
I'm not happy with that plant either. Looks like it could do with a good watering, and moved nearer the sunlight. Shoddy work.
I wasn’t going to dignify you with a reply when you responded to my post but you’re constantly here defending him, he isn’t gonna shag you. Strange, strange, strange behaviour….
He has the thin lips, a head too big for his body, the personality of a doorknob and was originally liking tweets that were semi supporting Israel, posted a Starbucks cup on his insta story not too long ago as well.

The problem with these twitter gays is that they thrive off of likes and validation, but they rarely have a partner, because they can never find anyone that’s good enough for them, too desperately in love with themselves to love anyone else, unable to find someone that will match their impossible standards that they want fulfilled for a showmance!

He always attaches his links to the bottom of whatever thirst trap he posts in the hopes of getting people to subscribe to something he doesn’t event commit to (judging by what the people who regretfully replied to his only fans are saying on here)
He used to be my neighbour and I was flabbergasted by the size of his massive head everytime that I saw him.
Is there a video of him busting a nut?
His content is pretty boring. They're all basically the same two videos - wanking in the mirror and wanking from above. He cums in some. Average length is about 20 secs
I would like to see that.