Jack quaid

1. ok thats full frontal, not an ass shot.
2. Just because ONE show did it, doesn't mean that every show does it
But that's my point, it wasn't just ONE show.
And other instance have involved only ass shots, Sebastian Stan in the movie The Bronze for example.
He did tons of press when that movie came out, and the final film was almost entirely a very obvious double. And then a few years later he actually did frontal for real in another film anyways!
See how inconsistent and crazy it is?
Other actors have even called out producers for using doubles even though they did the nudity on the set.
But the double made it into the final cut of the film.
well, everyone involved from the producers to the PAs on set said it was him. End of discussion.
Lol..Of course they are going to say that!
I'm glad I have been told this is the end of "the discussion".
I have learned today to believe Hollywood Producers, they never lie or mislead to their benefit.
#jack quaid from i came back for you

#jack quaid from i came back for you

#jack quaid from i came back for you

#jack quaid from i came back for you
#jack quaid from i came back for you