Jarec Wentworth

From the little snippets I have read of his comments post prison, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up back there.
Doesn't give the impression he has learnt much and thought about why he ended up in there.
Love his work but dumb as a box of nails and I get the impression he's pretty reckless.
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From the little snippets I have read of his comments post prison, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up back there.
Doesn't give the impression he has learnt much and thought about why he ended up in there.
Love his work but dumb as a box of nails and I get the impression he's pretty reckless.
What snippets? Cause all I see him talking about on his twitter is he doesn’t care about carona he just wants to have sex and get paid......
What snippets? Cause all I see him talking about on his twitter is he doesn’t care about carona he just wants to have sex and get paid......
Well, that tells you something there!
Sorry but I can never get past what he did, he pimped out his own little brother blackmailed extorted and brought a gun to the pay-off pick up, YES the victim was a rich POS self loathing right wing hypocrite working against us, BUT that doesn't mitigate what he did NOR I suspect did it factor in in his decision making. It could have been ANYONE. Sorry, to me this guy epitomizes the worst of the mercenary G4P user. *and I also think he looks like an out of shape middle eastern sheep herder now, but that's beside the point :)