Jaden smith

^^^Yeah, it's a great pic!^^^

Hard to pick a favorite, when stuff like this is out there:
JS 001.png

A recent favorite is this one:
JS 002.jpg

Just the look of glee on his face! The look of total bliss!


But he looks great in a lot of pics, no doubt.

JS 002.png
JS 005.png
JS 006.png
JS 007.png
JS 011.png
JS 012.png
JS 013.png
JS 014.png
JS 015.png
JS 016.png
JS 017.jpg
JS 018.jpg
JS 019.jpg
JS 020.png
JS 022.png
JS 024.jpg
Jaden S.jpg
Jaden S.png
Jaden Sm.png
Jaden Smi.png
Jaden Sp.jpg
I think so too. there is no head ... it is a pity that it is wrong

Oh, god, I so agree. It is like this hard and fast rule with him:

"There is no head."

I've shown him, "look, it's just like this:"


But I make my case, "Jaden, it is a pity. It is wrong."

But he won't listen.


And I plead with him until he just says, "Fuck it," and walks away...



I accept his decision.

And remain grateful,

that at least,

we can still fuck!


...such a screamer!