Is Peter North very big ? (pics included)

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I think I've read in several places that he measures ~ 8.5 inches and 6 inches around... it always looks bigger than that. Either way, he's got a great piece and knows how to use it.
I think I've read in several places that he measures ~ 8.5 inches and 6 inches around... it always looks bigger than that. Either way, he's got a great piece and knows how to use it.

Some dicks, like people, are more photogenic than others.
It would be veri nice to know real measurements of pornstar... does anyone know a site where someone try to recognize that considering camera lens, height of the man and height and size of the woman?

I'm conscious to be above average and there are lot of bigger than me out there, but they always seems to me just filmed in the right way...

For example, Mandingo... is absolutely the longest I see in porn, but... Have you seen how BIG is his head? If we make some proportions, that should mean that he's not much tall...

Anyway, I think Peter North (definively a HERO for me, with that shootgun cumshots!!!) is not that big... it's a nice penis, straight and photogenic...
Here is Peter North.
Look at that beauty (the big first squirt IS rushing through his orgasming cock - that's why I like that moment of the movie), click here (it works) : - Affiliate Free Image Hosting

And comment : is it big ? very big ? huge ?

The link doesn't show me Peter North. I just get inviting me to advertise or other wise pay to become an affiliate. Am I missing something?
The link doesn't show me Peter North. I just get inviting me to advertise or other wise pay to become an affiliate. Am I missing something?

Yes, you're missing the highest moment of his orgasm, lol !
"Photogenic" is not bad. My ex-gf said that his erection was "beautiful" and perfect for any vagina.
He's probably just barely 8". Keep in mind he's not tall and his costars tend to also be small. Most porn stars aren't nearly as big as they claim. For comparison look at Lex Steele - he was measured on an amateur tape before he was famous at about 9.5, but he now claims he's bigger.
I think I've read in several places that he measures ~ 8.5 inches and 6 inches around... it always looks bigger than that. Either way, he's got a great piece and knows how to use it.

I read he is 7 1/2 inches long and because he is so slim it looks longer. Guess we won't know the truth until we measure it ourselves.
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He was a big time gay star before he did straight porn. That man bottomed for some mighty huge dongs.

As far as I know, he only bottomed once ... for Rick Donovan in The Bigger the Better.


I'd say that's about right.

I am straight and I would suck that. Perfect size! I love how eagerly the chick holds her mouth open.:biggrin1:

OhCanada, I wonder if you knew he's Canadian ... from Sackville, NS.
He was a big time gay star before he did straight porn. That man bottomed for some mighty huge dongs.
Blasphemy,... I don't believe it! I have some old 80's porn mags and he's bangging chicks with his juan valdez mustache. I know Jeff Stryker played for both teams... one movie with a chick... another with a dude.

I actually know what movie that screen shot is from... It's a good movie! lol... Growing up really young and watching porn that man has been my idol. So I have mastered the cum shot myself. I've shot HUGE loads over my head all the time and across a length of the bed (bottom/feet.. over the head board). I need to get it on film and upload it to share. I've seriouslly scared chicks so many time. lol... THANK YOU PETER NORTH!
I read he is 7 1/2 inches long and because he is so slim it looks longer. Guess we won't know the truth until we measure it ourselves.

Not necessary. There is a pic somewhere (I saw it a few years ago, forget where, but it's surely out there somewhere) of a young Peter North measuring his own length with a tape measure. The tip just hit the 8" mark. It looked like he was fudging a little bit to get it to hit 8". So, the estimates that his true length is somewhere around 7.5-8" are pretty much right.
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