Jake Vella - Big Brother Australia 2023

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Big Brother AU UNCUT - First episode of season 15.
Big Brother AU S15E05 UNCUT v2.mp4

The best I can tell from the very few frames of very limp meat...
The guy I'm least attracted to (Louie?) is packing the most heat. Zack looks girthy when he adjusts his towel. Lets just hope Jake's a grower.

I wish they'd produce an uncut version in the US. Even the live feeds have been trash these last few seasons.
Is the show only on once per week?
Do you mean the UNCUT version??
If so yes at the moment we think it will be on every Thursday BUT saying that there is no proper TV guide for the Streaming channel it is on so here in Australia we are all just waiting to see Thursday night if it will appear or not?

Saying that im sure either tonight or on tomorrows episodes if they do plan to show another UNCUT episode on Thursday they will advertise it for sure within the daily episode.