If Lexington Steele is only 9.5 inches...

I think he's around 8.5, and I'm not changing my mind. 9 is pushing it for me.

My ignore list includes:

anyone who thinks that Mandingo is over 9 inches.

Now let me go thuck my thumb...I'm thust a lit' boy. I won't ignore when I gow up.
I'm sorry, wait...

ONLY 9.5 inches? Seriously?


But yeah anyway, my unofficial rankings:

As far as length goes among the "superstars" of porn:

On the one end you've got guys like Johnny Dark and Lex Steele at somewhere between 8.5"-9.5" long and likely about 9", with Mandingo on the high-end with 9.5"-10.5" and probably about 10", and guys like Jack Napier and White Pony somewhere in between.

As far as girth goes: If we're talking about girth through the shaft, not the base of the shaft:

I'm guessing about 5.5"-6.5" for guys like Dark, Steele, and Mandingo on the one end with a likelihood of about 6", and say Shane Diesel rocking out at the other end anywhere between 6.5"-7.5" but usually close to 7", and again with guys like White Pony and Napier somewhere in between.
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First: I don't compare myself with Mandingo in terms of sex life (he fucks with much many girls than I do, that's obvious, because his work is to fuck with girls). I've just pointed out the fact (endorsed by photos) that my cock is almost the sime size as him. Because he isn't 14 nor 12 or 10" as he and many people claims here. And I'm not the only one in this respect. For sure they are many guys at LPSG whose cocks are fairly similar in terms of size to Mandingo's dick. If you NEED to believe that his dick is the Biggest one in the whole universe because he's a porn actor, well: IT'S UP TO YOU.

If you (and by the way many people) know that Mandingo's dick is larger than, say, Rocco Siffreddi is by comparing his dicks shotted in DIFFERENT videos with DIFFERENT cameras, DIFFERENT camera angles, DIFFERENT lenses, and the like..... That's what I've done with my comparison pics.

Are you happier believen that Mandingo's dick is 14", that he is the ONLY man in the WHOLE WORLD with a dick of that size?. Well, that's your choice.

I've said and explained well enough why Mandingo isn't 14, 12 or 10" long as many people claim without reliable proof (measurement).

If Mandingo is a kind of God for you because of his huge "14 inches" cock that no man in the universe has even close to his size, well, be happy with your dream!!!!!

Bye Bye.


Again, you're just putting words into my mouth....

I never put a size to Mandingo's dick, I never claimed that he was a God to me, I never said or implied that he has the biggest cock in the world, but we can safely say that in the porn industry he is known as one of the biggest. These are all your words, not mine.

What I have said, still stands, the whole reason for posting on this thread.....as legions of others are telling you...is to tell you that you are in no way as big as, or bigger than Mandingo...as you claim to be. This much is obvious from your gallery.

Mate, this has got to be the most ridiculous argument currently happening here at LPSG, if you weren't so outrageously studious about deluding yourself, it would be fucking funny.
Could it be that the whole "Mandingo Isn't 12" long" argument is really about guys making themselves feels better about their own length by comparison?
I think it's good to know porn stars' correct sizes so that average men don't feel inadequate. It's like young women that think they have to measure up to the professional photoshopped pictures of women they see in magazines. People should be happy with who they are, but it helps to realize that things we see in the media appear better/bigger than they really are.

That is one thing, but claiming he is only 8 inches because he isn't obviously a foot long is another. I've seen plenty of his scenes where it is just as obvious that he is more than 8 inches as it is that he isn't a foot long.
Why do you say it is obvious? What do you base that on? If he doesn't actually measure on video then you are basing your estimate by comparing his cock to other body parts or objects in the movie. Mandingo is short so his cock will look big when compared to his body and hands.

This is the point rfj is making that people don't want to address. It's like seeing the full moon on the horizon versus the moon high in the sky. It seems to be much bigger on the horizon. In porn a guy's cock will look bigger from certain angles and when held a certain way. rfj is trying to show (by posting his own pictures) that in some positions his cock appears to be just as big. People just can't believe that because in their minds porn stars must be bigger than some random guy on LPSG.

Will someone please explain why rfj's cock appears to be about the same size as the porn stars in his comparison pictures if rfj is much smaller?
I'm 6'4" barefoot, and I honestly don't really notice anyones height unless they are taller than me (or incredibly short). I think it's weird how we all perceive height. Most of the time I'm the tallest guy in the room, unless I'm in a room full of b-ball players. When someone is even a half inch taller than me though, it's almost a shock and they look huge. At a Seattle supersonics b-ball game a few years back, I got to go down by the court during warm-ups and felt truly small for the first time since I was 8 years old, lol.

I am 5'9" and always considered myself short, if 5'9" is average why does it seem most men are taller than me.
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One thing that I don't think anyone has pointed out in this thread (only on page 17 so far) is that a lot of porn guys would be classified as showers... and have pretty decent size when soft. It's biologically possible to be 2 inches soft and 8 inches hard, but I don't recall ever seeing that in a flick. Wouldn't be as impressive for the "tease" portion where the girl first gets sight of what she'll be working with and gets to ooh and ahh all over it....lol

When you see someone coming out of their clothes soft and 6 inches, I think your mind is gonna make you assume that when they're hard, it has to be 3-4 inches bigger, even though that's not necessarily the case.
RFJ is not nearly the size of Johnny Dark, Mandingo, or Lex Steele.
Nor am I. Nor am I saying I'm huge: a monster cock,etc.
I agree they are all not 12", but they are all well over 8".
I could point out the flaws in RFJ's comparison shots in his profile gallery, but it's late.
RFJ does have a pic comparing him to a Gillette can without lid. I have comparison shots with same size can with lid on.
RFJ has no pics with ruler/tape measure.
I range in size from 7" to 8" (stretch/squeeze) on top depending on many, many factors (especially the bone pressed factor).
As with everyone else, from the sides, my measurement size increases and looks more impressive at certain angles.
Photo/video angle is everything.
More LPSG members need to post pics with ruler/tape measurement. All size claims are suspect without them.
Post pics that show the full length of the measurement. I see pics all the time on the internet where the whole cock is not in the frame. Why bother.
I think it's good to know porn stars' correct sizes so that average men don't feel inadequate. It's like young women that think they have to measure up to the professional photoshopped pictures of women they see in magazines. People should be happy with who they are, but it helps to realize that things we see in the media appear better/bigger than they really are...

I hear you Jovial, but the larger point is that people really have to accept what they are and have. These "little/big white lies" are everywhere. In Hollywood, it's actors ages. With women it is more exaggerated as women are told they are fat in Hollywood if they are larger than size 0-2.

In the NBA and NFL it is athlete's heights and weights. Shorter guards, quarterbacks and receivers are made to all be at least 6'2". Overweight linemen are made to weigh less.

Knowing someone's correct size may or may not make someone feel better. Big dicks look big on screen for different reasons. In porn a lot of those stars are very thin and petite-that goes a long way to make the men and their penises look a lot larger.

At the end of the day, not matter how big you are, they will always be guys who are longer, thicker or both. Being okay with that is a truly freeing thing.
This is the point rfj is making that people don't want to address. It's like seeing the full moon on the horizon versus the moon high in the sky. It seems to be much bigger on the horizon. In porn a guy's cock will look bigger from certain angles and when held a certain way. rfj is trying to show (by posting his own pictures) that in some positions his cock appears to be just as big. People just can't believe that because in their minds porn stars must be bigger than some random guy on LPSG.

Will someone please explain why rfj's cock appears to be about the same size as the porn stars in his comparison pictures if rfj is much smaller?

Who doesn't want to address it? Everyone knows about the camera angle tricks, the lenses, the small petite women, the small frame porn star with the big dick etc etc. I think it is funny whenever a guy has a big dick someone always says 'oh well he has a small frame so it just looks big, I mean i'm 6'2 so it looks small'. Spare me. I don't care how big or small a person is, a big dick is a big dick.

Regardless of any of that, the pictures that were posted of Mandingo (which are hardly even fully erect ones), STILL appear bigger than whoever the guy is who is comparing himself to him. So what the fuck is the problem? How does that prove that Mandingo is only 8 inches? Do you want me to lie to make some people happy and say oh yeah you look just as big?

You ask me what am I basing this on? The same shit everyone else is; their own eyes. And the same thing that rft is using. Nothing else. He provides no measurements, nor do you, nor do I. It has nothing to do with who is a porn star and who is just a random schmo on lpsg.

Mandingo's dick, despite the hand picked (screen grab) unflattering pictures, still appears larger to me than the guy who is squeezing (and trying to deliberately take good angle cock pics [real photos not screen grab] so it looks its biggest) the hell out of his dick with two hands to make it look even bigger. End of story.

I'd like to see someone take some good pics of their dick where they actually appear (whether optical illusion or not) to be Mandingo's size at full mast, not take some shitty pics of Mandingo on a bad day and compare them to himself. If you are the same size as him, you should be able to replicate him.
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So this is the LPSG version of "which is better, 9mm or 45" or "are Sebenzas really worth that much money"..

the meaningless discussion that lasts forever.
So this is the LPSG version of "which is better, 9mm or 45" or "are Sebenzas really worth that much money"..

the meaningless discussion that lasts forever.

.45 no contest... my COLT 1911a military issue is my favorite gun...Thats right an LPSG member with guns :eek::cool:...lol...I wounder if its bigger than Mandingos gun... lol :tongue:
lol...well, this is a forum dedicated to the discussion of/showing/bragging about large dicks, so I guess it's the right place for it. ...and the fact that people are still posting in the thread means that there is interest in the subject at hand.
...hey, there are sites where people are arguing about Matt Damon's height, and others where the argument is about the price of gold vs. the U.S. dollar, and yet others dedicated to why the iPhone is better than a Blackberry, etc, etc... All of it meaningless in the end; but if people are interested; why not discuss :biggrin1:

So this is the LPSG version of "which is better, 9mm or 45" or "are Sebenzas really worth that much money"..

the meaningless discussion that lasts forever.
Apparently some folks here have problems with that.
2012 bitches.

Yeah. It's one of the things that can wear on you about the site: All the pity me or Look!--how big my dick is using magic camera angles joes. I know more than a few people who have met people from here only to be disappointed by the fact that they were not as hung as they said they were or purported to be.

... I think it is funny whenever a guy has a big dick someone always says 'oh well he has a small frame so it just looks big, I mean i'm 6'2 so it looks small'. Spare me. I don't care how big or small a person is, a big dick is a big dick.

Exactly. While I understand that my cock would look huge on a guy 5'3", I am also 6'2" and have never had anyone say it looks small because I am so tall. If anything, people tell me how much larger it looks in person and how pics don't do me justice. I'm 6'2" and my cock looks big because, well, it's big.

Are there bigger ones? Yup. Thicker ones? Yup. Would I trade mine for anything? Nope.
Dude; so far I think at least 95% of posters in this thread, who have given opinions on the subject, have said that they did NOT believe that Mandingo was 14 inches, or anywhere near.

Yes, but most people here rather to believe that Mandingo's cock is "14 inches" just because he tells so in his webpage :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1: