Jaden smith

What kinda church is that?

Here ya go:
The likes of Bieber, the Kardashians, and every young aspiring actors and Hollywood attend. I would describe it going to a club on Wednesday at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel but a very festive church atmosphere. Exchanging phone numbers, approaching celebs for pics, or networking for jobs are HIGHLY frowned upon and will cause someone who abuses attending services for the wrong reasons are banned.
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Omg! Hair is his falling out!? And his skin looks see-through! Ironic that with all his money he is looking like a starving Ethiopian :(

Lmaooo Ethiopians aren’t starved thank you very much. Believe it or not but Ethiopia is doing pretty good. :/
I’m glad he’s starting to look healthier and that he ditched that awful bubblegum pink hair. I hope he also gets rid of that weird rose-gold grill that makes it look like he has rotted teeth.