Jay Fisher - Jay Fishr

I love the fact that even compared to all his hectic Xs Jay is still the ultimate aging mess.
His ex that most people know - Sam - is now married and just renovated the apartment they own together. Really seems to have dodged a bullet.
He looks incredible after facetune but I’ve heard so many people on the Sydney scene refer to him as Lurch (from The Adams Family) behind his back
And calling him ‘Lurch’ is being kind………


Nathan was the first to fall out with him and has not followed/been friends with Jay for years. Luke and Sam are still close, but Luke cut ties with Jay when he moved to Melbourne and has not reactivated the friendship now that he’s back in Sydney. Scott hung around the longest but once he broke up with Showy, that was the end of any association with Jay. When Stev and Kurt broke up, Jays IG gave off vibes that he was trying to land Kurt, but then Kurt ended up with the bin fire otherwise known as Hugh Sheridan and Jay was prominent in whatever clout anyone might get from Hugh Sheridan! When Jay moved out of the apartment he shared with Sam, Dion & Craig Chrystie, Dion & Craig moved on from Jay. The common factor with all these cut ties is Jay.
Hugh Sheridan ....... "bin fire " LOL LOL