You do all also realize that when you post shit it makes some people think maybe there is some actual content. The fact that you waste your time making fakes for absolutely no reason is pathetic and really a shame that you feel the need to do that cuz real ones don’t exist
You do all also realize that when you post shit it makes some people think maybe there is some actual content. The fact that you waste your time making fakes for absolutely no reason is pathetic and really a shame that you feel the need to do that cuz real ones don’t exist
Exactly. People get notifications that a photo has been posted only to open the thread to find some more fake bullshit.
Exactly. All because people love fake nudes and love asking others to cum on their iPad and post it. Fucking weird.
No you got me wrong. Instead of getting mad at fake posts i like them. They give me fantasies and i think thats the case for a lot of people. So instead of saying „fakes are bullshit“ why dont you try saying „i personally don’t like fakes but you may do“
Or better yet, dont say anything at all.
Can a mod please clean up this thread? It's a mess and just full of arguing. Maybe make a seperate thread dedicated to Jacob fakes?
Yeah it’s getting annoying. Ppl just arguing about something that doesn’t even really matter.
You do all also realize that when you post shit it makes some people think maybe there is some actual content. The fact that you waste your time making fakes for absolutely no reason is pathetic and really a shame that you feel the need to do that cuz real ones don’t exist
People make them to fulfill fantasies lmao get over it
I’m not really sure why, don’t act like you don’t have kinks or a “dark side”. Scientifically proven that every human does, and acting like you don’t just makes you look more insecure
Hey man, I'm just saying fantasies about a dude who literally has not the slightest idea that you exist, but like yall stalk him come on
Hey man, I'm just saying fantasies about a dude who literally has not the slightest idea that you exist, but like yall stalk him come on
“I’m just saying”. - no one cares what you’re saying. No one cares if Jacob knows if we exist or not. It’s a kink for some, not a date.
You do all also realize that when you post shit it makes some people think maybe there is some actual content. The fact that you waste your time making fakes for absolutely no reason is pathetic and really a shame that you feel the need to do that cuz real ones don’t exist

Take it to the mods then, as long as its allowed on the forum, we'll post whatever we want wether you like it or not. The only pathetic person here is you complaining that you got a notification that didnt end up living up to your fantasies. Ooohhh it made you waste like 5 seconds.. THE HORROR!!!!
Take it to the mods then, as long as its allowed on the forum, we'll post whatever we want wether you like it or not. The only pathetic person here is you complaining that you got a notification that didnt end up living up to your fantasies. Ooohhh it made you waste like 5 seconds.. THE HORROR!!!!
Yes! Many of us enjoy fakes and cum tributes. To those who do not, skip!
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