It's a deluded opinion and one that speaks volumes about or "community" and it's hyper sexual nature. Jake like many gay men spent his "youth" yes he's still young but I'm more on about his late teens early 20s hiding who he is from the world he was as he said also suffering from internal hate of who he was as a young gay man. So like myself and other young men didn't get the chance to experiment and have fun in his late teens like our heterosexual counterparts. I will say I never got into the hookup scene or the apps that world never appealed to me I found it seedy and frankly damaging. Anyway as Jake is now being he's authentic self and free he's enjoying the response and adulation off other gay men. Where Jake has got It right and frankly is refreshing to see is he hasn't got a twitter where he gets his hole out for likes, he isn't doing OF and sleeping with a plethora of "content creators" , he isn't on the apps having countless hook ups risky unsafe sex for validation. What he has done is found a relationship where he feels comfortable, do I find the age gap odd yes. But for me he's leading a far healthier lifestyle than most gay men.