Irish Guys With Onlyfans Etc /gaa Players

Why does this group fawn over straight guys that will never want to fuck any of you and that are more than likely homophobic. Can we talk about the hot twinks of Dublin ? GAA players are homophobic lol
Hot and twink are two words that don't go together
Hot and twink are two words that don't go together
You're clearly homophobic then
You have no clue what "homophobic" is then, do you?
I'm also of the opinion that hot and twink don't go together. It's an opinion.
Some people find twinks hot, many people don't.
I don't find barely pubescent waifish men hot. That doesn't make me homophobic.
I think bulky (yet athletic) men with fur are hot. When they shave it off, especially the public and underarm areas, turns me off too.
Anyone got anything on this ginger lad? I heard he had OF conorphoenix conorfitness on instagram.
now that i read the name i recognize the person
boy did he changed
we were kinda neighbours back in 14 and 15, in Blanchardstown.
Swaping pics in grindr
For all the GAA fans (sorry for the quality of the pic but I couldn’t find any better online) there is a big sale of O’neills. I have never been in one but wouldn’t miss this one! Wednesday 18th October until Saturday 21st October
