Jockstraps to the gym


Sexy Member
Jun 24, 2023
New York, NY, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Anyone else wear jockstraps to the gym exclusively? And with that, get horny after their workouts being all sweaty in their jock? I always wear a jock to my workouts and try to get as sweaty as possible so I’m always horny afterwards stripping off my clothes and wearing my sweaty jock around.
Well I can't speak to getting sweaty and horny, but when I grew up males wore a jockstrap for ANY physical activity more strenuous than walking. PE class, working out, playing sports, even swimming (for those not in the know, there are special swimmer jockstraps which have just a 1" waistband).

So, of course,guys were seen in the locker room changing into and out of jockstraps and sometimes strolling through the locker room in a jockstrap.
I wear Papi Jocks as underwear exclusively, always get a second glance at the gym from the younger guys(I’m 52). My trainer is always pushing my limits, so I’m always drenched when I get back to the lockers and too tired to care about
who’s around when I strip down…
Always wear a jock to workout, and about 90% of the time otherwise (I own a lot!). Leave them out when I head to the showers. Had a couple swiped over the years which is kinda hot (and a bit frustrating too). Usually train in the Nike or Bike jockstraps as they support well without crushing. Wear compression shorts or leggings (virus, gymshark, addidas etc) as I predominantly weigh lift so there’s a nice visible jock like around my ass and it rides up a bit too for anyone that’s looking
Anyone else wear jockstraps to the gym exclusively? And with that, get horny after their workouts being all sweaty in their jock? I always wear a jock to my workouts and try to get as sweaty as possible so I’m always horny afterwards stripping off my clothes and wearing my sweaty jock around.
What type of jocks do you wear?
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I wear Papi Jocks as underwear exclusively, always get a second glance at the gym from the younger guys(I’m 52). My trainer is always pushing my limits, so I’m always drenched when I get back to the lockers and too tired to care about
who’s around when I strip down…
I bet a few stare. I would... Bet you look hot in you jocks
I always wear a jockstrap to the gym and usually wear only a jockstrap, or nothing at all when working out at home. It’s a shame that the jock strap has lost popularity in the US in recent decades. It’s truly a man’s garment, simple, utilitarian and sexy. My favorite is the swimmers jock because of the thin waistband and looser mesh pouch.
I always wear a jockstrap to the gym
Similar to you but I change into a jockstrap in the gym.
I have been seeing some signs of a jockstrap resurrgence among younger guys on sports teams. Some sports seem to embrace jockstraps almost 100%.
Similar to you but I change into a jockstrap in the gym.
I have been seeing some signs of a jockstrap resurrgence among younger guys on sports teams. Some sports seem to embrace jockstraps almost 100%.
I also change into a jock at the gym when I put on my workout clothes. At my old gym I used to pull it off and go into the sauna naked then shower and change back into my street clothes.
I always wear a jockstrap to the gym and usually wear only a jockstrap, or nothing at all when working out at home. It’s a shame that the jock strap has lost popularity in the US in recent decades. It’s truly a man’s garment, simple, utilitarian and sexy. My favorite is the swimmers jock because of the thin waistband and looser mesh pouch.

I definitely prefer the swimmer's jock with a 1" waistband.
I wear them to the gym but I am in my 40s and when I was a teen we had to wear them for High School P.E. classes. I definately get some looks from the younger guys in their 20s at the gym. Recently noticed one of them (who often checked me out) recently showed up in a jock so maybe I am starting a new trend. haha
I wear them to the gym but I am in my 40s and when I was a teen we had to wear them for High School P.E. classes. I definitely get some looks from the younger guys in their 20s at the gym. Recently noticed one of them (who often checked me out) recently showed up in a jock so maybe I am starting a new trend. haha

That would be great if you got the younger guys wearing jockstraps. It's the perfect exercise underwear for the male anatomy. That's good that your high school required jockstraps, they must have been one of the last schools to hang on to that tradition.
That would be great if you got the younger guys wearing jockstraps. It's the perfect exercise underwear for the male anatomy. That's good that your high school required jockstraps, they must have been one of the last schools to hang on to that tradition.
Not sure when the jockstraps went away at my H.S. I graduated in '91 and the football coach/ head of the PE department was a new teacher right out of college in 1960 when my mom graduated. The jockstrap requirement probably ended when he retired in the mid 90s, because none of my friends who went to other high schools in area had to wear them.

I have heard that some high schools don't even have P.E. anymore. IMO they should bring back mandatory P.E. jockstraps, gang showers in the locker room, and nude swimming at the YMCA.

Guys today don't know what they are missing!
Not sure when the jockstraps went away at my H.S. I graduated in '91 and the football coach/ head of the PE department was a new teacher right out of college in 1960 when my mom graduated. The jockstrap requirement probably ended when he retired in the mid 90s, because none of my friends who went to other high schools in area had to wear them.

I have heard that some high schools don't even have P.E. anymore. IMO they should bring back mandatory P.E. jockstraps, gang showers in the locker room, and nude swimming at the YMCA.

Guys today don't know what they are missing!
Agree 100%!
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We were required to start wearing jocks in PE class when I was starting Jr. High. (Before middle schools came along) and I remember having to go to the store with my mother to pick one out. That part was embarrassing but wearing one was cool. And seeing all my classmates wearing theirs, and not wearing theirs as well, if you know what I mean.
We were required to start wearing jocks in PE class when I was starting Jr. High. (Before middle schools came along) and I remember having to go to the store with my mother to pick one out. That part was embarrassing but wearing one was cool. And seeing all my classmates wearing theirs, and not wearing theirs as well, if you know what I mean.
Yeah we had to wear them for P.E. in Junior High as well. I graduated high school in '91 so this would have been mid to late 80s. Not sure when they invented middle schools.