That dude 'rockin' the BLACK strap is SOOOOO 'EFFFFIN HOOOOT'!!! I'm STR8 UP and LEAKIN BIIIIG TIME just typing this post!
I am sure the dude in PIC#1 is getting ready to have a 'MAJOR WET DREAM!!! UUUUUUM
It is 'RIPE'!!! I can smell it ALL THE WAY to CHICAGO!!!
Hey 'PJ'! Your 'scrotum' looks SOOOO 'EFFFFIN' FUUUUUL!!!! UUUUMM
Hey 'PJ'! Your 'scrotum' is SOOOOOO 'efffiiin' HOOOOOOOOOT!!! Your PIX keep me 'LEAKIN' like a FAUCET!!!!
I bet the dude in PIC#2 is getting ready to have a 'major wet dream'!!!!! UUUUMM