

Expert Member
Aug 25, 2016
Alpha (Illinois, United States)
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Hey guys been wanting to "seriously" jelq and PE for years. Since becoming more active on this site ive now wanted to get as big as possible. I know jelqing gains can take years, but im in it for as "loooong" as possible.
Anyway ive gone to so many different sites that ive gotten lost and confused and i thought id ask some guys who have/are doing it.
What are good beginner routines. Or how many reps should i start at, and how much do i increase over how many days. I know about taking it easy so that i dont damage any bits, but what kind of lub works best (and whats the best way to clean it off).
start with 5 min a day, medium pressure with erection level between 40 and 70 percent.

In the beginning the hardest thing will probably be maintaining this partial erection state, you may have a tendency to get fully erect or go flaccid. After some experience this will be easier.

If 5 min works out good, you can move up to 7 then to 10, etc.

Work up to a max of 30 min a day over a period of several weeks.

Add some stretches into your routine for length.

Don't forget heat to warm up with.
I havent started pe yet. Mostly cause other stuff is going on. But on the other hand ive been wanting to start my enlargement off righ. For this past week ive been kegaling, wanting to get good measurements.
Ive just posted my size at the beginning when my penis starting to be more active at this early step. Im gonna keep track but im not thinking of getting bigger. I want to get my penis active and healthy before going forward.
And in that line im gonna start regular exercise routine and get as much blood pumping through me as i can. After looking up ways to maintain my erection. Who knows, im so close to the big 8 that i might hit that just through working on stronger erections.
If no body minds im gonna keep this post as a "workout journal". Wish me luck and ill do the same for your endeavors.