Damn we need more Asmr gamer. Wish he had an 9nly fans
Hard Same. Sometimes people tease him in the comments about starting one, but I doubt he ever will. Considering he's been doing videos for years and hasn't even done a shirtless video? Never say never, but it seems unlikely to me.
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Does anyone remember ASMR Teen Boy/James ASMR? He was a cute 18yo creator from around 2018 but deleted his channel one day out of nowhere. He wasn't afraid to get a little risqué by uploading shirtless vids to his Patreon and once uploaded a mildly sexualised role-play that I don't think he meant to and then quickly deleted it. I'm curious if anyone has anything from him? You can still find some of his regular videos on google if you search.
You still have anything he's in? I'd love to watch more of him. I miss his videos. They were so good!
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WHAT A DICK! I like how he's like 'If i were to hit someone it'd be a massive fine', like wtf! You shouldn't be worried about the fine you should be worried if they're fucking alright! Jesus Christ!

Big douche vibes, screams "Daddies boy" and the fact he seemingly is allowed to still upload etc... suggests that he's got away with minimal punishment. :expressionless: