Jackson krecioch

It's common knowledge on teh interwebzz that the number of ^s indicates how many posts up to look but go ahead and be offended by that person good work
I didn’t know that, I thought he was talking about the person above him, I’ve never heard of that
I didn’t know that, I thought he was talking about the person above him, I’ve never heard of that

Congrats you learned something today!

(It's not guaranteed to work if someone replies between you and the last post you saw, which is why it isn't used much now, but it's def correct)
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Congrats you learned something today!

(It's not guaranteed to work if someone replies between you and the last post you saw, which is why it isn't used much now, but it's def correct)
If you say so lol, I agree he should’ve just quoted tho would’ve been much easier for everyone to know what post he was referring to
I fucking hate being apart of the lgbtq community cuz of comments like that ^^^^ wtf is wrong with his weight? Is he not hot because he’s heavier now and not thinner?? Or has big muscles?? - Sad excuse for an “accepting” community.
ooooo internalized homophobia we love to see it. (you know you can call out one person without having to shit on the whole community because a lot of us are not toxic like a large portion of the people on this site)
ooooo internalized homophobia we love to see it. (you know you can call out one person without having to shit on the whole community because a lot of us are not toxic like a large portion of the people on this site)
Oopsie sorry I OFFENDED you.
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It's common knowledge on teh interwebzz that the number of ^s indicates how many posts up to look but go ahead and be offended by that person good work
Oh was I offended? I literally admitted that I knew the guy wasn't talking to me but for future reference other people may not get that. The only one who was offended was you. I wasn't even talking to you and you decided to get all pissy about it lmfao. It's common knowledge that the ^^^ means the post above. To avoid any confusion it would just be best to quote the post(unless it's directly above) and I think most here would agree. I
OT but...
As I was saying. Thanks for making my point.

You clearly have reading comprehension issues.
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It's sad to him putting on so much weight, I hope he can lose it, so he can become attractive again.

I agree that he is more attractive skinny

and he has to acomodate to ur personal taste because?

he looks hot as fuck. people grow, if ure interested in kids........

Because he built his career off of looking cute and that's the type of content he puts out. (This is also lpsg, if you dont wanna talk about his looks then go to a different forum). If someone gets famous for being attractive and has no other qualities or attributes then of course ppl are gonna comment. And actually yes he "does" have to accommodate considering his influence comes from his attractiveness, always has.

I fucking hate being apart of the lgbtq community cuz of comments like that ^^^^ wtf is wrong with his weight? Is he not hot because he’s heavier now and not thinner?? Or has big muscles?? - Sad excuse for an “accepting” community.

Newsflash, people are like this outside if the community so your attack is pointless and just highlights ur ignorance and need to criticize it.

literally fuck off with your body shaming i’m so sick of seeing that in this thread

Then leave. This is LPSG. LARGE Penis Support Group *oh no now we are body shaming against small penises we have to change the entire website*

The majority of what is posted on this website goes beyond morals and social standards so goodluck with that attitude in here cause it's hypocritical af.
I agree that he is more attractive skinny

Because he built his career off of looking cute and that's the type of content he puts out. (This is also lpsg, if you dont wanna talk about his looks then go to a different forum). If someone gets famous for being attractive and has no other qualities or attributes then of course ppl are gonna comment. And actually yes he "does" have to accommodate considering his influence comes from his attractiveness, always has.

Newsflash, people are like this outside if the community so your attack is pointless and just highlights ur ignorance and need to criticize it.

Then leave. This is LPSG. LARGE Penis Support Group *oh no now we are body shaming against small penises we have to change the entire website*

The majority of what is posted on this website goes beyond morals and social standards so goodluck with that attitude in here cause it's hypocritical af.
awwww is someone here insecure with themselves and is projecting? get help soon hun. :heart:
I agree that he is more attractive skinny

Because he built his career off of looking cute and that's the type of content he puts out. (This is also lpsg, if you dont wanna talk about his looks then go to a different forum). If someone gets famous for being attractive and has no other qualities or attributes then of course ppl are gonna comment. And actually yes he "does" have to accommodate considering his influence comes from his attractiveness, always has.

Newsflash, people are like this outside if the community so your attack is pointless and just highlights ur ignorance and need to criticize it.

Then leave. This is LPSG. LARGE Penis Support Group *oh no now we are body shaming against small penises we have to change the entire website*

The majority of what is posted on this website goes beyond morals and social standards so goodluck with that attitude in here cause it's hypocritical af.
how the fuck is he less attractive for not being another skinny twink? thank god for the ignore user option.
awwww is someone here insecure with themselves and is projecting? get help soon hun. :heart:
No actually I'm perfectly fine with the way i am, I'll start working out when I turn 24 before I'm fully developed (5'7 and 120lbs kiss kiss). I don't have to be insecure to point out reality. He no longer fits the standards he used to and people are pointing it out. As long as humans have eyes they're going to point out the obvious. Get over yourselves
No actually I'm perfectly fine with the way i am, I'll start working out when I turn 24 before I'm fully developed (5'7 and 120lbs kiss kiss). I don't have to be insecure to point out reality. He no longer fits the standards he used to and people are pointing it out. As long as humans have eyes they're going to point out the obvious. Get over yourselves
You act like you pay for Jackson to be of some service...like you're entitled for him to be this cute little twink for you to jerk off to lol. Take your own advice and get over yourself.

There's critiquing the look of a body and not being interested in it then there is whatever the fuck you said.
You act like you pay for Jackson to be of some service...like you're entitled for him to be this cute little twink for you to jerk off to lol. Take your own advice and get over yourself.

There's critiquing the look of a body and not being interested in it then there is whatever the fuck you said.

Heres the tea. He got famous for being a cute little twink being bfs with a straight-acting wrestler. He, like every other "influencer", got famous for their looks. His carrer is based on him being attractive. When he no longer fits the convention of attractivenss, his career flops. WHICH IT HAS lmfao.

If reality hurts your feeling so much then stay off the interenet. Like I said before, this is LPSG a forum meant to talk about the things that arent noramally talked about on other platforms. Miss me with that morality BS cause you being here invalidates any concerns you have. Get it together and face the music.
Heres the tea. He got famous for being a cute little twink being bfs with a straight-acting wrestler. He, like every other "influencer", got famous for their looks. His carrer is based on him being attractive. When he no longer fits the convention of attractivenss, his career flops. WHICH IT HAS lmfao.

If reality hurts your feeling so much then stay off the interenet. Like I said before, this is LPSG a forum meant to talk about the things that arent noramally talked about on other platforms. Miss me with that morality BS cause you being here invalidates any concerns you have. Get it together and face the music.
Personally I don't care about his career, but whether his looks had anything to do with its collapse is up for debate. Lack of motivation seems more likely, but whatever.

Nothing about my feelings are hurt. I say what I say and you either agree or disagree. Don't care. You have no clue what my moral standing is, just making baseless assumptions. Therefore, you shouldn't be talking about reality because you have zero standing it. Some of you people are so quick to assume someone was offended in order to make an argument. If that's your road to try and one up someone on the internet that's pathetic. Save it for twitter.

Lastly, we're all here to judge a person's body. That does not press me. However, there are arguments and comments made that are either ludicrous or simply based on entitlement, such as your own. I'm simply criticizing it. You sound like he's wronged you because he isn't accommodating you by being some cute twink anymore. A bit different than saying he's not as attractive as he used to be.

You aren't spilling any tea, you just really think you are saying something while telling others to get over themselves lol.
Personally I don't care about his career, but whether his looks had anything to do with its collapse is up for debate. Lack of motivation seems more likely, but whatever.

Like a lack of motivation to stay in shape, hmmmm

Nothing about my feelings are hurt. I say what I say and you either agree or disagree. Don't care. You have no clue what my moral standing is, just making baseless assumptions. Therefore, you shouldn't be talking about reality because you have zero standing it. Some of you people are so quick to assume someone was offended in order to make an argument. If that's your road to try and one up someone on the internet that's pathetic. Save it for twitter.

You're on of the ones upset about the comments made about his body no? Therefore you're upset for a reason whether it be your stance on "body shaming" or feelings, or whatever. My point it is if you dislike seeing people comment about his body then this isnt the best place to be.

Lastly, we're all here to judge a person's body. That does not press me. However, there are arguments and comments made that are either ludicrous or simply based on entitlement, such as your own. I'm simply criticizing it. You sound like he's wronged you because he isn't accommodating you by being some cute twink anymore. A bit different than saying he's not as attractive as he used to be.

I'm sorry you hear that, but thats not what I'm saying. All I ever said about my personal beliefs is that he used to be more attractive. Considering his fame was partially based on looks, and that he had an onlyfans. His appearance is a factor that plays into the success of both.

You aren't spilling any tea, you just really think you are saying something while telling others to get over themselves lol.

I can spill the tea and tell people to yet over themselves at the same time. Tell me, what famous influencer ISN'T only known for their looks when they have nothing else to show for like comedy/cosmetics etc.