Joe Glue

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Very sexy body BUT am I weird for thinking he probably smells like funk/sweat lol? And not in a good way; I get it that some are into that but he just always looks wet lol. Like that guy at the gym re-wears the same clothes without ever washing it kinda smell.
It's his hair. Honestly, it works for me, but I can see where you're coming from.
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He does have that is he a hipster or a homeless live at the city park kinda vibe. I think the smell is like that wet dog but he friendly smell so you don’t wanna pet it but it’s cute!
I was thinking of that smell too but was like “nah, maybe I’m being the most” haha.
I won’t lie I was surprised to hear his voice. It didn’t quite match up to what I was thinking he would sound like.
Does he actually show anything in this archived post or no? I'm willing to buy but 50 is a lot and i don't want to get scammed. Any feedback is appreciated
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