Joe d martinez

i remember one of my filipino gay friend in LA sending me a video of him in a bed, telling me their having sex and all that.. so am still confused why he acts like a straight guy in his social media.. tho am not judging he cud b gay, bi or watevr its his life is his own choices... i still adore his hotness lol
i remember one of my filipino gay friend in LA sending me a video of him in a bed, telling me their having sex and all that.. so am still confused why he acts like a straight guy in his social media.. tho am not judging he cud b gay, bi or watevr its his life is his own choices... i still adore his hotness lol
Post video :)
it was those few secs vid that dissapears lol hahaha plus u cn always see him hanging around with diferents gay guys in cali lol