doing. There was also a new scent in the air, I had never smelt it before, slightly fishy, slightly metallic but wow, was it heady and I wanted more of it.

When my mind returned to my hand and fingers I realised that two fingers had slipped inside Linda now and there seemed plenty of space inside her.

My gaze went back to the two breasts and their enlarged nipples, looking even bigger and darker now, she was gorgeous, perfect tits I thought – I wanted to suck them.

That’s when I felt my hand, the one in her pussy, taken hold of and pulled lightly, taking my fingers from inside her to her opening again and then upwards so my fingers were guided within her now completely slippery slit over fleshy parts and other bits, some felt soft and one bit in particular, small but quite firm but also almost loose as it seemed to go inside something else. It must have been very sensitive as Linda moaned really loudly then.

Suddenly everything changed. Linda’s hands left mine and she thumbed her bikini briefs down so they were on her thighs, then she wriggled and they dropped to her feet where a quick flick sent then shooting across the kitchen floor. I had a completely naked woman in front of me.

Not sure what to do next and clearly very nervous I did what people often do, I scratched my nose. With the finger that had been up Linda. She saw me do it to.

“First smell of pussy, Paul?”

I couldn’t say anything. I just returned my fingers to my nose, the scent I had encountered earlier rising from the gap formed by my hand in her briefs was now intense. I could feel my hard cock again surging.

“Some boys find it an odd smell at first, other go wild with it, maybe depends if it’s their first time.”

“It’s, it’s… mine” I managed, my fingers still held under my nostrils.

As I was saying that Linda used her own right hand to touch herself between her legs, sliding two fingers up inside and then rubbing herself as I had just done outside but in the slit still mostly obscured with the same mid-brown hair as her head. Then after a few seconds of rubbing herself there she raised her hand to my face and offered the two wet fingers to my lips.

“Taste me.” Is all she said.

“OK,” I said so quietly she may not have heard. The intensity of the aroma was now amazing, I could just make out the mostly clear sheen on her fingers.

I opened my lips a little and Linda moved her fingers towards my mouth. My lips parted more, my teeth out of the way and my tongue slipped out ready to accept my first ever taste of a woman.

My lips closed around her two fingers, which she held there for several seconds before slowly withdrawing them and leaving me with her virginal fluids.

It was like the scent of her from just a few minutes before but now with a metallic twang to it, like licking fingers after handling coins, well a bit. Only nicer. Much nicer.

We looked at each other. I could see Linda was looking for a response from me. The only one I could think of was to get my hand back between her pussy slit and extract some more and put my own fingers in my mouth and suck her off them.

I could see her smile grow.

“Now come here,” she said as a hand reached out and unzipped my fly, then undid the button on my jeans opening them up before both hands proceeded to pull my jeans down revealing my briefs. Thankfully that day they were pretty new white ones, the sort having an opening to get a cock through to pee with, but usually too much trouble and I would pull the side and gain access to my cock that way.

But not today. Linda just yanked them down over the arch of my cock which then sprung upright.

“Oh, you’re big.”

“Big? How do you mean?” I managed, feeling confused. Yes, I was hard and as big as I ever get I suppose, but why should she comment on a guy being hard in this situation, she must have had a few cocks by now?

“You’re big, as in large, pretty long.”

“Oh,” I said, “never had really any chance to see other cocks when hard, it’s just been photos of girls in the mags I’ve managed to see. There was one lad I saw in the changing rooms, he sort of played with himself and it got hard, I think he wanted to show that although he looked small most of the time it was pretty big hard.”

“Trust me Paul, you have a great cock. Now I want to play with it.”

I then felt myself being taken hold of, looking down again Linda had wrapped her hand around by shaft and was looking at the end, all wet and crinkly before looking up at me and

“Can I pull the skin back?”

“Err yes,” I managed to say whilst looking down at Linda’s hand wrapped around my shaft.

“It’s just that I used to have a boyfriend with a tight foreskin and it was too tight to go all the way back.”

“OK, well mines fine now, it was too tight when I first started….well….”



Linda laughed as she peeled my foreskin slowly back, threads of pre cum glistening in the sunlight coming through the kitchen window. My knob was shiny anyway with my hard-on, my pre cum added to the sheen.

“I just love the end of a cock,” Linda said, looking down at mine “they’re such a perfect shape.”

Her finger traced the outline of my bell end, going around the rim a couple of times, then over the fullness of my knob to my slit. It felt sensational, better than when I wank or touch myself there. My slit was wet, a small drop of clear fluid had appeared and Linda wiped her finger over it, then she licked it and smiled.

“You taste nice,” she said, “sweet. Have you ever had a taste?”

I shook my head.
I looked back down at my penis, I was so hard and another clear drop had appeared at my slit, I thought about what Linda had just said, but before I could do anything her hand, which was now very slowly wanking me, took my foreskin right up over my hole and smeared my pre cum over the surface of my knob. She looked up at me and smiled as she kept up a slow wank, I wanted her to stop, no, needed her to stop. Right now. I felt close, the excitement was getting too much for me, I sensed small throbs from under my balls, but still her hand moved up and down taking my foreskin with it over the swelling of my knob and then puling it right back down, flicking over the taught rim of my cock head and slightly stretching it as her hand came to a stop halfway down my shaft.

“I’m going to cum!” I cried and seconds later I did. One huge wad of semen shot from my cock just missing Linda’s leg and landed on the kitchen floor about two feet away. More followed as I lost control, Linda’s hand was still on my cock but no longer wanking me, she just let me ejaculate.

“Sorry, I couldn’t, I couldn’t hold it.” I stammered.

“Its fine, Paul, don’t worry about it, I more or less expected that to happen, only natural being that excited. Look at all that,” she said looking at the spunk now streaked across the floor “you can really shoot a lot too.”

I just stood there, silent, looking at the blobs of my semen forming a trail across the floor and then down at my now already much softened cock, Linda having let go now. It still hung heavily, my balls had loosened again too.

Linda then came right up to me and kissed me on the cheek whilst lightly taking hold of my bare hips. I could feel the heat from her body despite the warmth in the sunny room.

“I better go,” I said feeling ashamed of myself for what just happened.

“You don’t have to, another tea? I’d like you to say a bit longer.”

Linda was of course still naked, my jeans and pants were around my ankles and my shirt still open.

I didn’t want to go but also I did. Confused, elated, still curious. So many thoughts about what just happened. I never imagined it like this. Never. I assumed it would be with some girl I was going out with and there would be an opportunity when we were alone for me to gradually explore and learn. Yes I would have wanted her to wank me off and me to feel her tits and then between her legs, but over a, well, slightly longer period.

“I should, I can help clean up the floor, I did it after all.”

Linda laughed, “We did it, so I will clean up.”

I agreed and started to pull up my pants and jeans.

“Before you go, would you like to look properly between my legs? It’s easy for girls to see all a boy has, even with their hair there but us girls hide most, if not all we have.”

I didn’t know what to say or do. I considered just going for the door, but Linda had been so nice to me that would have been wrong, although she would have probably understood.

The decision was taken out of my hands when Linda took me by the hand and started to lead me out of the kitchen, though the hall and up the stairs.

I followed her into her bedroom, the double bed in the centre of the room, the same as my mother’s room. Not that many options, I though in the size and layout of the rooms. What looked like self-assembly wardrobes with white doors lined one wall, a chest of draws was against the wall behind the door along with a chair with a dark green patterned fabric cushion, a small dressing table with mirror sat in front of the window.

“Without being seen can you pull the curtains almost together for me.”

I did as instructed, working from one side before ducking down and crossing to do the other side, stretching out as I moved around the dressing table. It was still reasonably light in the bedroom as the sunlight came through from the landing and bathroom windows.

Unsure as what to do next I just then stood there. Linda again solved my dilemma and pushed my shirt off my shoulders. I undid my cuff buttons and removed my shirt, then my jeans and pants came fully off. I pulled both socks off – I had read about the importance of doing this and not looking daft. I was naked. We were naked.

Linda climbed onto the bed and lay down, head on her pillow. She gestured me to join her, my sticky cock still dangling between my legs. I could see her, breasts, nipples, belly, pussy, well hair and something dark beneath it.

“Come between my legs,” she said as her legs parted and pulled up to allow me to shuffle easily into the position instructed. I knelt down and stared at Linda, well Linda’s pussy anyway.

As I mentioned, women and girls in those days were rarely shaved between the legs, so I was looking at hair that went from a point well above where her slit began and formed a tangle of brown hair there that went to just about where her groin began each side. I would say it was quite dense, about the same as my own bush at its thickest, just above my penis. Her hair then descended between her legs where it was thinner on each side of her pussy, the skin there being a darker shade of pink highlighting what she had there. I could just about see her bum hole too, her skin gathering there to form her anal opening.

Linda’s slit had now opened out as her legs were wide open and drawn up towards her chest. I could now make out details, what looked like thick dark red lips protruded from the lower part of her outer slit and I could see an opening there, above that the lips formed folds that joined in the middle, all wet and shiny and giving off the most arousing scent ever.

My eyes travelled upwards, I noted that the two folds of flesh then came together in what looked like two layers of hoods hanging down, the upper one looked fuller, like it was hiding something.

“You can touch,” Linda said softly, making me look up at her and I think blush for being preoccupied with her body “go back inside me too, I would like that.”

I tentatively reached out and again put my right forefinger into the opening, the one I had penetrated earlier, I knew that would be OK.

Warm and wet and slippery, I let my finger enter her, I heard Linda gasp as I did and looked up.

“Oh, Paul, go inside, properly inside, please.”

My finger slipped deeper inside, I could feel her flesh surround it as I moved it around, exploring.

“It’s not smooth inside, I can feel things,” I said hoping not to sound too stupid.

“It’s sort of ribbed, to stimulate the man and make him cum. I read about that.”

“Oh, I would have no problem cumming, trying not to cum would be more difficult.”

Linda laughed “Once you get used to a woman it will be easier for you, especially if you have cum once.”

“Yeah, if I have a wank then another a bit later the second one lasts longer.”

“I’ve noticed that, same with all my boyfriends and with Ray, of course.”

“Ray still wanked?” I asked, then immediately regretted it.

“All men wank, they don’t stop when there married. I assumed he would wank when I was not around, but often I would wank him off or he would wank off in front of me, even in the kitchen or lounge, same as I would wank myself off for him, we both liked watching the other performing.”

My mouth was open, “Oh,” I managed “I just assumed we, men, did it until we had sex with girls.”

Linda laughed, “Give yourself something new to wank about and play with my pussy some more.”

I had by now had pushed my single finger in as far as my hand, it felt good so I added a second finger, Linda moaned as both now slid up inside of her.

“In and out, Paul, do that please.”

“Ok, slow or fast?”

“Start slow and build up, like you might do if you were having sex with a girl.”

Now that both excited and scared me.

I did as instructed. Two fingers entered as far as they could, I could feel the ribs inside as they slid over them. Once home I slowly pulled them back so that just the tips remained inside her opening, then back in. I carried on doing this and as I did I became aware of Linda responding, her hands had moved to her breasts and were massaging them between pinching her nipples and pulling on them.

I sped up my finger fucking, as I found out it was called, I was going quite fast when Linda moaned loudly and her hand moved off her right breast and went between her legs, to the folds of flesh above where I was fingering her.

My attention was now on what she was doing to herself. Her fingers were busy in a sort of circular motion on the upper part, the bit that looked as if it had something underneath it. I carried on with my fingers inside her, in and out, getting faster still, Linda’s fingers flicked faster to, sometimes I could feel her finger tips next to mine, wetting them I assumed. We both carried on like this until…

Linda let out a cry and her body jerked around, her fingers still moved but much more slowly, it was like she had had an electric shock. My fingers continued to thrust in and out, she was so wet there was now little resistance to my thrusts. Gradually she quietened down, her own fingers were still, my own fingers came to a halt to, still half way up her vagina.

“God, I needed that,” Linda managed to say, still panting a bit, recovering from her orgasm.

“I assume that was you cuming,” I said “I would love to do that to you as well, will you show me how?”
Linda looked at me and nodded.

“Ok, this is my clit, that’s what makes, well, I assume, most women have an orgasm, read about that too.” As she said that she used her right hand to part her lips again.

“See that, the upper vee shaped bit?” I nodded, “that’s my clit, it’s usually just under that flap of skin, if I pull it up you can see it, looks about the size of a pea. Here, touch it.”

With that Linda reached for my hand and guided it between her spread legs and to the hood of her clitoris.

I made contact with it, pushing the hood away and revealing the pink tip.

“I suppose it’s the equivalent to the end of your cock, you wank yourself off there, I do it with my clit.” Linda added.

“So how do I do it?” I asked, keen to understand how a woman’s body works.

“Come up besides me.”

I moved from between her legs to alongside her and felt her stroke my thigh. By now my penis was rising up, Linda had noticed and gave me a few strokes, leaving me with my foreskin pulled back.

“OK, its best if it’s very wet so you have to keep dipping into my vagina for lube, then it’s best not to rub the tip directly but around and across it, like I was doing just now.”

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“I get too sensitive, I like to back off and only occasionally rub the tip directly, maybe when I’m about to cum, but often it’s too much even at that point,” then she adds, “easier to stand it if someone else is doing it.”

I reached and put two fingers back into her pussy, Linda was still very wet and slippery inside, I then allowed my fingers to run up the centre of her vulva and her fleshy lips.

“That’s where I pee,” she said as my fingertips passed over her opening.

I looked down to see, I could just see a small delicate looking hole. I continued upwards and felt the skin that formed the hood of her clit come together and then the firmness of the tip just above. I allowed my fingers to touch it, Linda moaned, then I felt the hood as I pushed it upwards.

“That’s the spot, now circle around it and maybe flick across it too, just lightly to start, a man will soon get to know how his girl likes it, I had to tell all my boyfriends what I liked otherwise they’d go crazy.”

“So how soon can you cum again?” I asked not having any idea.

“Women are different to men, I can cum again quite quickly and if I or the man does it right, keep having them.”

“Oh,” I said, taking it all in.

So, I spent some minutes bringing Linda to her second orgasm. I even remembered to keep going back inside her vagina, which became wetter and wetter as I, well, wanked her off, I suppose. My cock was fully hard again now, Linda had reached out and taken hold of it and I hoped Linda would bring me off again too, with me lasting much longer this time and being able to take in what she was doing to me and just enjoy it.

As I wanked Linda she allowed her left hand to alternate between stroking my cock and feeling my balls, I must admit I really liked the feel of her fingers as she rolled my balls around in my sac and then pulling on them a bit too.

I watched her face more this time, letting my fingers do what they had to between her legs. I could see her get to the point, must be like when I wanked and knew I was going to shot, that she was close and began to wriggle a bit and make noises that ended in cries and her hands clamping down on mine to stop me rubbing her anymore.

As she came down from her orgasm I decided I had to get back between her legs and have a proper taste of her pussy.

“I want to lick you now, is that OK?”

Linda just smiled and seemed to spread her legs wider apart for me, I took that as permission.

My head went down, mouth open and tongue out, her hairs touched the sides of my face as I took my first lick of pussy proper, she really was wet and the taste and smell of her was just amazing as my mouth sucked on the large hanging lips of her opening and my tongue went inside to scoop out her juice.

I wanted to try everything she had, outer lips – so thick and fleshy and I guessed, swollen by our sex, inner lips – neat and tidy, still gorged with sex, her pee hole and her clit.

I licked around her openings, tasting her, hoping I was stimulating her, then I sucked in her left side labia, the smaller ones forming the entrance to her vagina, I continued to suck, allowing her lip to move in and out of my lips. Now and then I went back inside her, my own cheeks were wet through and so was my nose, all I could smell now was pussy. I never wanted to smell anything else again I thought.

I could feel her hand touch my head, just lightly, holding me there as I gorged on her body. I made one or two excursions up to her clit but that seemed to make her flinch and she would push my head back to her … cunt, as some of the guys I knew referred to that place.

It was as I was eating her out that the thought of getting my cock inside her and actually fucking her began to develop. I loved fucking the pillow girl, as had come to call her, it felt so good being on to of another “person” and thrusting inside and then to spunk my load in there too.

I could only ask Linda. I raised my head, my face now pretty well soaked in her pussy secretions. Linda was on her back with her head on the pillow, eyes closed as I glanced up.

“Linda, can I, can we, well, have sex? As in can I get inside you? Only if you want to, of course.”

Linda opened her eyes and sat up. I was between her still open and drawn up legs, my cock was perfectly stiff, my testicles hung slightly. I was praying.

“I’m not on the pill anymore, not since Ray left, but you can if you use a condom.”

“My heart sank, obviously I didn’t have any, well, Durex, as we came to generically refer to condoms then.

Linda then started to move and reached over to the small unit besides her bed and opened the drawer. She rummaged about and found what she was after, a vending pack of three Durex Gossamer.

“Here, I have these, a friend gave me them as a joke in case I got lucky, looks like I have in a way.

I took the pack and opened it nervously. Three packs fell onto the bed between my legs, I picked them up, placed two further away and held onto one. Linda resumed her position on the bed with her legs drawn up and just wide enough to part the opening to her vagina.

“Let me help,” Linda said watching me as she took the packet “the first thing is to tear it open carefully, use the small indents to start with, yes that’s it.”

I had the pack open, I could smell the rubbery aroma and feel the slippery lube on the condom.

“OK, next find the teat, the floppy bit in the middle. Yes, that’s it. Check it’s the right side so you can unroll the thing on your cock. No, the other way. That’s it. Now hold the teat so all the air is out, perfect, now place it over the end of your cock so it’s directly over where your hole is. Let me see, yes that’s it.”

Now, start to roll it down, do it evenly all round, that’s it, keep going until you feel the harder ring of rubber, OK, it’s on.”

“It seems a bit short. Is it alright?”

Linda laughed “It’s that you’re a bit longer than most guys I’ve known but its fine.”

“Thanks for helping, I would probably have messed the thing up.”

“So, Paul, you can get inside me when your ready and you can cum inside me.” Linda looked at me as she said that. She looked so, not sure I should say this, but she was so fuckable.

I moved forward, using my arms to position myself above her, first I was face to face with her breasts, so I lowered myself and kissed each nipple before repeating and sucking on each for a short time.

I resumed my movement towards her face and my cock to her pussy. Once we were face to face I looked down at her, I wanted to kiss her mouth.

Her breath intoxicated me, it gave off the scent of sex, I had never experienced that before, even with the few girls I had kissed. But then, I had never been about to push my erect penis inside a willing pussy before either.

Linda’s lips parted a little more as we looked at each other, our faces inches apart and my cock touching her between the legs now.

I lowered my head and our lips touched, we kissed.

I felt her arms and then hands wrap around me as her breasts made contact with my chest. Our lips moved, tongues tangled up, saliva swapped.

Still my cock hovered, I was still touching her somewhere around her pussy, the condom not helping a virgin enter his first vagina.

As we kissed I felt Linda’s hands slide down over my back and then my bum, which was as far as she could reach I assumed, then I felt her push me down to her body. I was only a light pressure, but enough for me to lower my hips and hope I was on target.

I assumed that Linda could feel where my cockhead was and knew I would be able to enter her.

I let myself sink lower, my concentration had moved from my lips to my cock, seeking every bit of touch from my bell end as I sank into a warm wetness. I had sensed the initial contact with her body and a slight alignment as my end found her opening and slipped inside. I slipped into Linda, she gasped as I made my way as far as I could, I could feel some pressure now on my balls as my sac touched her cunt.

I was fucking. My cock had gone inside a girl. I had done it.
The natural urge to start moving was now taking over, my practice with “pillow girl” finally coming in useful as my hips withdrew and then I sank into Linda again.

Our lips still pressed together in our kissing, her hands were still on my bum and I could feel her moving with me, almost pushing me back into her as I moved more and more, speeding up gradually now my confidence was back. I knew how to do this, a real pussy felt so much better than a plastic bag with hand cream, it was warm and very wet and the girl wanted me inside her.

My hips took over, I fucked naturally now, with ease, full strokes with me making a firm contact with her pussy each inward thrust, my balls now banging against her body and adding to the overall sexual stimulation I was receiving; they felt so good doing that.

I needed more air, so I had to pull away from Linda’s lips, I was reasonably fit but I was working hard with those long deep strokes. I put my cheek against hers as we fucked and it was then I heard her start to say things to me.

“Paul, fuck me, fuck me, Paul, fuck me.” Over and over she said it, I was so turned on my this that I tried to thrust harder still, really slamming down onto her hips whist my hands now cradled her head to mine. My mouth was next to her left ear, I began to whisper to her.

“I am fucking you, my cocks up you now, you like my cock up you? You want more cock? You want my balls in you too? You want my cum? You want me to cum inside you?”

Linda didn’t seem to hear me, she just carried on urging me to fuck her harder and deeper every stroke.

I had never done any what might be called dirty talk with “pillow girl”, just me moving in and out, physical only. This verbal added a whole new level to the sex I was having. It was going to make me ejaculate and soon. Very soon.

I felt the first signs, slight throbs deeper inside my body, up behind my bollocks. Then more, stronger, building, extra sensitivity in my cock head, more triggers inside me until I knew I was going to cum.

“I’m going to cum, oh fuck! Fuck!”

The sensation in my glans became intense, I felt my throbs now, the muscles under my balls pulsed rapidly and I cried out as I filled the teat of my condom. I carried on thrusting for as long as could, the sensitivity in my throbbing cock head more than I could stand. Eventually I gradually slowed the motion in my hips.

Linda’s hand now caressed my head as I became still, my relaxing cock still deep inside her, gasping for breath, our faces still in contact, I could feel her breasts on my chest as she too fought for breath.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, still, quiet. Linda spoke first.

“Paul, that was something, I needed that, I really did. Hope I didn’t shock you with what I said, it’s just that when I get to that place, I need it, hard like you did.”

I was pretty speechless, not through lack of oxygen, just my mind was overwhelmed.

“Yeah, no, it was fine, I think it made me cum too. Just never had anything like that.”

“I can feel you’ve gone soft, better come out but hold the condom on you as you pull out, stops the risk of it coming off and semen leaking.”

“Err, OK.”

I managed to reach down and take hold of my semi-soft cock and the rubber around it, slid out of Linda and knelt before her, still between her open legs.

I was then able to carefully slide the condom off my cock and held it by the open end, looking at the teat so see how much spunk I had managed second time around.

“Let’s see.” Linda asked, really surprising me.

I held the rubber up, the teat was almost full, the white contents clearly visible.

“Pretty good, considering how much went on my kitchen floor earlier.”

“I can help clean it up,” I offered.

“No need, not the first spunk on my floor I’ve had to deal with. Tie a knot in that and we’ll get it in the waste bin downstairs.”

I did as instructed, learning all the time. No leaks that way.

We both climbed up off the bed, our clothes were downstairs but Linda produced a blouse which she put on and some jeans, then we headed back to the kitchen, my cock flopping about between my legs this time.

I gathered my clothes and began dressing, Linda retrieved her bikini bottom and top and put them on the table, then tearing off a couple of sheets of kitchen roll, checked the floor for my semen, by now just some spatter and a clear pool.

“Quite a puddle you made,” Linda said wiping it up with the kitchen roll.

I admitted that I think I do produce a fair amount but had no idea how much other guys made. I had never wanked with friends, not even sure if anyone I knew did, but I assumed some guys would have.

“It does vary, depends quite a bit on how long it is since he last came, I suppose. I shouldn’t say this, but Ray never really shot huge loads, some early boyfriends did, one especially, he just kept cumming, quite a sight for a girl with one of her first boyfriends.”

“So, how does mine compare?”

“Oh, Paul, you’re fine, trust me, I wouldn’t have said anything if I hadn’t really thought you’d made a lot.”

“Thanks,” I said, reassured that I could spunk with the best. I knew my second and any later loads would be less without a fair time to recover, so was happy with what I had seen in the teat upstairs.

“So,” I asked, “I’d like to do something like this again. But I realise this afternoon was just, well, it just happened.”

“You said you finished early on a Thursday too, come and knock on my backdoor then.”

“Really! Oh, you sure? Thanks.”

“Paul, one thing. Girls, women like sex too, especially when it’s good sex.”

“I’ll be better next time, hopefully, now I’ve done it.”

Linda just came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.


“OK, see you then. You won’t say anything will you?”


“Thanks.” I kissed her cheek in return and then headed back the few steps to my own back door.

I went straight upstairs, into the bathroom and dropped my jeans and pants. There I washed my penis to remove any residual cum. As I soaped it under the warm water I could feel myself beginning to swell again. I could still smell Linda, the aroma of pussy strong in my nostrils, I just loved that and kept breathing it in.

I was in some sort of heaven, or at least that’s how it felt. Virginity behind me, my cock had been inside a woman and I had ejaculated inside too. I had sucked on tits, licked a pussy and had my fingers up it as well. Never in my wildest early adult sexual fantasies had I ever imagined having sex with Linda next door or it being such a fantastic and educational experience.

I looked down, I hadn’t yet put my cock back in my jeans, they and my pants hung around my knees, unlike my cock that now stood upright, slightly red around the tip and foreskin, but perfect. Just perfect, I felt like a real man now, I had had a woman.

I decided to take off my jeans and pants and return to my bedroom, where I looked at myself in the mirror, checking out the size and shape of my cock, how my balls hung, how my pubic hair appeared.

I kept thinking about how it had felt inside Linda, the whole length of me actually inside another person, her wanting me inside her body, wanting me to have an orgasm, something which I had only ever had in private so far.

My right hand had taken hold of my cock by now and it slowly moved on it, my foreskin dragging back and forth over my fully swollen bell end. I let my left hand drop and cup my testicles, feeling the soft hairs of my scrotum as I raised the two balls up to meet the descending hand of my cock and for it to bump into my balls, a feeling I loved as I masturbated and one that often triggered my ejaculation.

I already knew I would be ejaculating again pretty soon, I was still so horny. I checked the time, half three, so half an hour. Half an hour of wanking over Linda and us fucking.

I glanced out of the window.

“Shit! The lawn!”


I masturbated. It didn’t take me too long, even though it was the third of the day, so far at least.

I less than two minutes I was pointing my knob into my left palm to take the first spurts of my cum, it was thinner looking than I saw in the teat and less volume too. But it felt like my best orgasm ever as my near exhausted semen reserves were wrung from inside me, the throbbing I experienced intense, I was virtually dry too apart from the initial two or three spurts, which now lay in a small pool in my hand.

Back to the bathroom, cock and hands washed, face washed, don’t want any questions about how I might smell of sex and pussy.

I dashed down and started on the lawn.

That night, as soon as had climbed into bed, I wanked off again. I just had to, I was so horny still.

I had to now wait two days. I made up my mind that my last wank before Thursday would be on Wednesday morning. Or evening. But definitely not Thursday.

The next two days of college classes passed with little attention paid to the content. My mind was on sex. Just sex. At lunchtime on the Wednesday I went for a pee, as I went to pull my foreskin back I found I was all wet, as there was nobody next to me I quickly wiped my finger over my end to …..

“Hi Paul, how was that maths? Bit tricky, I thought.”

Steve stood next to me, unzipping then extracting his cock.

“Yeah, I sort of lost it half way though,” I said as I eventually managed to start peeing with my foreskin only just away from my piss slit instead of it pulled back behind my helmet as I usually did – I wasn’t normally shy, if a guy looked so what, I had been naked in the showers after sport many times. I always assumed each guy secretly looked at the other guy’s cocks and balls if only to compare with their own. I certainly did. I was, I suppose, interested in what other guys had between their legs, how they compared with me at least when soft. So many different sizes and shapes, not just the cocks but balls too.

I had identified what I thought was the perfect set of genitals, the sort I would want if I could choose. They belonged to a lad called Derek at school. He was nothing special to look at normally at but naked he looked good I thought. His penis was a nice length and thickness, his bell end was clearly visible through his foreskin so he was quite large there. His foreskin ended with a wrinkled tip, probably just less than half an inch long, I’d never seen it retracted, even in the toilets. He had good balls too I thought, fairly big so his cock seemed to hang over them, making it seem heavy as it hung there due to his large bell end. All finished with a small patch of dark brown curly pubic hair above his penis and some around and on his balls.
I finished college at midday on the Thursday, another lost morning of formal education and made my way home, grabbed something to eat and went to the bathroom and stripped off. I washed myself thoroughly, especially between the legs. Especially there. I must have leaked pre cum with the frequent erections I had had during the morning, all slippery around my foreskin and knob. I washed myself from the patch of pubes above my cock, right the way round to my bum. I also sponged my nipples. My cock must have been washed five or six times before clean pants and my jeans were pulled back up. Under my arms and face were also washed and teeth cleaned.

I was nervous. What if Linda had changed her mind. She might have had to go out. Or had to work later than usual.

I knocked at the glass of her kitchen door. Nothing. I knocked again, after what I thought was a reasonable time.

Linda appeared behind the glass. I could hear the key turning and then the handle move. The door opened.

“Paul, come in.”

I entered and the door was closed behind me and the key turned. That, I though, was a good sign.

We stood facing each other, checking each other out.

Linda, for her part looked good, jeans hugged her fairly slim hips, I couldn’t help but quickly look at the part that went between her legs and imagine her naked body, that neat bush of pubes above her pussy, her lips protruding there. The scent of her.

“I wasn’t sure you’d come,” she said.

“You’re joking,” I said, “of course I would come. I’m here anyway.”

Linda smiled. She was wearing a plain light green tee shirt, it fitted well as I could see she had no bra on, the shape of her tits filing the upper part perfectly and her nipples clearly defined – maybe she had had a play or was just so aroused already.

“Would you like some tea?” she asked.

“Err, yes, thanks.” I answered, thinking to myself that somehow that simple question made everything seem, well, sort of normal.

Linda turned and took the kettle to the tap. I watched as she filled it and then reconnected the lead and started it off. With her back still to me and as she readied two mugs and teabags I moved towards her, I reached out and took hold of her waist, she leant back into me still holding a tea bag.

I took that as permission to move my hands higher but still over her tee shirt until I could feel the underside of her beasts, the smooth rounded rise of them from her chest, they were soft yet firm. My fingers filled with her breasts as I felt for her nipples and squeezed then lightly between my thumbs and forefingers. I heard a soft moan as Linda again pressed harder into me.

My jeans were bulging already and Linda had managed to reach back with her left hand and feel me between my legs and the arousal I demonstrated there and also my two balls beneath

The kettle soon boiled and clicked off, Linda returned her attention to the tea.

She handed me my tea.

“Paul, I need to say something. I had a great time yesterday and I’m happy you’ve come here now. It really got me thinking last night though, about what I want, with Ray gone and all that and what I do next. I can’t see us getting back together now, he’s been gone for two months or so with big tits and he won’t pay the mortgage for ever, I just don’t know really. I want to find another guy at some point and you need yourself a proper girlfriend too. Until then then we can meet like this sometimes. Is that OK?”

“Err, yes, understand.”


“So now what?” I asked, looking at Linda, her brown eyes, those soft freckles, her lips. Her tits.

Linda put down her mug and approached me, her face moving to one side of mine until our cheeks touched.

“I want you to fuck me until I can’t stand up.” Linda said quietly into my ear.

“Oh, OK.” I managed. I desperately wanted to fuck again, I just wondered if would be up to her expectations. More to the point, could I actually last that long before cumming?

“Shall we take these upstairs?” she suggested. More of an instruction that a question I thought as she started to move into the hallway.

I followed her, watching her bum as she took the stairs and the space between her thighs. I had sort of developed this thing about girls, I liked to see daylight between their thighs when they had jeans or similar on. I think it was because I would then be able to see their pussy outlined properly, even with hair there when undressed, as opposed to girls with thighs that seem to rub together. Since seeing Linda’s pussy only two days ago I now knew that those lips that hung down would be clearly visible too.

In her bedroom we put the mugs beside each side of her bed and we came together at the foot of the bed where there was more room for us.

Looking quickly around I had noticed two condoms on her side of the bed, a very good sign I thought. But sometimes things don’t always go as expected.

I again reached out and took her by the waist as I had earlier, she came to me and kissed my left cheek, I could smell her natural scent as we touched. I managed to get my hands inside of her tee shirt now so I could feel her cool flesh, then slowly I raised my arms so my hands moved up her sides until the swell of her breasts could be felt, at which point I took hold of each and gently felt the soft forms, working my way to the firm buds at the tips of each.

Linda let me caress her there for a minute or so before reaching down and pulling her tee shirt up over my hands and then over her head. I let my hands fall and looked at her now she was topless, my eyes obviously drawn to her breasts. I briefly glanced up at her face and saw she was looking at me, then unsure, I raised my hands again and touched both her nipples, stroking the tips with my finger nails. Linda exhaled and briefly closed her eyes as I continued to stroke her nipple tips and around the darker skinned areolae with the small bumps that circled them.

I sensed her move closer to me, her own arms went up as she reached for the top button of my shirt, unfastened it and then continued downwards until she had to tug my shirt tails from my jeans.

To let her have space I dropped my own hands and awaited her next move.

Two hands went to my sides just above my hips then slowly moved upwards until her fingers reached my pecs and my own nipples which just as I had done, she flicked and stroked too.

“Paul, you feel different there from Tuesday, they’re sticking out more and are firm like mine.”

“More sensitive too, that feels so good don’t stop.”

“Tell me.” Linda sort of demanded of me, flicking faster now.

“Well, yeah, Tuesday. It’s that as soon as I got home…”

“Just after you’d cum in me?”

“Well, yes, I was so horny still I had to wank again, not much came out though.”

“Not surprised,”

“But’s it when I’d gone to bed and was still horny that I thought about your nipples and the way you played with mine. So I started to play with mine as I…”

“Had another wank?”

“Err, yes. Pretty dry, no worries about hiding the evidence, just a few drops. Anyway, as I stroked myself …. I’ve never, ever, spoken to anyone like this you realise, OK, but as I stroked I began playing with my right nipple, flicking it but soon I was pinching myself quite hard, pulling on my tit too. Then my left one as I was getting close, it took more effort than usual to cum, so the extra sensations in my tits helped. But Wednesday morning I soon noticed they felt tender and were harder and bigger than usual. I had to hide when I went into the bathroom in case the others saw me.”

“That’s how Ray made mine so sensitive but he went further a lot of the time.” She did not elaborate.

Linda had kept up the flicking of my nipples as I was telling her all this, they did feel good and I hoped hers felt as good when I attended to them.

Her hand dropped back to my waist and she moved closer, then her head lowered and I felt her lips meet my left nipple followed by the flicking of her tongue over the now captive tip. Her hair was in my face, I could smell her, it was such an arousing aroma I didn’t want her to move away.

“God, that’s good,” I managed as I tried to locate her breasts again with my fingers. I located her right one and cupped it but our arms were getting tangled and Linda’s head was sort of in the way so I gave up and just enjoyed what she was doing to me.

After she had also been at my right breast she raised her head and kissed me on the mouth briefly before I felt the button on my jeans being undone followed by my zip lowered as far as it would go. Then I felt the tugging at the sides and my jeans pulled down, my briefs still up but straining at the front.

“I’d love to watch you wanking yourself off and have a load like the first one on Tuesday.” Linda said.

“Sure, but can we, well, have proper sex?”

“Of course, maybe you can wank off for me when it’s my period, it’s fairly soon.”

I was a bit shocked. I just hadn’t even thought about that. I knew about periods, of course, but not the practicalities or anything like that.

“Yeah, not able to have sex then, makes sense,” was what I managed to come up with.

Linda laughed, “just not in my vagina for a few days, I use tampons so as long as you don’t pull the string you can still play with my clit and anywhere else and make me cum.”

“Oh, right.”

“I could wank for you, if you would like that.”

“You call it wanking to? Girls wanking? I thought it was just boys or men that wanked their cocks.”

Linda laughed. “Come on, let’s get you out.” With that she reached down and into the opening caused by my bulging briefs and pulled them across exposing my cock and balls.

“I just love this,” she said as her hand took hold of my erection and pushed towards me taking with it my foreskin until I was totally exposed.

“Mmmm, nice and wet,” I felt a finger run up the underside of my shaft and over my hole where my clear fluid had formed a fresh drip. Linda then licked her finger and grinned.

“Love this,” as she returned to my cock head in search of more, “tastes so sweet.”

A dozen or so wank strokes later resulted in more to taste. Except this time her finger came to my mouth. I did as expected and took it all. My reward? I had my balls squeezed. Not too hard, but enough to make me moan and my cock to bulge even more.

I now desperately wanted Linda’s jeans off, to be at her cunt, first with mouth and fingers, then my cock.

I managed to get her button undone and her zip pulled down without too much difficulty, then when pulling her jeans down her knickers came too, small white ones, thin translucent strands connected the front of her knickers to her pubes and pussy lips; she was as wet as I was and I wanted to taste her.

Linda was as keen as I was for us both to be naked now, we pulled our jeans and undies off, my socks and shoes too naturally. I closed in and reached out to cup her between her legs, the soft pile of pubic hair greeting my fingers followed by the yielding of the centre of her slit as my finger pressed inwards as they had that first time.

I wanted to taste her, for my nostrils to be full of the taste of her pussy again so I removed my fingers and took her by the shoulders and turned her round so she backed onto the end of the bed, a slight pressure from me signalled my wishes and she sat on the bed, lay back and opened her legs wide and upwards, her hands behind her knees.

I knelt. My hands held her upper thighs as I bought my face to her now slightly parted vaginal lips, all moist and glistening from where my fingers had drawn her fluids from inside and spread them even more around. Her aroma was of pure sex, I felt my cock stiffen more, if that was even possible, as my lips touched the lips of her pussy. My tongue extended and pushed apart the flaps that guarded her vagina and the contents that were making me so aroused.

“Mmmm Paul, that’s good,” as I took my first suck of her lips, then a long tongue stroke from the start of her slit up slowly to the tip of her clitoris. More moans as I flicked the tip, then returned for another flap to suck and another tonguing of her cunt.

My ears touched her soft inner thighs as I moved up and down her soaking pussy, my nostrils now full of the smell of pussy, my mouth and face coated in her juices.

I tried to calm myself down, just a few strokes of my penis would have me spurting cum right now and I wanted to last when I got to fuck Linda.

Focusing on licking her did work, stayed stiff of course but felt things up inside where my balls hung calm down a bit.

I must have spent five minutes eating Linda’s pussy, her moans and sighs encouraging me, driving me to try new techniques, adding a finger to probe inside her, then to slowly finger fuck her, then two fingers, gaining speed, more clit licking now, sucking on it, fingering her deep inside, curling my fingers upwards as I felt around inside, feeling where I wanted my cock to be pretty soon, where I would be spunking off.

Linda orgasmed. I am sure she did. I was finger fucking her with two fingers, almost as fast I could without risking hurting her pussy inside whilst my tongue worked her clit. I could feel her body move, twist, writhe as her breath came in shorter and shorter gasps. Then a loud cry as her body jerked more under my actions.

I kept up the pace until I felt her try and pull away, sitting herself upright on the bed looking at me. She gestured me to come to her, I did and she took hold of me and kissed my pussy soaked mouth, her lips open.

We kissed for quite a while like that until Linda finally broke the contact with the words “your turn now”.

She climbed off the side of the bed and reached for me to follow, I did and we ended up back at the foot of the bed.

“I needed that,” Linda told me “you learn quickly, virgin one day, bringing a woman off with your mouth the next. Cock still to go as well.”

Before I could answer I felt my cock taken hold of and treated to several full length strokes, my foreskin stretched quite hard back on my shaft. A short squeeze of my balls followed by a tug on my ball sac and then Linda dropped to her knees in front of me. Her face was about level with my cock.

Holding my shaft again she drew me to her head, her mouth open and both hands pressing softly on the cheeks of my bum. I was going to have my cock sucked. My first blow job. I had no idea how it would feel being sucked, my bell end with all its sensitivity and capacity to deliver fluids being caressed by a warm, wet mouth, a tongue that could swirl around its rim, poke in its opening, flick it most sensitive spot.

Linda took me into her lips, I looked down and watched as my glans went inside, her lips sliding over the taught sensitive skin, the first feel of her tongue as it touched my frenulum.

It felt awesome. Better than the best ever wank or pillow girl fuck. Within seconds Linda’s head had set to work, moving back and forth on my cock, gradually taking more and more of me, I realised of course that Linda had sucked cocks before and knew how to pleasure a man. I assumed she would know if I was about to ejaculate and finish me off with a wank, maybe letting me shoot over her tits. I would like that, I thought.

I was soon moaning in pleasure at the feeling in my cock, not just my knob but the sensitive skin behind it that formed the inside of my foreskin normally.

I suddenly realised that Linda was nearly touching my bollocks with her chin each time her head come forward and my bum was pulled towards her. Almost all of my length was in her mouth and, well, throat – it must be. I could hear her making noises now, trying to breath and gagging sounds when my cock was deep inside.

Linda kept on sucking, her hand had now gripped my shaft and added a wank to the overall sensations. Her other hand had also left by cheek and had me by the balls, thumb and forefinger wrapped around the top of my scrotum and gently and rhythmically pulling down on my cords. Now that felt good.

I could feel the first throbs up behind my pulled balls now. The sensitivity of my cock head was intense, my shaft wanked as well. I was so close to orgasm.

It suddenly dawned on me that Linda wanted me to cum. To spunk in her mouth. I was so close and the realisation of that took me over the edge.

I sensed the first pulse of ejaculation, the big one, the spunk thrower. My throbs came fast and furious, Linda didn’t flinch or change her sucking and wanking, my balls though, were pulled on, it felt sensational, like nothing ever before. Normally I found my testicles would tighten during he final stages of my wanks, now they were being denied that and instead pulled away from my body.

I had no way of knowing what Linda was doing with my load, presumably she had had to swallow most of it as I shot in her mouth and throat and she was used to that.
She continued with my cock in her mouth until I had noticeably softened, at which point Linda let my cock fall from her lips. She then stood up, looked at me and came closer, she wanted to kiss me, I let her. I could taste something different as our mouths met and we both opened our lips to each other, probably some residual semen in her mouth I thought. I felt her hands pull me to her, her breasts touched my bare chest, still we kissed, the new taste getting a bit more pronounced now.

Then, without any warning, Linda somehow turned us both around and pushed me onto the bed so that she was on top, even more incredible was that we were still mouth to mouth and kissing.

I could feel the warmth of her body over mine, my legs were over the end of the bed, she between them, I could feel the hair of her pussy on my belly as she had managed to keep level with my face.

It happened almost immediately. The new taste I had in my mouth when we started the kiss became stronger, I could definitely taste it more now, much more, in fact I had to swallow, I had no choice being on my back as I was and pinned down by Linda’s body.

I swallowed a second time. Linda started to pull herself up and immediately moved her face to my chest and located my right nipple with her mouth which she started to lick then suck on, teasing it with her tongue too. My left nipple had to settle for her fingers flicking and pulling on it.

I still had that odd taste in my mouth, it was not unpleasant, clearly not harmful as I had swallowed some and it had come from Linda’s mouth.

“I should be doing that to you,” I said as she continued to pleasure my chest “after that sucking you gave me, that was incredible, never felt anything like that before.”

Linda seemed to respond, she again lifted her body and moved up the bed, then raising her upper body so that a breast and nipple was presented to my mouth. I took it in and sucked and nibbled gently on it, my fingers finding the other breast.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, no talking, just enjoying each other’s bodies.

“Time for some more tea,” Linda final said.

“Can I just have another lick?” I asked.

Without saying anything Linda lifted herself up on to her knees, shuffled forwards over my abdomen and chest until the thickest part of her bush brushed my nose and her pussy closed around my mouth.

I licked her from vagina to clitoris again and again, slurping on the juices from between her fleshy lips, swallowing often, all vestiges of the odd new taste gone from my mouth, my nostrils filled again with the smell of a woman’s cunt.

After a few more minutes Linda again rose, climbed off the bed and grabbed her tee shirt and jeans, pulled them on and took hold of the half full tea mugs ready to head down to the kitchen. I followed suite with just my jeans and shirt, which I left unbuttoned.

I wanted to know what had just happened, well, the part with my cock in Linda’s mouth and the kissing that followed, anyway. I wasn’t quite sure how to ask her. I watched as she again filled the kettle, set it going and rinsed the mugs and so on. Her tight tee shirt highlighted her still erect nipples, her jeans too showed her shape off perfectly, the gap between those thighs that I expected to be soon filled with my cock.

“A bit hot yet,” Linda said a she finished stirring the teas.

“You’re the hot one.” I added with a large grin.

“So, how’s it going so far for you?”

“The, err, sex, you mean?”

“Yes, is it what you expected? You were a bit nervous Tuesday but brilliant, so how’s today now were seem more used to each other?”

“Not sure what I expected, certainly not sex until it began, but then, well, yes, just great. Easier with an experienced woman rather than the two of us fumbling around and none of the messing about, you know, can I touch her tits, can I get my hand down her knickers, will she wank me off if I ask her…”

“You’ll still have that to come with girlfriends to start off with, but I wanted, needed sex Tuesday so it worked for us and looking at your jeans you’re about ready for some more!”

I was getting hard again, with no undies on my cock pushed against the front of my jeans, looking down I could just about make out the slight line that showed where my foreskin went over my bell end as it was now almost fully swollen.

I agreed that I was ready for some more, but I still wanted to know about earlier.

“What you did with your mouth was, well, not felt anything like that before, not even the best wank with some hand cream felt like that. I wasn’t expecting you to let me cum in your mouth though, assumed you would just wank me off.”

Linda picked her tea up and began sipping it.

“Paul, I’ve sucked a man off many times and swallowed it all too, same as you licking me out, I guess, it’s what sex is.”

“You swallowed my cum?”

“Well, some, had to as you do cum hard with your first shots and it went quite a way back.”

“Some? Where did the rest go?”

Linda put her mug down and came up to me, reached up and touched my lips then ran her fingers down over my chin, throat, chest and stopped at my bare belly.

“I thought I could taste something different when you kissed me, you held it in your mouth and made me take it back?”

Linda poked her finger into my belly button and wriggled it about before dropping her hand to my jeans, opening the button and slowly, to avoid trapping the soft skin on my bulging penis, pulled the zipper down.

“So how was it? Sexy eh?”

Linda was close now, I could smell her body, her breath. My cock had been released and was upright in her right hand, my foreskin taken back and then manipulated over my glans.

“I’ve never tasted it before, so wasn’t sure what it was but guessed it must have been mostly my spunk.”

“There was quite a bit, even after I swallowed the first shots, hope you didn’t mind, I just sort of did it.”

“It was, well, ok, I liked it when we were kissing as it was very wet, you sort of pushed it into my mouth I guess, there was definitely an odd taste then.”

“Probably quite a bit of my saliva as well, sucking does make a lot of that.”

“Sure, yes, had to swallow a couple of times pretty soon after you pushed me back.”

“Do it again? Share your sperm kissing?”

“Definitely, that was sexy. Didn’t taste too bad either.”

“You get used to it, all my boyfriends wanted me to suck them and then suck them off. I did it with my second boyfriend the first time as I really liked him, I had seen him cum, obviously, so knew how much to expect but not the taste or the feel of him spurting in my mouth. First time was a bit messy, some shot down my throat and I coughed and almost bit his cock, just managed not to hurt him though,”

I pulled a face imagining my cock, cumming and being bitten, probably on my bell end too, ouch!

“I must have swallowed some as I could taste it on the back of my tongue afterwards.”

“I loved how you sucked me off,” I added, “anytime you fancy doing it.”

“Wait until you get a girl that’s on the pill and you can cum inside her, then go down on her and lick her out. Ray loved to do that with me, then he’d kiss me back tasting of cum and my pussy.”

I agreed with that prospect.

As she said that her hand moved faster on my cock for a short time. Ideas and thoughts kept flashing into my head. I had to taste my cum properly now, just it alone in my mouth with time to thoroughly taste it, time to get the feel of it when its fresh from my cock and all thick and sticky. I had looked at it so many times, whether on my belly and chest or just in my hand after masturbating, but never contemplated even dabbing a finger in it and tasting it or even licking it up. I had swallowed it too, I wanted to do that again also. I just had to, I was inquisitive, I needed to explore my body more and the way it worked sexually.

I reached out and undid Linda’s jeans, tugged them down enough to expose her pubes and then slipped my fingers down and into her wetness, making sure my fingers were well and truly coated before finding her clit again. Moans.

“Come on, let’s get back upstairs, remember what I said earlier, I still need that fucking.”

“I like it when you talk dirty,” I said, “can I do the same?”

“Yes, come on, lets fuck.”

We almost raced upstairs, tea forgotten, stripped naked at once and came together, hands between legs, manipulating each other.

I was still a bit unsure about using real basic sex talk to Linda but she said fuck quite a bit so I guessed it was ok, just something I’d never had to use before.

“I’m going to fuck you with my cock so hard,” I said, hoping it was not to silly sounding “fuck you until I spunk my load in you.”

That got me a big wet kiss, lots of tongue and my balls squeezed and pulled. I was happy with that result. In the meantime my own hands had moved from pussy to tits and nipples, feeling, kneading, pinching and pulling. I felt a hand reach to my right nipple and pinch me back.

Linda then pulled away, only to move to the bedside table and take one of the condoms which she tore open, took the condom out and checking it was the right way round, came to me, placed it to the end of my cock and began rolling it down my length.

“Now get that fucking cock up my cunt.” She said looking straight at me, no shyness there. I must admit to being a little shocked by her language, I was several years away from watching porn videos even on VHS tapes and hearing this from girls.

I looked back at her, her soft, light brown freckles, pink lips with no lipstick or any make-up made her look so innocent. It did excite me too, I certainly wanted my cock inside her again and to be vigorous in having intercourse with her, and more importantly, to please her.

Linda must have sensed my hesitation as she reached out her right hand, took hold of my left and drew me to the bed.

“Lie down, head on the pillow,”

I did as instructed, this was a familiar position for me, naked, cock hard and ready to start wanking myself off, but now not at all sure what was to happen next.

I hadn’t long to wait and find out, Linda climbed on the bed, straddled my body in a squatting position with my cock just in front of her pubic hair and looked down at me.

“If you won’t fuck me, I’ll fuck you.”


With that Linda raised herself up, used her right hand to take hold of my condom clad cock with its floppy teat and direct my bell end towards her bush. I could feel the hairs as she pushed me towards her slit, then the slipperiness as my cock was guided down over her clit hood, piss hole and finally, her open pussy lips.

There she stopped. I looked up at her, she looked stunning I though, this woman, about to impale herself on my cock, breasts – well just perfect with those stiff now dark pink nipples, all I wondered was how she was now going to fuck me. Did I just say that? She, Linda, was going to actually fuck me.

Linda’s hands now went to my belly, then slipped to my sides as she steadied herself ready to sink down on me. Her eyes were still locked on mine, I went to her tits, my fingers moving up over the perfect curve each breast formed as it developed from her chest, my fingertips moved around her areolae, feeling the small bumps of her glands before reaching the goal of nipples.

Linda must have been waiting for me as the moment it took hold of her nipples I felt her sink down on my cock, she did it slowly, savouring the impalement as much as I was savouring the sensation in my cock head, even through the thin film of latex that tightly covered my most sensitive parts.

Still she looked at me, my eyes dropped, I wanted to see my cock before it vanished, her pubes meeting mine, obliterating the total union of our bodies.

Linda came to a halt, I was taking most of her weight now as her bum sat on my hips and upper thighs, looking down I tried to visualise where my cock was now inside her. About up to her belly button I thought, but only if it went straight up, not sure about that.


I realised Linda was talking to me, I looked up at her, my fingers still held on to her nipples, her hands on my sides.

“Sorry, I was trying to imagine where my cock is inside you, obviously I’ve never had a girl on top of me like this.” I sheepishly responded.

Even as I was saying that Linda had starting to rise up, her grip on my sides increased as her thighs lifted her body. My penis emerged from the mass of our pubic hair, an odd colour in its shiny, wet condom, the head still firmly inside Linda’s vagina – I could feel the contact with her still.

I just stared at the gap between us, hair, hair and cock. Then the cock, my cock, vanished in a second, the sensations in my bell end felt really good, as our hair again meshed and Linda’s bum hit my hips and thighs.

Linda rose and fell on me, she settled into a steady rhythm, her breasts bounced and her nipples drew small circles as they moved with her motion.

I could just make out the way Linda’s pussy lips came down and enveloped my penis as she rose, it looked incredible, my earlier orgasm meant I could stand the onslaught of visual, physical and aural stimulation I was receiving. The sound of her body slapping against mine and the grunts now emanating from Linda as she exerted herself on top of me held me captivated.

“I’m fucking you, Paul, fucking you.” Linda now stated repeating between breaths. Then she reached forward with her hands, my fingers pulled from her nipples, and placed them firmly on my chest, enabling her to lean over me as she, well, fucked me.

Our eyes locked again, her breath reeking of pure sex now on my face.

“Wank my clit, go on wank my fucking clit off,” Linda cried “fuck me Paul, just do it.”
I wasn’t totally sure what she meant, I, we, were clearly fucking, so I assumed she wanted me to play with her clit, to make her orgasm as we fucked.

I somehow managed to get my right arm through hers and down to her bush, then reached into it to where her wetness started and my fingers slipped over her flesh easily. I located Linda’s clitoris in the folds of her still moving mound and started to rub my fingertips around it. I must have been spot on as she gasped and looked down at herself there.

“Yes, Paul, do it, wank me, wank me!”

I decided I had to join in, not being used to this sort of language. I had so far hesitated but clearly Linda was not going to be shocked by anything I could come up with.

“I’m wanking you off now, cum for me, your clit feels good, do my fingers feel good? Is my cock fucking you hard enough? Deep enough? Can you feel my balls slapping you?”

I think Linda said yes, she was still rising and falling on my cock, her breathing now fast as she exerted herself, I wanted to kiss her mouth but she was too far away. We still had our eyes locked and that really excited me, she wanted me, me! To fuck her, my cock up in her as far as my balls – I knew that as I could feel them pounded each time Linda sank onto me.

“Linda, fuck me, ride me, make me spunk in your,,, cunt,” I almost cried out.

My fingers flicked over and around the tip of her clit, I made regular dips down to where I could feel my hard cock and her cunt meet to keep my fingers wet and slippery for the clit wanking.

I kept up the dirty verbal, Linda needed all her breath now to fuck me, such was the effort.

Then, she changed, her face dropped to mine, out lips almost met, and she cried out, then again and again. I realised she was cumming, but I wanted to keep my fingers going as long as possible, but it was tight there now she’d come down on me, however I managed to move my fingers, mashing her clit area the best I could.

Suddenly she pulled off me, lay flat on her back next to me and her right hand cupped her pussy, as if guarding it. Her chest heaved as she panted, turning my head I could see her breasts rising and falling.

My cock still stuck up, I hadn’t cum and the teat of the condom hung limply to one side, but I really needed to ejaculate now and wanted it to be inside Linda, so I really hoped she was wanting more and that me wanking her off had not fully satisfied her needs.

“Paul, that was wonderful, thank you, I really needed that.”

Linda then turned and slid her right arm across my belly and found my cock.

“That’s perfect, now it’s your turn again to fill that condom,”

Linda gave my cock a few strokes, my first wearing a condom, it felt different to being bare, but still good of course. The latex crinkled around my knob as her hand wanked up my shaft, the teat hanging limp awaiting my sperm.

I managed to turn and look at her, as I did her hand slid up over my pubes, belly and located my left nipple which she began to stroke lightly, now that felt good to and I felt my cock jerk as she continued to flick at my firm bud.

“So, Paul, I think I should bend over for you, what you recon?”

“Like on all fours or over the end of the bed?”

“Whatever you like, over the end of the bed is good, easier I think to move your hips. You’ll soon learn what works best. ”

“OK, let’s do it that way.”

Linda climbed up, and moved to the end of the bed, I followed and watched as she bent lower and placed her elbows on the bed, looked round to see me as I moved in between her partially spread legs, cock swinging around, balls still quite tight.

I wasn’t quite prepared for the sight, a new view of Linda presented itself, her anus. Now, the photos I’d seen of naked women so far had all been of tits and pussy, the only sight of an anus was of my own, looked at out of curiosity in the mirror from time to time. Clearly she was not the slightest bit concerned or shy about me seeing her bottom exposed like that, I think I might be, but then the situation had never arisen.

“You alright back there?”

“Yeah, of course, just getting ready.”

“Ah, forgot, you’ve probably not seen a girls bum before, as in an ass hole, certainly not a real one. It won’t bite!”

“It’s well, nice, better that I imagined, not hairy anyway like mine is.”

“You can touch if you like,” Linda suggested, turning around to look “just stroke it.”

“It’s nice, I mean, yours, I’ve never touched mine” I added, my confidence a bit reduced as my cock was showing with the droop it now had.

“Go on, I want you to, it’s feels really nice, please”

I reached out with my right hand, forefinger extended and made contact around the side of her browner coloured skin, the part before the pucker proper forms. Linda moaned then asked me to go on.

Below I could see the slight hairiness as her pussy developed, the moist folds of her labia as it hung around the entrance to her vagina, awaiting me to enter her there with my erection. To fuck her cunt. To spunk off inside her body. OK, in the condom.

I let my finger circle the brown skin, then I moved it into the centre of her anus, the ridges of muscle that formed her anus proper. Around and around my finger tip and nail went, Linda responded with moans and groans of delight. I let my finger drop down and enter her vagina, moistening it, then returning to her anus and again stroking over the puckered skin.

“Paul, you can go inside a bit, not too far, please,” Linda said, speaking softly now to me.

“You sure?”

“Yes, just inside, for now anyway.”

I was somewhat taken aback by this, but Linda wanted me to do it so it must be OK I assumed.

“Like this?” as I pressed my finger tip to the very centre of her hole, feeling her yield a little, awaiting her response.

“Yes, just there, mmmmm, go on, more.”

I pressed a little harder, my finger tip went in slightly, so I thought, maybe some more lube and again slid my finger inside her pussy.

“Yeah, plenty of that.”

I again touched her anal centre point, she twitched there slightly, that aroused me and I could feel myself starting to stiffen again. I looked down to check my condom was still in place, it was but I rolled my fingers down so my bell end was secure in the end of it and the teat was in position over my cum hole.

Back at Linda, I again slipped my fingers, two now, back into her pussy, scooped out some more fluid and smeared it over her hole, which bought moans from the owner.

“Come on Paul, don’t be shy about it,” I heard, slightly muffled now as her head was down close to the pillow “push, I want you to.”

I pushed, one finger still, it slid in.

“Aaaahhh,” came from up front “more, go on, inside me more, just a bit.”

I pushed until my forefinger was in as far as its second joint. Not sure what to do next I began slowly moving it in and out, the same as in her pussy, finger fucking, basically.

Her anus was so much tighter than her pussy, but smooth, no ribbing, it gripped my finger totally, I was having to push each time I went in and to pull outwards. Linda gasped and moaned so I was happy I was doing it correctly or at least how she wanted me to do it, after that initial penetration I then becoming more confident and asked if I should add a second finger.

“Yes, open me up, but take it slow, it’s quite tight back there and don’t go in too far, at least not this time.”

“OK, tell me to stop if you need.”

I lubed up both fingers again, Linda was getting herself sopping wet now so there was plenty to use. I returned to her pucker, it was closed up again, it had really closed as my forefinger had withdrawn, now I needed to open her up again. I gave my cock a few strokes with my left hand then placed the hand on her left hip and touched my forefinger to her hole, pressed gently and felt it slip inside. I could also see this of course, my brain tried to imagine my cock there instead of my finger, would it go in too I though?

Linda was quiet as I slid my forefinger out and aligned my long finger with it and put them both to her now very slightly open anus, that would help I thought and I began to press at the opening I had made.

I pushed, it was definitely harder with two fingers, I prodded a bit, then let my longest finger enter first, followed by my index. That worked, her hole opened more now, stretching to accommodate me.

“Is that OK?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s good, not too far but you can fuck me now there. Fingers, I mean.”
“Yeah, of course. OK.” I responded as my fingers began to move in and out, it was actually quite hard not to go in too far once I was moving reasonably quickly. I focused on my second finger joint as the limit, I wondered if I should sip my fingers back into her vagina to lube up more but decided not to, maybe not the right thing to do now I was deeper inside her bum and anyway, she seemed slippery enough still.

Linda was moaning now, cries of yes, fuck, ooohhhs. I looked to see if it was possible to get my cock up her pussy as I fingered her ass hole, maybe but it looked to my inexperienced eyes as one or the other. I was so looking forward to the other, my cock remained totally erect now, my testicles hung just under my body and I was then thinking about how they would swing once I was fucking. Would I feel them slapping her pussy? Would Linda feel my balls slapping her pussy?

I liked fingering her ass, it was something I had never considered doing, never even thought people did that. I knew about gay guys and the way they had sex with cocks up bums, but only in the most general of terms, but I had never thought that women would have any need to do the same thing, what with a pussy to get the cock into.

After a couple more minutes of me finger fucking her hole and getting quite fast too, Linda raised her head and turned.

“OK, enough, getting a bit dry now without proper lube. Time for your pleasure Paul.”

I didn’t need to say anything, just pulled my fingers out and watched as her hole stayed open, it was redder now with the darkness of the inside now on show.

I used my left hand to guide my penis to where I had scooped so much pussy juice from, Linda was still so wet there as I felt some hair then loose flaps of warm flesh and that void, to which I placed the end of my cock and directed it up inside. Then hands to her hips, I moved my own hips forward, adjusted the position of my feet so I could move easily and began to fuck Linda.

I literally went straight up, little resistance; sure I could feel her cunt walls on my cock head, it felt so good, I was in as far as I could be, my balls pressed to her labia now, our hairs tangled together.

“Fuck me, Paul, fuck me. Deep, that’s it, deeper, harder,” I heard her call from beneath.

I looked down, again I could see my own penis, solid, going in and out of a woman, fucking like a man, all I could see was my shaft going in and out. I tried to imagine again where my bell end was, somewhere deep in that wet pussy, her stimulating me, me her as we fucked.

I sensed I was getting faster now, slapping her buttocks each thrust, and, my balls were slapping too, I could feel them, my decent sized testicles low in my sac swinging which each in out movement. I realised they would not swing for too long now, I had masturbated enough times in front of a mirror to know all too well how my balls rise, tighten, sometimes even go up inside my body forming two plum sized bulges each side just above my cock, when I am close to spurting my load. I also wished I was not wearing a condom, not just for the feelings in my cock, but I wanted to shoot my sperm into another person, rather than waste it as I did after so many wanks, the trails of white over my belly and chest, my hand, over the floor, in the loo or basin, all wasted.

I knew I was about to ejaculate, I had those precious few seconds to prepare myself, to keep fucking, to maximise the pleasure in my cock by continuous movement over its head’s surface and also between my legs, right behind my now tight balls where the throbbing can be so intense.

My cry came before my first spurt, my perineum began pulsing (something I had often watched in the mirror when I masturbated) and a second later the sensitivity in my bell end went off the scale as I could feel my semen pumping out, pulse after pulse. I tried to imagine what was happening inside Linda, was the teat of my condom now sticking out, inflated with my sperm? Could she feel it or just me still trying to fuck and cum at the same time?

I slowed, my breathing was deep and fast now, any spunk I had left had been wrung from me, I could feel I was softening too so had to focus on that for a moment.

“You ok back there?” Linda finally said.

“Yes, wow, that was intense. Let me just sort this condom out.”

I held the base of my cock to stop the condom sliding off my now reduced girth and slowly withdrew from Linda, my penis sliding out of her vagina and drooping, the teat, white with my semen, hung limply from my glans. I slipped the rubber off and quickly tied it off, drips of cum remained on my foreskin as it formed its regular crinkle at the tip of my cock.

Linda was turning and raising herself up now, she soon stood facing me again, her breasts, still awesome, nipples rosy and perky.

“So, did you like that position? Good view, isn’t it? You can see yourself fucking, going in a pussy,” Linda eventually managed, still herself breathing more than usual.

“Err, yes, great view, so easy to, err, fuck. Do you like it that way too? Maybe I should have tried to reach your pussy with my hand, you know, get to your clit.”

“It was perfect, I don’t think I could have stood much more, not so soon after everything else.”

I was pleased, looks like I performed well for her, with all her experience of men too.

“You’re about to drip.”