The easiest way of doing this I'd think is to have the downloaded files in a folder in finder - compress the folder into a zip file in finder (right click - compress) - go to google drive - go to "new" on the top left - then "file upload" (or folder upload if you're doing this with a finder folder instead of a zip file) - once that's done uploading (it takes a hot minute so sit tight, leave your computer awake and charged, and just wait [p.s. I tried doing this with a single photo and a video in a zip and it took like 10 minutes so it's gonna be a while for you]) - when that finishes, click the "type" filter option and find "archives" to easily find the file you just uploaded - right click the file and go to "file information" then "details" - click "manage access", and change the file from "restricted" to "anyone with link" - copy the link by clicking the option right under the "anyone with link" - and there you go, now you can send a link for downloadable photos and videos. (There might be an easier way, but this has been fine for me in the past for other shit so if it's not broke don't fix it.) If you need help just ask but I can't promise a quick response.