Photos & Videos Jeremy Turner (@jeremyturnerfitness)


Admired Member
May 19, 2024
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Hello, I am actually surprised I didn’t find any threads dedicated to this hot DILF I’ve been following for quite some time now on Instagram. If you guys have anything to add up to this Daddy, feel free to add them below. Anything would be appreciated.

Instagram: @jeremyturnerfitness


Omg. Finally found someone here who likes Jeremy ! He is so hot ! But I don’t think he has any interest to open an OF account
Yeah, I think so too but he loves to show off his feet a lot
He's ridiculously hot. Don't buy a subscription to his channel though. I thought he was hiding the good stuff behind a paywall because he posts so much thirst on main. Nope. Its a bunch of recipes for protein shakes and shit. He also does not like being flirted with or sexualized. Just enjoy his channel as it is because you're not getting more than that.
He's ridiculously hot. Don't buy a subscription to his channel though. I thought he was hiding the good stuff behind a paywall because he posts so much thirst on main. Nope. Its a bunch of recipes for protein shakes and shit. He also does not like being flirted with or sexualized. Just enjoy his channel as it is because you're not getting more than that.
Ok so does anyone have some Tea? My thesis is this. He’s married to a woman and most likely has kids. I looked up Turner in his following to see other family members he may have and nothing came up. Anyways. He shows off his feet literally every 5 seconds but doesn’t follow any suspecting gay guys or ‘straight guys’ that are obviously not straight but can’t be proven otherwise. Anybody have anything?
Ok so does anyone have some Tea? My thesis is this. He’s married to a woman and most likely has kids. I looked up Turner in his following to see other family members he may have and nothing came up. Anyways. He shows off his feet literally every 5 seconds but doesn’t follow any suspecting gay guys or ‘straight guys’ that are obviously not straight but can’t be proven otherwise. Anybody have anything?
This is what I mean. What straight man is doing this knowing they have gay followers???


Ok so does anyone have some Tea? My thesis is this. He’s married to a woman and most likely has kids. I looked up Turner in his following to see other family members he may have and nothing came up. Anyways. He shows off his feet literally every 5 seconds but doesn’t follow any suspecting gay guys or ‘straight guys’ that are obviously not straight but can’t be proven otherwise. Anybody have anything?
Welp, I didn’t know he’s married, he rarely post family-related stuff, do you think they’re still together or divorced? His posts are basically for the gays, with so much feet content.
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Welp, I didn’t know he’s married, he rarely post family-related stuff, do you think they’re still together or divorced? His posts are basically for the gays, with so much feet content.
Couldn’t agree more just like the other Instagram fitness coach , they are anti-homosexual, but still know all the money come from gay they keep posting all these sexy/ fetish stuff
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