Photos & Videos Jelle & Amir Onlyfans

I'm assuming they're done. They had removed their most recent post. Haven't logged into OF since 9/13, and deleted their Twitter / X profile. Kinda bummed.
I susbscribed to their OF for only one month and they gave me nothing. I think they made a lot of money from hopeful expectation, but I dont think they ever delivered.
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Glad this forum exists, hahaha. Their Onlyfans seems to be back up but good to know it's not good content (or at least not the type I'm willing to part money over).
Uit nieuwsgierigheid heb ik me toch maar eens aangemeld bij Onlyfans en geabonneerd op hun account, dat staat nog open.
Eigenijk wel erg dat ze daarvoor geld hebben durven vragen. Je merkt overigens ook dat Jelle meer voorstander was dan Amir. Van Amir was amper iets te zien, Jelle toonde dan nog wel wat.