Hey 'PJ'! PPPPPLLLLLEEEZEE keep those 'EFFFFIIIIN HOT' pix of your BIIIIIIG FUUUUL 'SCROTUM' coming so I can keep 'CUMMIN'!!!
I shall !!!! Thanks !Hey 'PJ'! PPPPPLLLLLEEEZEE keep those 'EFFFFIIIIN HOT' pix of your BIIIIIIG FUUUUL 'SCROTUM' coming so I can keep 'CUMMIN'!!!
PJ is it shadow or your jock is wet around your glans ?
Hey 'PJ'! You really know how to make me 'EXPLODE' and fill the POUCH of my 'STRAP' BBBIIIIIGGGG TIME! All it takes is a PIC like this one!!!! UUUMMM. Thanks so much!!!
That's a shadow .PJ is it shadow or your jock is wet around your glans ?
Hey 'PJ'! That is a 'WAX' strap you are 'rockin' BUT there is nothing 'wax' about your BIIIIIIG 'SCROTUM'!!!!! UUUUUMWell, I WAS wearing them........ View attachment 783742
DDDDDAYUUUM! This dude is trying to get the 'SWEET SPOT' off his 'BROWN STARFISH'!!! UMMMM
DDDDAYUUUM! The 'pouch' of my 'STRAP' is 'slimey' coz I just 'SPERMED' all over!!! UUUUMMM
Hey 'PJ'! Pull the POUCH of your 'STRAP' way down so we can see your BIIIIIIG FUUUUUUL SCROTUM!!! UUUUM