Really? Isn't escort like 10x more min wage per hours? I've seen rent men and even the basic escort still make hundred dollar per hours
The minimum wage in Tokyo is barely above 1100 yen/h, so I would say that the 100,000 yen for one scene is around 50x min wage per hour.
(I don't really know how long it takes for recording an extreme interview scene, but I'm giving two hours considering shower before and after and other preparations?)
As for the comparison with escorts, I got two of the first websites that Japanese internet provided me for gay prostitution in Tokyo. Of course there are high end prostitution parlors that will be more expensive and you will pay a lot more if you want to have sex with let's say Asuka, but it's still a parameter.
料金システム|売り専 ウリセン|新宿エンブレイス
料金表 - 売り専 ウリセン │ 売り専ヒーローズ東京
Embrace is taking 15,000 yen/h if you use their room and Heros is taking 13,000 yen/h.
There are longer courses, but of course the longer it gets (usually) the cheaper will be the hour value.
Actually, both have similar prices (70,000 and 72,000) for a 24 hours (!) plan, still way below those 100,000 yen of Extreme Interview.
And of course all of these are the prices the customer pays, meaning the actual escort will get even less money.
Both parlors have recruitment pages with info about wages:
アルバイト募集|売り専 ウリセン|新宿エンブレイス
ボーイ募集・求人募集 - 売り専 ウリセン │ 売り専ヒーローズ東京
Embrace lists the payment for 1 hour course as 7,500yen, with 2 hours being only 11,500yen.
Heros is announcing 7,000yen the 1 hour course and 11,000yen the 2 hours one.
Embrace's Q&A actually talks about how much you can make in a month, and states that although there are people who make 1,000,000 yen/month, that's VERY hard.
They say that on the regular pay hour if you work all day and get a sleep-in by the end of the day realistically you would be able to make 80,000 - 100,000 yen/day, but doing that every single day would kill you. (It's actually written "you would die! Lol")
And even that day payment is still below the value we see at Extreme Interview.
They also have examples of monthly wages of current escorts, and they all range 200,000 - 500,000 yen/month, equivalent to just a handful of scenes.
Needless to say, these are
recruitment pages, so they are gonna try to show high values to convince people to work for them, not the opposite.
Going back to the beginning, as seen above the pay hour of porn is definitely
a lot higher than prostitution.
The problem is that while you can get escorting shifts every day if you want and have the looks, you would need to be a very successful model to even consider filming one scene a week. And even if you manage to do so, it's very unlikely those will all be 100,000 yen scenes, quite the opposite.
So if you just need to cash in a lot of money at once porn might be great, but if you need a steady income, escorting will definitely be more reliable (and while you do that you might even get scouted to do porn and cash in some extra bucks now and then).