Japanese video: hunk ch and mrrushtv

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It seems like it’s part of the extreme interview series. i saw the same green paper used during the interviews.
It seems like it’s part of the extreme interview series. i saw the same green paper used during the interviews.
Except that there almost wasn't any conversation or the part where they do the bargain in there. Could it be that it was supposed to be, but they just edited them out & make it as a stand-alone video?

Master card can be used on Japanese web site now?
I immediately tried to do a purchase, but it didn't seem like it worked yet? Hmm, hopefully they'll fix it.
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Uemoto Mahiro's (上本真宙) MOTONARI:


This entry sadly wasn't as good as Masaya's or Dopyu's, because those two truly acted as if they got drugged with a very potent aphrodisiac. Mahiro here instead acted like they gave him sleeping pills, LOL. I think if they had made this a part of "Dead Drunk Obscenity" series, it would've been more fitting. With that being said, I'm still rooting for Mahiro to get more recognition tho.







03/05/2024 Today's notable releases at HUNK-Ch..

The official release of the rest of "Dead Drunk Obscenity 14". Last week they already had released the one with Koichiro (光一郎) in advance.

Now we have Itto (一斗), Rinto (凜人) & Ritsuto (律斗).
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Y'all just wait for the ninjas, nowadays they tend to be quick if it's Itto-related.. Hopefully :joy:.

All star lineup! Cum on leaks! The DSW series in the past had a lot of creampies. Are there any in this series?
All star lineup! Cum on leaks! The DSW series in the past had a lot of creampies. Are there any in this series?
There doesn't seem to be any this time around. Also I think for Itto they would love him for sure to parttake in every available series possible :joy: perhaps they're saving it for the next "Male Hole Creampie".