Improving the taste of cum

Originally posted by prepstudinsc@Jun 2 2004, 11:00 PM
What happens to the taste of your cum if you eat a vegetarian, though?
If the vegetarian you eat is a clown, it'll taste funny.

If the vegetarian you eat is a secretary, it'll taste write.

If the vegetarian you eat is an oilman, it'll taste boring.

If the vegetarian you eat is a trumpeter, it'll taste horny.

If the vegetarian you eat is a minister, it'll taste holy.

Any more, guys...?
PETA really doesn't go far enough.

I've a good mind to start up WHEATA - there's got to be a more humane way for farmers to cut plants than to use indiscriminate combines- and to think those thoughtless millers grind the cut flora into flour and cereals!


Real PETA members refuse to eat or wear animal remains - no steaks or hotdogs and no leather or fur of any kind.

WHEATA members, on the other hand, will refuse to eat or wear anything!

I'm a bullshit vegetarian, which means I do eat chicken (not very pretty, I don't feel guilty) and an occasional steak (5 or 6 a year). Not a purist by any stretch, but my point is, you can eat me first in this experiment and report the taste.
Originally posted by madame_zora@Jun 4 2004, 07:56 AM
my point is, you can eat me first in this experiment and report the taste.
Sorry, but I have a gf.

speaking on that, how come everytime there are offers (like Zora's) that I would DEFINITELY be interested in, I have to decline because I am in a relationship. It is almost as if women have some built in sensor that allows them to know if you are in a relationship. When that sensor goes off, they tease you with all kinds of freaky sex offers.

For example, I was in the Grocery store on memorial day (Food Lion) and one of the cashiers hit on me during checkout. Basically she said she had always had a huge crush on me and wondered if I could come over later for a few hours. She assured me that if all I wanted was sex then that was fine, and she wouldnt take it any farther....but she definitely wanted sex (and I could put it anywhere!) She wanted me to atleast take her number so we could talk more later (she had a customer at this point) but I declined that also, because I KNEW if i took that number, that girl would get me in trouble.

Jeez. why can't I get those when I am single? I know why... women and that damned sensor.
