Does anyone know the code for the G@MES scene at @ 57:13? Looking for it in better quality. Did this model also do more scenes?
Asian muscle guys 3 -
Asian muscle guys 3 -
This position is so fucking hot. We need more videos likes this
Hope someone will share
Not Magikarp hopefully he steps up his game and becomes GyradosEither he was contractually bound to one studio or he was paid handsomely & enough, LOL. Super Muscular Guy (S級筋肉男子) was the main face for Nishiazabu, just like how Kagami Akihiro (加々美明宏) was for KO (lately not so much), Asuka (阿須加) is for COAT, or just recently Itto (一斗) is for HUNK-Ch.
.. And? Doesn't excuse him tho, LOL. If anything, good porn actors would've known how to wrap up a performance. The whole thing was still mediocre, the partner did all the work, while Daigo still looked like he was there solely to just do all the checklist. If we're following his record, he's been like this for years. When he was still working for studios, he was somewhat better (still like a Magikarp tho). Nowadays he has a better body, but even worse acting.
Does anyone know where can i get/watch this video?
please post/share if you do find the video!I'm kinda bored with the lates models, so I dig on the quite vintage collection.
There's this video that's so HOT. It's a guy with the manly salary man, getting groped in the bus. It's so hot. If anyone happen to watch the video, it would be amazing.
MEGA HUNK CHANNEL ゲイ動画配信サイト - 【メンズキャンプ 16:9】イケメン痴漢バス PART4
the guy is 【メンズキャンプREMASTER@13】
i posted the long preview of Hormone 22, check my profile-attachmentsGuys, there is a fundraising project to help the admin earn money to buy Hormone magazine #20, #21, #22.
Very simple. everyday u guys just enter these link, watch few ads, then done. It only take 10s to be done so if anyone just passes by, please kindly help.
P/s: There won't have any viruses in these links so don't worry.
Thank you!!!!
Hormone issue #20
Hormone issue #21
Hormone issue #22
Please let us know if you find it!Does anyone know where can i get/watch this video?
Code: YI1005978