Jack Harlow

I remember when Jack did an Instagram live show with Druski where Jack mooned the camera.
Druski's since age-restricted all his "Jack Harlow Sus Moments" videos, so I'm unable to find any of the "Sus Moments" videos.
They were 3 parts long.
Anyone watching his SNL performance?
Jack is my ultimate Southern crush.
He's sexy, a gentleman, hilarious, and introverted, which are all qualities I can relate to.
Although if Jack was DL or gay, I'd have no problem if he asked me into his hotel room.....
is Kentucky considered southern?
I don't feel like going back and looking if this was posted but here's Jack getting a chiropractic adjustment.
I think I watched the first 30 seconds, and didn't know who it was (I had it playing in the background since I was multitasking that day), and then clicked out.
I'll rewatch it and see what I think.