im kinda-Virgin and lost lol


Sexy Member
Feb 12, 2020
São José do Rio Preto (São Paulo, Brazil)
so, ill be 20 in a month and I'm still a virgin.
(fist of all, im brazilian so go easy on my English and theres mention of SA)

a lot of thing through out my life that resulted in that situation. I was SA when i was like 3/4 yo and since then ive had a weird relationship with sex. That unhealthy experience made me to do some +18 when i was much younger and when i was like 11/12 i started noticing that what i was doing was wrong and stopped, besides that, ive always had problem to socialize (a lot of bullying and low self-esteem), which accumulated in me being amoust 20 and having 0 experience with Sex consensually, being an adult.

I started officially my love life after 18, i used Tinder and talked to a lot of guys but we broke up EVERY SINGLE TIME before Sex (I could happily talk about my exes btw) and recently I started to worry about being a bad fucker if u understand me. Im afraid I dont know the tricks, im afraid am gone cum to soon etc.

And Ive never hated sex even after all that, im still a horny bitch but I'm just afraid that I'm not gonna be able to satisfy my partner, I'm also secure about my penis size (19cm or 7.48 inches for Americans)

And more, i have a flirty personalty and because of that most of my friends (not the SUPER CLOSE ONES) think i have a super high body count and i never had the balls to deny it
i need some advice
Take a breath. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Almost everyone is bad at sex the first few times. Accept that you probably going to be nervous, cum too quickly, etc. It happens to everyone and is no big deal. I sense that you’re also embarrassed at being hot with a big dick, but inexperienced. That’s also not a big deal. The most important thing is to be honest about your experience level with your sex partners.

You have a few options:

Find another inexperienced guy to explore and learn together.

Find and experienced mentor that understands your situation and is happy to initiate you into mansex.

Go to anonymous places like video booths where you can practice fooling around with guys.

I think selling your virginity is a very bad idea as you’re giving away control in what could be an uncomfortable situation. However, saying you’re a virgin and looking for a mentor to teach you can work if you’re patient and find the right guy.

Finally it sounds like you may have been the victim of abuse. If possible, it might be best to seek professional counseling to help you through that.

Good luck and have fun!