If Lexington Steele is only 9.5 inches...

There's just one thing I want to add: the main reason I have no interest at all in Mandingo is he's so very often not truly erect.

I think he got an amazing tool; 8", 9", 10" or whatever.
Too bad in most of his movies he's clearly just semi-erect, and sometimes not even that: look at those shots, when bobbi bliss deepthroats him.

By the way, this could also explain all the differences you experience in shots.
A huge penis will change a lot according to its erection status.
A lot of guys measure sitting down. Or they'll dig the ruler underneath the pubic bone. I used to do just that, until I eventually realized that I wasn't fooling myself. I guess it's not technically cheating, but it would sort of explains where all these seemingly inflated measurements come from.

While I don't think Lex is a full 11", I don't think he's just 9.5" either. I'd guess an honest 10-10.5". Fully hard.
No need to get offensive just because I told you that you're wrong. You wrote "short as hell" and not below average. That's a big difference my friend.

Doubt my posts were offensive to anyone, nor was I offended by anything.

I merely made an ambiguous statement and then I explained the statement - right and wrong was not a factor there.

Whether you choose to believe that I meant something else is up to you. I didn't say he was a midget.
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Alright, so I looked up "average human hand size" on Google and lo, Wikipedia, Knower of All Things, cited a medical journal publishing research conducted on the matter:

ISPUB - Determination Of Sex By Hand Dimensions

In their methodology, they state that 'hand breadth' was measured as the "straight distance from the most laterally placed point on the hand of 2nd metacarpal to the most medially placed point located on the head of 5th metacarpal"...in other words, they did not include the thumb.

They reported that womens' hand breadth varied from 6.7cm to 8.8cm (7.48cm average), or 2.6" to 3.5" (2.94" average)...in other words, about three inches wide, on average.

Men tend to have broader palms than women, but even assuming that wasn't true, I have a broad palm that is 15% wider relative to my fingers measured at the point where the proximal and intermediate phalanges meet.

Assuming the lady in the pic I posted was average for a women and her hand is 15% broader than her fingers, 2.94 * .85 * 3.75 = 9.37" ....in other words, pretty much what we've been saying all along.

Oh and by the way, we can close the book on this "two hands covers him" bullshit:

Yeah, that pic is excellent.

Given that I know that length of an engorged penis head, from crest to tip, would be about 1.5"-2", and considering that she still has what appears to be another 2"+ inches of shaft behind the head until you get to the first hand, and adding the slight bit of length (0.5" let's say) left from the second hand to the base, and going by that standards for fist width rjf laid out here:

An average girl has a fist width of about 2.8" or even less if she is small (like most girls in porn videos).

So we've got two female hands flush together on the shaft with little to no spacing, with a width of say 2.8". That gives us 5.6".

And that 0.5 at the end: 6.1"

Add another 1.5-2 inches for the head: 7.6"-8.1"

And then add the remainder of the shaft at let's say 2"-2.5" and I come out to a number of a low end of 9.6" and a high end of 10.6".

Even if we assume she has some freakishly small fist width of 2.5", I still end up with a low end of about 9" and a high end of 10", just going by that picture and from what I know.

All of which sounds just fine to me.
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Hey Avg, or somebody: can anybody rip me a screenshot of the 6:08 mark of this vid of Tommy Rose with Mandingo:

Mandingo impales a blonde babe - Pornhub.com

There's a great shot of her with her head flush up along the side of his dick, point of the jaw almost to the base, that really gives you an idea of the size of his dick.

I know that head length is about 1/8 of you're total height, on the average, and given that Tommy seems to be about average height (minus the heels), that would peg her at about 5'3"-5'4" or 63-64 inches. That would give her an approximate head length of 8".

Now, you tell me, after seeing that scene if you still think he's 8" when you compare her head to his dick. Because from where I'm sitting he could lay that thing on her head from jaw tip to the top of her skull, and still have the glans left over.

Of course, maybe rfj will then tell me that Tommy Rose has some freakishly short head, like all them porn girls...:rolleyes:
Does it really matter? I'm 7", he's probably around 9". That's damn big. Women tell me all the time how big I am, many would probably run if a guy pulled that thing out.
You do realize that 5' 7" is like short as hell, right? :tongue:

I'm 6 feet even and my 8 incher looks pretty big on me and to others.

If you put that same size on someone who is 5 inches shorter in height than me it's going to look even bigger.

Yeah I'm 5'8" and that undoubtedly makes my 7" look bigger.

It's weird that dick size has little to do with other body proportions, isn't it?

Here you got it: THREE different women holding Mandingo's dick withouth pressing against the pelvic bone.

In all cases all the shaft is covered. Two of the girls even touch the beggining of the glans with their upper hands.

And when Mandingo's dick is held by Mandingo and the girl (two hands) all the shaft is covered by them until the beggining of the shaft.

Now, take a 10" ruler and hold it with your hand around its base. Try to reach the 10" mark. You will need to use TREE full male fists in order to do it. A girl would need the width of four fists to reach the 10" mark on the ruler.

There's no way Mandingo is 10". The truth, according to photos, is that he is slightly above 8".
Here is Mandingo's dick holding its dick at the very base of it. Compare it with mine. There's a similar amount of dick showing outside the fist. The width of my fist is 9.2cm (3.7 inches) slightly above the average fist width on most men.


Then again, try to hold a 10" ruler with a male's hand around the base of it. To reach the 10" mark you will need to use three full fists and add maybe add 0.5" to these.

Where are those 10"?
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This image is tricky. The palm of the upper hand of the girl is at least 0.5" far for being in contact with the penis shaft. You can see this clearly because the middle of the fingers are aligned with the shaft's border. A fist measured at the middle of the fingers (put close together like in this picture) has a width noticeable smaller that when it is measured from knucle to knucle (the widest point of the fist).

This photo don't prove nothing. Since the girl isn't using her 2 full fist width due to the incorrect positioning of the upper hand.

And the lower hand isn't also in contact with the shaft. This is clear because you can see the lower hand's nails clearly. In this photo the girl don't put her two fist together knucle to knucle. He positions her hands aligning his fists at the midle of the fingers.
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d-low, here you go

I will tell you why that pic is so important to this debate; it gives you a clear shot, with a perfect way to measure both the length of Tommy Rose's head, and the length of Mandingo's dick.

Since we know that an average female head for somebody Tommy's height is going to be between 7.5-8 inches, if we can measure the length of her head in this picture, and then figure out how much the difference is between her real length and the compressed length in this picture.

I measured her head in this pic, and at between 2.25 and 2.38 inches, let's call it 2.33 or 2 and 1/3 inches.

Alright, so much does 2.33 go into 7.5 and 8 inches, the range limits set for Tommy Rose's head?

2.33 goes into 7.5 about 3.22 times, and into 8 about 3.43 times; so we can say that her head is roughly in the range of 3.22-3.43 times larger than the length as shown in that screenshot.

Assuming that same rate of compression holds good for ALL things seen in this pic, we need to get a measure of the length of Mandingo's dick.

Measured in that screen-shot, his dick sits dead-bang on 3" long for me there.

Enter that number, and multiply it by 3.22 and 3.43, and we get a range of 9.66 to 10.29 inches, well in line with the numbers I worked out for post above based on the other pic of Lei holding his dick. Even granting a 6% rate of error on the length on the high and low ends of that range, 6% of 9.66 is 0.581 abouts, giving you a small-end of the range at about 9.1 inches, and on the high end 6% of 10.29 is going to be about 0.62, added to 10.29 for about 10.9 inches.

So with even with an intolerably high rate of error on the range, he's still between 9"-11" in length, but probably between 9 and 2/3 and 10 and 1/3 inches, going along the top and at full erection.

God damn I feel good.
Well I think it's like anything else man, just apply some common sense and it'll be fine. I remember when the Internet started to catch on as a social network to people outside of academia. Suddenly everyone and their dog was 18/f/CA and the common response was "Yeah, I'm a model, I live in Beverly Hills, and I have a 34DD cup size." Yeaaaaaah. Because that's what most Hollywood models do in their free time on a Saturday night, prowl obscure online forums in hopes of hooking up with their dream nerd.

My innate response was to assume everyone was an overweight, 40some year old man, unless proven otherwise. A bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point ;)
Just that? 9 2/3?

Hahahaha. :tongue:

But no, if anything this should throw some cold water on anybody who wants to claim the existance of 12, 13, 14, 15 inch cocks wandering around, because I'm going to find it hard t believe that cocks 20-50% larger than Mandingo exist on any kind of a regular basis. Certainly far less than what's claimed on here, of course. :biggrin1:

Somewhat interestingly, the mean length of all ranges I came up with is right there at 10".

The roughest range I got, 9"-11", gives you 10" for a mean (9+11=20/2=10). 10"

The best probable range I got, of about 9.66-10.29 gives you about 10" for a mean (rounding up: 9.7+10.3=20/2=10 non-rounded 9.66+10.29= 19.95/2=9.975) 9.975"

The mean of the range adjusted for 6% error on the length, or 9.1-10.9 gives you 10" (10.9+9.1=20/2=10). 10"

And the range I got from the previous post on the Lei picture, of 9.6-10.6, of course gives you mean of right about 10" (9.6+10.6=20.2/2=10.1). 10.1"

So yes, based on that distribution of the data, Mandingo is a good candidate as a possessor of a true 10" dick, assuming a Gaussian distribution of the data points (or "bell curve").

And with that...I'm saying good-bye to number-crunching for today. :wavey:

Because he claims to be 14", maybe?


While he is billed by most at anywhere from 11"-14", the most common measure is right at a foot, or 12". Wikipedia has his penis length at 11.75" (a bit of modesty in not claiming the full foot perhaps? :rolleyes:).

Even subtracting the standard 2 porn/Internet inches from the most common claims to get a real idea of the length, he would still be 10", which I might add is well in line with all the figures I've worked out in previous posts.

Perhaps most damning is the fact that I used YOUR OWN STANDARDS of measuring (namely that whole thing of an average fist width of a female is 2.8") and still managed to come up with a result that flatly, clearly showed that you were AT A CONSERVATIVE MINIMUM of at least, at least, an inch or so off, from your stated estimate of Mandingo's length of "a little over 8" ". And that was after assuming her hands were an unusually small 2.5" instead of the average 2.8"

So far, all you've done is cherry-picked some pictures to prove your point, but when others have come over the top with better, clearer, and more accurate pictures that can used as evidence, you've done nothing except do more of the same old. So far there has not been anything I've seen that would lead me to believe he is not 10" or at least so close to 10" that I could care less. 9.85 or 10.15 inches, who cares?

There are two guys on here who focus a lot on the size of other guys' dicks for purposes other than masturbatory fantasies: you, and Calboner. But where as Calboner examines pics in the same way that somebody like say Houdini or James Randi debunked mediums and supernatural frauds (for the sake of countering misinformation), you go at it from some kind of zealous, egotistical desire to prove that you are, in fact, larger than the most well-endowed of porn stars when from all I can see, that is not the case.

So yeah, whatevah... :rolleyes:
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I honestly think the following screencap is just another example (one out of many) which makes it very clear that Mandingo is well over 8 inches. What do you think?


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