Joe Locke

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Can't wait for season two. I just hope they improve the character of Tao. In season one, I sincerely disliked him. He was one of the whiniest, rudest, and most entitled character in show. I actually found him more unlikable than the Year 11 bullies. At least the bullies never pretended to be anyone's friend. Tao, in my opinion, was a wolf in sheep's clothing who presented himself as a good friend, but was actually a toxic douche. He couldn't stand his friends being happy or having fun if he wasn't included. He was constantly bringing the mood down and being a jerk to Nick, even though Nick was always nice to him. If they don't redeem this character, then they really need to write him off. Send him to a boarding school or kill him in a house fire. I really don't care, just stop giving him so much screentime.
disagree - i like Tao and i like how it dramatises the struggle to integrate a new partner into a friend group at the intersection of childhood friendships and adolescent relationships. and he's kind of the prototypical "best mate" character, but he also has his own journey. the shit he gives is mainly banter anyway. he's just triggered about feeling like he's losing his friendship with charlie to nick, and elle changing schools right when he's having feelings for her, like everything's changing and it's scary. i don't think him struggling makes him a bad friend or toxic. he's the token nerdy straight friend, and i think it says a lot that we learn that before the story starts he's been there for charlie when he was being bullied, and presumably for elle when she was coming out and transitioning. also, will is cute.

in conclusion, i will fite you.

joe's ears looking magnificent in brazil.
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