Jimmy Fallon

letterman > kimmel > ferguson > fallon > leno
Kimmel is the worst, he sucks. Letterman is good, maybe the best host overall but not my favorite. Ferguson is awesome. Fallon is charming and very likable. Leno is extremely boring but okay and likable as a host, I suppose. And Conan is okay. He seems a bit fake to me but he's an okay host.

(but Ferguson beats them all size-wise :corkysm21:)
didn't like him on SNL days, but i warmed up to him now. he's actually very likeable. glad he stayed and in his elements now. my fav. will always be letterman, leno sucked.

letterman > kimmel > ferguson > fallon > leno

what happened to Arsenio ?
I think Mr. Fallon may have some MEAT! The front of his Tom Fords suits are always front and center even though it was a dark suit tonight there was a lump. Regardless he is pretty f%$#*ng funny! Always moving his hand in his pockets! And like Regis said very impressive! Jimmy Fallon. T he show is a welcome change. Blowing all kinds of ratings!
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Jim Morrison may be the sexiest man ever! One of the photos on the Morrison Hotel album shows him going commando. Huge bulge! He was just so natural. Jimmy was pretty good!
MEAT, anaconda, pant snake, blah blah blah.

I'm sorry, but the guy is for absolute SHIT as a host. I don't even watch late night tv unless I stumble upon it at the right time, and he is the worst piece of crap host out of a smorgasbord of dreck. I wish I gave a damn about the Leno vs conan situation so I could say Conan was better, but Jimmy Fallon is so awful I almost threw up a very little bit when I watched. To remain relevant to the topic, I watched because I used to think he was cute. He's not. Not anymore. I'm embarrassed for his mother that show and his part in it were so bad.
MEAT, anaconda, pant snake, blah blah blah.

I'm sorry, but the guy is for absolute SHIT as a host. I don't even watch late night tv unless I stumble upon it at the right time, and he is the worst piece of crap host out of a smorgasbord of dreck. I wish I gave a damn about the Leno vs conan situation so I could say Conan was better, but Jimmy Fallon is so awful I almost threw up a very little bit when I watched. To remain relevant to the topic, I watched because I used to think he was cute. He's not. Not anymore. I'm embarrassed for his mother that show and his part in it were so bad.

Well, in Family Guy Peter punched him in the face for looking into the camera all the time, so yeah... But I like the guy, he's not that funny but he's enjoyable and when he is funny it's lol to the max (Plus he sings which is always cool). I like him better than Leno and hopefully he can pick up on letterman and get away from Leno who always just reads the cards. IF You want an awesome late night host switch from NBC and got to CBS. Craig Ferguson is the epitome of funny late night host and as a straight man I find him to be my man crush.

This post made my day... i thought i was the only guy laughing at that!