I'm getting a new shoulder!!!!!!!!!

I am now 16 days post-op. Unfortunately during surgery, they discovered that the damage to my shoulder was far worse than they thought. They could not put in a "conventional" titanium shoulder. It requires a functional rotator cuff. They discovered mine was totally ruptured and not repairable. This required them to put in a "reverse total shoulder implant". Normally the "ball" is on your upper arm bone(humerus) and your "socket"(glenoid) is on your trunk. With a "reverse", the socket is on the end of your arm and the ball is on your torso. For some reason this way is more stable and does not require a functional rotator cuff. The surgeon also said that "A reverse shoulder implant is the MOST painful operation he does. I agree. I have to wear a special immobilization sling for 6 weeks that does not let my arm move at all. I STILL need my ass wiped and for someone to dress me. I'm still having pain, taking about 5 doses of 15 mg of oxycodone a day. I've started physical therapy which is scheduled to last 16 weeks. HOPEFULLY, after that, pain will be gone and I will have regained enough function to return to my job as a Hospice Nurse.F1.large.jpg
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Best Wishes and thinking of you Indy. Sounds like a pretty horrible gig. But I'm sure you'll still be able to chase down our trolls and spammers with one finger!
Wowzers man. That's a pretty intense graphic just to look at. Here is hoping for a smooth recovery.
It's been one month since my surgery. They let me take my immobilization sling off. I can finally unflex my elbow. For me that is HUGE progress to be able to straighten my arm out. Today at physical therapy we just worked on gently straightening my arm out and by the end I was able to do it. Baby steps. My Physical Therapist predicts 16 more weeks before I can go back to work. My doctor will have to sign off that I'm able to life 50 pounds "frequently". Not today. I can barely lift a cup of coffee. It's also time to wean off narcotics. Not fun.
It's been one month since my surgery. They let me take my immobilization sling off. I can finally unflex my elbow. For me that is HUGE progress to be able to straighten my arm out. Today at physical therapy we just worked on gently straightening my arm out and by the end I was able to do it. Baby steps. My Physical Therapist predicts 16 more weeks before I can go back to work. My doctor will have to sign off that I'm able to life 50 pounds "frequently". Not today. I can barely lift a cup of coffee. It's also time to wean off narcotics. Not fun.

The sooner you can ditch the narcotics the better. Be prepared for a sleepless night wondering if maybe you dropped one under the bed. They are bastards to stop...