Jesse was just 20 when that poster photo was taken, I was managing a CD store back then and had been out for quite awhile. So I found out who the photographer was, sent him an e-mail and got a reply. We swapped messages and I asked him if he'd be willing to sell me some of his Jesse shots.
He wasn't keen on printing them up, and was always afraid that I'd try to duplicate and/or profit off them, which I had to reassure him that I would not. He sold me a CD-R with about 25 pics, some of which had already leaked to the internet and I gave him $100 for it. Sadly, none of the pics are larger than 600 x 450 pixels, but remember, this is very early days for digital photography. When I asked if they were available larger he told me those were the original size of the pics. Still unsure about that.
Fast forward to 2023 and AI can do wonderful things, like enlarge these pics and make them pretty clear. This is one I'm sure you've seen before. His open jeans and no underwear, my god, the hundreds of times I've popped over this pic.
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