I legit thought the college student, Dai, was older
. His body's not that bad. Usak always looks hot, no argument there. Alan, the IT guy's a
hafu (Japanese & Brazilian), I thought it's only the hair that didn't do him justice.
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I doubt that Shun had any surgery (not that I care if he had any) & based on his own words he just started to live his life by himself 5 years ago, after leaving orphanage, but what do I know
. Imo he could pass for an actor. Taeheon in the middle is ironically the Korean one. As for the chef, Kazuto, I think he looks like a JGV actor (and this is a compliment).
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I personally can't care less if people have done any surgery to their face/body. I'd still have my personal opinions on the end-result, sure, LOL, but it's their body, their money & their time
. People are born with different features, yet people have different idea of what looks good & what not. Not much different than when people change their hairstyle, put on makeup, getting braces to fix their crooked teeth, done eyebrow tattoos, work out to be muscular, etc. All to look "good" in their own book. So it's not for me to say that "oh, one is more superior than the other because they are
natural". It's not like I'm trying to create good looking babies with these people anyway, LOL.