any screenshots of this?
It’s literally just his face. He could be wearing a sweater for all we know. It was more about using your imagination. We’re never getting something truly X-rated from him, its just gonna be PG-13 stuff
for those who know him, here’s a video where the top really looks like him. We’ve never seen his face, and the same goes for this porn video. But there’s something about both their bodies and tone of voice that look so much alike. It’s a great video for those who love Kool and want to fantasize about him!.

London Cuckold enjoys watching his twink get destroyed - NudesBoys
Any of you are watching female asmr videos? Or you always watch male asmr videos. Women have a softer voice and their voice is more soothing than men voice. So you can fall asleep even faster with female asmr videos.
i do run asmr videos by women, but my personal experience is generally the videos that do help me nod off are by men (but only a couple). i like jeannie b asmr. i can't really explain it, and i don't think nostalgia is the right word, but a lot of her videos where she goes through old catalogues from before i was even born takes me back to that wonder of looking through them when i was a kid myself
i do run asmr videos by women, but my personal experience is generally the videos that do help me nod off are by men (but only a couple). i like jeannie b asmr. i can't really explain it, and i don't think nostalgia is the right word, but a lot of her videos where she goes through old catalogues from before i was even born takes me back to that wonder of looking through them when i was a kid myself

Jeannie is fantastic! I also really like WhispersRed. One of her anxiety relief videos is a go to for me.
Is WOAH bisexual? Theres no real straight men who would put a dildo in their mouth and suck it as if it was the best meal of the year. He must be in the bisexual spectrum. I suspect so many of these onlyfans men to be closeted bisexuals. Or at least sexually fluid. Just like nowadays gay porn stars. Theres no way WOAH is 100% straight. He must be into men sexually to some degree. Even if he refuse to admit it to himself.
Is WOAH bisexual? Theres no real straight men who would put a dildo in their mouth and suck it as if it was the best meal of the year. He must be in the bisexual spectrum. I suspect so many of these onlyfans men to be closeted bisexuals. Or at least sexually fluid. Just like nowadays gay porn stars. Theres no way WOAH is 100% straight. He must be into men sexually to some degree. Even if he refuse to admit it to himself.
For the right amount of money I, a fully 100% gay man, would gladly do anything with a vagina. I think something similar might be happening here
Is WOAH bisexual? Theres no real straight men who would put a dildo in their mouth and suck it as if it was the best meal of the year. He must be in the bisexual spectrum. I suspect so many of these onlyfans men to be closeted bisexuals. Or at least sexually fluid. Just like nowadays gay porn stars. Theres no way WOAH is 100% straight. He must be into men sexually to some degree. Even if he refuse to admit it to himself.
In his most recent post on OF, he’s rating penises and talking about what he would like to do with each of them lol
In his most recent post on OF, he’s rating penises and talking about what he would like to do with each of them lol
Have to agree with the above post previous to this. People can be great actors. Look at any Hollywood actor - you’d think they’re THAT person, but they’re just a normal person being someone else 😂 I’d say he knows his market and he’s a great actor. I for one am ALLLL for it