He had pearly penile papules when he had an OF and I'm assuming that's what you're talking about? Literally half of all men have them at some point in their life and they usually go away on their own, I'll attach the wikipedia so people can see it's very normal. I hate when people aren't educated and try to make someone feel bad because their own ignorance - a lot of guys struggle with self-esteem issues around this, and no one talks about it so they don't know almost everyone has them at some point.

The dude is really hot, and has an incredible dick - don't be a hater.
Oh wow, thanks for "educating" me ! I bet that made you feel really superior, huh ? Except you see, I know what they are already, and it doesn't make it look anymore appealing to me. Oh and by the way, I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, either - I was asked a question, I answered it, that's it. So keep the holier-than-thou attitude for another day buddy.
Oh wow, thanks for "educating" me ! I bet that made you feel really superior, huh ? Except you see, I know what they are already, and it doesn't make it look anymore appealing to me. Oh and by the way, I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, either - I was asked a question, I answered it, that's it. So keep the holier-than-thou attitude for another day buddy.
The fact you said it looks like a "crested gecko" was indeed a comment made with malice. No need to make such remarks. Don't like? Don't look, but no need to be so vocal about it.