I'm 34, is it too late for me to PE?

why so much instisfaction with small dicks? Mine is small and I've enjoyed a lot. ¡Como el chilito picante pequeño pero sabroson!
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I know a lot of people are saying "Be happy with what you have." But as an ugly and autistic guy, I want to be able to seduce women with my size. An above average dick is not big enough to do that. I want to be able to walk around with a large bulge and women not be able to help themselves and just get really horny by looking at my dick.
I know a lot of people are saying "Be happy with what you have." But as an ugly and autistic guy, I want to be able to seduce women with my size. An above average dick is not big enough to do that. I want to be able to walk around with a large bulge and women not be able to help themselves and just get really horny by looking at my dick.
Very unlikely
I know a lot of people are saying "Be happy with what you have." But as an ugly and autistic guy, I want to be able to seduce women with my size. An above average dick is not big enough to do that. I want to be able to walk around with a large bulge and women not be able to help themselves and just get really horny by looking at my dick.
Me rompe el corazón leer esto. ¿Qué?¿Cómo? ¿Por qué? ¿Quienes son esas mujeres que te rechazan por el tamaño de tu pene?¿Sabías que vos valés más que cualquier paquete grande? ¿Qué hay de tus sueños?¿Qué hay de tus alegrías?¿Qué hay de tus metas en la vida? ¿Qué hay de tus dolores? ¿Qué hay de hacernos cosquillas? ¿Qué hay de poner la mesa un domingo y disfrutar de un buen asado?
Me volví a inscribir solo para responder esta publicación, ya pronto me voy. Solo he venido a darte un abrazo y para que sepás que aunque no te conozco en persona, ¡hay un tico en Costa Rica que te quiere por todo tu ser integral! Si en un lugar te valoran por el tamaño de tu paquete y de tu pene...ahí no es tu lugar.. Si alguno de ustedes lectoras de LPSG hombres o mujeres viven cerca da este hermoso ser humano, por favor vayan y le dan un fuerte abrazo. Escribo esta respuesta escribo en mi lengua materna para podertelo decir más facilmente. Ahorita publico una traducción...
Me rompe el corazón leer esto. ¿Qué?¿Cómo? ¿Por qué? ¿Quienes son esas mujeres que te rechazan por el tamaño de tu pene?¿Sabías que vos valés más que cualquier paquete grande? ¿Qué hay de tus sueños?¿Qué hay de tus alegrías?¿Qué hay de tus metas en la vida? ¿Qué hay de tus dolores? ¿Qué hay de hacernos cosquillas? ¿Qué hay de poner la mesa un domingo y disfrutar de un buen asado?
Me volví a inscribir solo para responder esta publicación, ya pronto me voy. Solo he venido a darte un abrazo y para que sepás que aunque no te conozco en persona, ¡hay un tico en Costa Rica que te quiere por todo tu ser integral! Si en un lugar te valoran por el tamaño de tu paquete y de tu pene...ahí no es tu lugar.. Si alguno de ustedes lectoras de LPSG hombres o mujeres viven cerca da este hermoso ser humano, por favor vayan y le dan un fuerte abrazo. Escribo esta respuesta escribo en mi lengua materna para podertelo decir más facilmente. Ahorita publico una traducción...
Here it is English version.
It breaks my heart to read this. What? How? Why? And Who are those women who reject you because of the size of your penis? Did you know that you are worth more than any large bulge? What about your dreams? What about your joys? What about your goals in life? What about your sorrow? What about tickling each other? What about setting the table on a Sunday morning to enjoy a good barbecue?
I signed up again just to answer this post, I'm leaving soon. I just came to give you a hug and so you know that although I don't know you in person, there is a Tico in Costa Rica who loves you for your whole being! If in a place people value you only for the size of your bulge and your penis... that's not your place.. If any of y'all guys LPSG readers live near this beautiful human being, please go and give him a big hug.
I used a penis pump it’s gains are temporary. If you use consistently long term you notice some gains .5” - 1”. Like body building it takes time. I ended up going to surgery for immediate gains. I guess I’m impatient
What were the results like?
34 is young. There are people age 50+ doing PE with great results.
When I was in my 40's, I faithfully did jelqing (100 strokes) daily in the shower. AFter a year, my flaccid length went from 4-3/4" to 5-1/4". Thirty-some years later and I have no lost a millimeter of length. My erect girth of 5-1/2" did not change.
But as an ugly and autistic guy, I want to be able to seduce women with my size.
You may seduce women with other things--humor, intellect, worldliness, money, power, confidence--but dick size is rarely it.

Doesn't hurt, though, especially if it helps create confidence.
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