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Folks, Im sorry.
I cant upload the video (MARRIAGE MATERIAL) or attach it as it is too big to do that.
There are probably other options, but I use a free downloadable software called Handbreak to resize videos to meet LPSG's size limitations. Usually, reprocessing to a resolution of 576 does the trick.
STOCKHOLM w Jayden and Adam Ramzi
I do like DISRUPTIVE with their porn with a storyline. Am I in the minority? Do you folks enjoy a story to get you immersed and involved in the sex, or do you just want to sex?
Runs 50:39
View attachment 138904251
Storyline isn't necessary. Often don't care enough, the acting is bad, script is bad etc.

Since I believe porn should be fantasy, as it's intended. It's much hotter to craft whatever "story" or narrative you want in your own head.
STOCKHOLM w Jayden and Adam Ramzi
I do like DISRUPTIVE with their porn with a storyline. Am I in the minority? Do you folks enjoy a story to get you immersed and involved in the sex, or do you just want to sex?
Runs 50:39
View attachment 138904251
disruptive is the type of tasteful nudity i’m looking for. an actual plot line, music appropriately playing, and both actors look incredibly into each other.
STOCKHOLM w Jayden and Adam Ramzi
I do like DISRUPTIVE with their porn with a storyline. Am I in the minority? Do you folks enjoy a story to get you immersed and involved in the sex, or do you just want to sex?
Runs 50:39
View attachment 138904251
I like porn with plot, and I especially like it when it creates full-length flicks. I hate when they try too hard, though (example: most step-porn).
STOCKHOLM w Jayden and Adam Ramzi
I do like DISRUPTIVE with their porn with a storyline. Am I in the minority? Do you folks enjoy a story to get you immersed and involved in the sex, or do you just want to sex?
Runs 50:39
View attachment 138904251
I love his pussy in this vid